Searching in a collection of documents is done using
indexes of these
documents. The simplest
approach is that the single index stores information for every single docu-
ment, then search query can be run over this index. Apparently, this basic approach is not scalable, as the index grows linearly
proportional to the number of documents.
Distributing the documents
across separate nodes allows conducting search in paral- lel. In this distributed approach, there is a broker node that sends
search queries to these nodes with the documents and the corresponding indexes,
and then gather the results from them. Broker sends the query to all nodes without
making any selection. Therefore, all documents are still be processed by the query. This approach is called as exhaustive search on a
distributed architecture.
Allocating the documents
in different nodes can be done in various ways. For
exam- ple, documents can be grouped by their topical similarity,
therefore we can say that related documents will be all together. It is also possible to allocate them according to their
source information, i.e. URL
information for web based search. If we distribute the
documents to the nodes using such representative information, i.e., store topical clusters at each node; then at
the broker node, we can estimate which clusters may yield better results for the
query (called as the resource selection stage [1]). To do that, broker stores information
about all the clusters, which is called as centralized sample index, CSI. This technique, called as selective
search [1], does not process
all the documents, however it still can be as effective as the
exhaustive search.
In search concept, main purpose is to satisfy the user’s
expectation, which naturally involves a diversity among different needs. To achieve this, different aspects of the
query should be taken into consideration before returning results. However, queries aren’t always clear
enough. Because of the ambiguity of
the queries, it is difficult to understand user’s actual intention. Search engines use the similarities between
the documents and the query for retrieval.
However, this approach may lead to result
lists that include only similar documents. Therefore, there should be an additional proce- dure to diversify the results to cover different possible
user intentions. On the other hand, there
is a trade-off between diversity and relevance: covering
more aspects than the user’s need can cause including
irrelevant documents.
For example, if we consider the web search engines, many users type only couple of words to find the information they are
looking for. A user who wants to find
something about fruit apple, may forget to add word ‘fruit’ to query, because
of that, most probably the
user will be misled to ‘Apple the Company’. The
lack of more explanatory words like ‘fruit’, make it difficult to match user
expectations. For this kind of ambiguous queries,
search engines are expected to generate a result set which
includes different aspects of the same query. Despite the fact that they should consider
query ambiguities, the trade-off between
diversity and relevance prevents them to add
documents randomly to the result set just because they improve the diversity of
the set [2].
For selective search,
there are several
layers where diversification can be applied. For example, at the broker node,
diversification can be applied just before the result set is being returned, or
each cluster may try to diversify their partial result set before sending them to broker. In all of these
cases; search result
diversification can be done
either in an explicit way, where search engines have an external knowledge
about queries; or implicitly (as will be discussed later). For both cases, the main purpose
is to maximize the coverage to solve ambiguity
issues and minimize
redundancy, while keeping
relevance still high.
Contribution of Thesis
In this thesis,
we contribute the literature in several ways,
listed as follows.
• We propose
alternative ways of creating a centralized sample
index (CSI) based on various document properties and
evaluate their impact on the resource se- lection and subsequently, overall
diversification effectiveness.
• We expand queries
using word embeddings and apply diversification to obtain diverse
expansion terms, as in [3]. As a novel contribution, we process such
expanded queries on the CSI, i.e., during
the resource selection
stage, to obtain more diverse resources.
• For selective
search, we explore the performance of search result diversifica- tion at
different layers (i.e., at the broker vs. in
the clusters) and at different stages, namely, before resource selection and
before/after result merging. To the
best of our knowledge, while diversification performance is investigated over a
distributed setting for exhaustive search (i.e., with random assignment of
documents to nodes), our work is the first to make such a detailed analysis in the context of selective search and by employing representative strategies for both
implicit and explicit search result diversification.
Organization of Thesis
In Chapter 2,
we will review the studies
in the literature for the result diversification for selective search. This chapter
will give background information about algorithms and approaches we adapted
for our experiments; i.e., well-known implicit
and explicit diversification algorithms, resource selection, query
expansion and document
alloca- tion techniques used in our experiments.
In Chapter 3, we will explain the techniques
that are used to create different CSIs and also how we expand the queries using word
embeddings. In Chapter 4 we will present different approaches of diversification for selective search on which we build up our experiments. Then, respectively in Chap- ters 5
and 6, detailed information about experiments will
be presented. Finally, in Chapter 7, we will conclude our work with a summary and
possible future work.
In this chapter, firstly
we will present
selective search and its document
allocation and CSI generation steps that we also adapted
for our work. We will also explain
different studies for resource
selection phase of selective search. Then, we will present
various diversification approaches studied in the literature so far. Finally, we will discuss word embeddings
and its usage to extend queries.
Selective Search
Selective search is an approach
to search in very large scale environment. Partitioned documents are
splitted into clusters. In the center
of the selective search, there is a broker which technically manages the
process. It sends the query to the
clusters. In Figure 2.1, broker
is responsible to send the query to selected clusters, that are 1 and
3. However, to
decide which clusters to send, it first runs the query in centralized sampled index. After sending the query to selected
clusters, broker then collects and merges the results. This technique, which was previously known
as a cluster based retrieval [4] aims to reduce resource
usages while keeping
the accuracy of the results.
Kulkarni and Callan [1]’s
studies show that selective search approach can be used instead of exhaustive search,
since overall effectiveness of the resultant sets are not so
different. Main advantage and purpose of the selective
search is reducing
the overall time spent by the
search engine. In next sections, we
will respectively take a look at the studies in clustering the documents,
choosing a centralized index for them, and finally selection techniques over
these centralized sample indexes.
Run query
Resource Selection |
Select Blue |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Figure 2.1: Selective
search over partitioned clusters using CSI.
Document Allocation Policies
For selective search, each physical shards consist of
collection of documents. The main issue
here is to determine the relation between
documents in same shards. These allocations can be done using any kind of information of documents.
Currently, there are three different
types of document allocation policies studied, these are random selection,
source based selection and topic based selection [5]. Random based al- location choose documents
randomly. Source based is mainly
depends on the url addresses of web documents.
In this thesis, we applied topically partitioned shards
using Kullback-Liebler diver- gence method that is introduced by Xu and Croft [6]. As shown in Algorithm 1 and in
Figure 2.2; after documents in the collection are
sampled, these sampled documents are used to iteratively generate cluster
centroids that is used to assign documents.
Figure 2.2: Topically Document Allocation simulation.
![]() |
Algorithm 1 Topically Partitioning using K-means and Kullback-Leibler divergence
Input: Document
collection C, Number of Clusters K, Times of K-means N, Sam- pling Percentage P
Output: Topical clusters
1: SAMPLEDOCS ← RandomSampleDocs(C, K, P)
2: CT ← InitializeKMeans(SAMPLEDOCS, K)
3: CENTROIDS ← CalculateKLCentroids(RANDOMDOCS)
// Kullback-Liebler divergence
4: for N Times do
5: for Sampled Document d ∈ C do
6: for k ∈ {1, . . . , K} do
8: end for
9: Assign d to CTn where CTn is the closest cluster
10: end for
11: end for
return CT
Centralized Sample
Index (CSI)
After documents are allocated different clusters, each
one should be represented at broker in an index. In this index,
instead of including information from all documents;
it is possible to maintain selection quality at broker by including a subset of
them. Current experiments in literature shows that this subset, namely
centralized sample index can return effective results and represent the real
clusters good enough [1].
Aly et al. [7] introduce a randomly generated centralized
sample index approach. In this
approach, each cluster will be represented equally at broker, because each one
of clusters will send same percentage of documents that are randomly chosen. We adapted this approach to create CSI.
Resource Selection
Selective search is based on searching multiple
clusters at the same time. To
achieve that, subset of clusters are questioned by queries and selected
clusters’ results are merged into a single list [8].
Here the main issue is how to choose correct clusters. In the literature, resource selection is
mainly divided into two main categories, big document approach and small
document approach. Former one is the
first generation of resource selection techniques. In this technique, resources are treated as a bag of words,
which are concatenation of its documents or its sampled documents. Based on this, resource selection task is
reduced to a document retrieval task [9].
Another resource selection
model is the small document
model, which ranks the sam- ple
documents according to occurrences of documents in the result
set. In this thesis, we tried well known resource selection
algorithms that apply small document
model, these are Redde [10], ReddeTop [11], [12], CRCSLin,
CRCSExp [13] and GAVG
Redde resource selection method is proposed after
noticing that big document ap- proaches does not do well in environments that
contain small and large documents. Instead of using
meta documents, this approach uses the information about collection
size and result list.
Running query in sampled documents creates a ranked list and from this
list, a score for resource is calculated by only looking the total number of
documents from that resource in top documents.
This score is the score that shows relevancy of resource and query but
it is not the final score. For finalizing
score, as shown in Equation 2.1, Redde uses the ratio
of the size of resources sampled docu- ments to the
size of resource.
Score(Ci, q) = n ×
Ci is the cluster to score
• q is the query
• n is the number of documents in top results
from Ci
• Si is the set of sampled documents from Ci
• |Ci| is the size of Ci, i.e. number of documents in Ci
• |Si| is the size of Si, i.e. number of sampled documents
from Ci
In ReddeTop, which is proposed
by Arguello et al. [12], scores
of the documents are used instead of their ranks, it is shown in Equation 2.2
Score(Ci, q) =
P (d, q) ×
R is the top N result obtained
from CSI
• P (d, q) is the score of document
d in query q
In addition to Redde and ReddeTop; CRCSLin and CRCSExp [13] other methods that take into consider
ranks of the documents in the result list. Their
equations are shown in Equation
2.3 and Equation
2.4 The main difference between
CRCSLin and
Score(C , q) =
× |Si|
r is the rank of document d
α and β are the coefficients
GAVG is the another resource selection algorithm which
uses document scores as a variable to determine best clusters [14]. As
it is shown in Equation 2.5, it calculates geometric averages of the document scores.
Score(Ci, q) = ( rr
d∈Si,d∈top m ofSi∈R
P (d, q))m
for Selective Search
For selective search, processed queries yield a result
set which is a sorted document list with respect to their relevancies to the
query. Search result diversification
is the process of reordering of these result sets in a way that they will handle the ambiguity of the existing query. This
problem is defined as a NP-hard problem [15].
Search result diversification methods are mainly
divided into two categories, implicit and explicit techniques [16]. Implicit
diversification methods don’t need external knowledge, and mainly depend
on relevance results
of the documents. To cover other aspects of the query, it re-rank
these lists.
Many implicit diversification techniques try to maximize the total score of the set by taking
into account relevance and dissimilarity scores. For example, MaxSum disper- sion algorithm [17], as shown in Algorithm
2, tries to maximize objective
Equation 2.6. Requirement to have document
vectors in the place that implicit algo- rithm is being applied,
is one drawback of this method.
It needs document vectors to calculate SIM
and DIV functions.
f (di, dj) = (1 − λ)(SIM (q, di) + SIM (q, dj)) + 2λDIV (di, dj) (2.6)
di, dj documents to compare
• q query
• λ trade-off variable
between similarity and dissimilarity
• SIM similarity function
• DIV dissimilarity function
![]() |
Algorithm 2 MaxSum Dispersion Algorithm
Input: Document set S, result set size k
Output: Re-ranked list R, |R| = k
1: R ← InitializeEmptyResultList()
2: for i ∈ {1, . . . , k/2}
3: FIND (di, dj)=argmaxdi,dj ∈S (f (di, dj))
4: SET R ← R U {di, dj}
5: SET S ← S \ {di, dj}
6: end for
7: if k is odd then
8: select an arbitrary document di ∈
9: SET R ← R U {di}
10: end if
return R
SY is another
implicit diversification algorithm, that aims to find near duplicate doc- uments in the collection set [18]. In a sorted
result set, it computes document
document relevancy
scores and removes
the ones that have a score more than thresh- old, as shown in Algorithm 3.
![]() |
Input: Document set S, result set size k, threshold λ
Output: Re-ranked
list R, |R| = k 1: R ← InitializeEmptyResultList()
2: i
← 0
3: while i < k and i < |S| do
4: j ← i + 1
5: while j < |S| do
6: if SIM (S[i], S[j]) > λ then
7: REMOVE S[j] from S
8: else
9: j ← j + 1
10: end if
11: end while
12: SET R ← R U S[i]
13: i ← i + 1
14: end while
return R
Unlike implicit algorithms, explicit search result
diversification algorithms use an ex- ternal knowledge, like subtopics
of existing queries
to cover different
aspects. Query aspects are used to re-rank
the candidate result
list. xQuAD is one promising explicit diversification algorithm
in the literature [19]. It tries to maximize its objective func- tion, Equation 2.7,
by diversifying the relevance scores between the original query and documents,
using the relation between subtopics of the query and documents. The product
term in the equation computes novelty values for each aspect. xQuAD algorithm
is shown in Algorithm 4.
fxQuAD(di) = (1 − λ)P (di|q) + λ P (qi|q)P (di|qi) rr
(1 − P (dj|qi))
dj ∈R
• P (di|q) is relevance of di to query q
• P (qi|q) is likelihood of the aspect
qi for query q
P (di|qi) is relevance of di to the aspect qi
![]() |
Input: Document set S, result set size k, tradeoff λ
Output: Re-ranked
list R, |R| = k 1: R ← InitializeEmptyResultList()
2: i
← 0
3: while i < k and i < |S| do
4: FIND d∗ ← argmaxd∈S fxQuAD(d)
5: S ← S − d∗
6: R ← R U d∗
7: i ← i + 1
8: end while
return R
In another study, Hong and Si [20]
propose two alternative approaches for search result diversification
techniques. First of them is
diversifying the document rank- ing while selecting clusters. This approach basically applies various
diversification algorithms to result set which gained by processing the query
over centralized sam- ple index, CSI. This algorithm, named as Diversification
approach based on sample Documents (DDiv).
In the same study, Diversification approach based on Source-level estimation (DivS) is the other proposed diversification technique. It treats clusters like a single big
document, and computes their probability of relevance of query. Main advantage is that DivS also naturally supports wider range
of resource selection algorithms. On the other hand, it requires an additional
computation power to compare scores of query aspects for each clusters.
Hong and Si [20]
conclude their work that both DDiv and DivS can outperform tra- ditional
methods. They also showed that
resource level result diversification over CSI
results can outperform source level diversification techniques. In this thesis, we will
adapt their work and apply DDiv algorithm
to compare different
applications of search result
MMRE: Diversified Query Expansion using Word Embeddings
In this thesis, we also adapted
an approach from Bouchoucha et al. [3] to expand the query
words. They use the Maximal
Marginal Relevance (MMR)
implicit diversifica- tion algorithm [21] for selecting expansion terms. Their algorithm, called
as MMRE (MMR-based Expansion), shown in Algorithm
5, searches for best documents
which maximize MMRE function in Equation 2.8.
fmmre(wi) = λP (wi|q) − (1 − λ)MAXw‘∈R (P (w‘|q)) (2.8)
• P (wi|q) is relevance of wi to query q
R is already expanded words
![]() |
Algorithm 5
MMRE Algorithm Input: Dictionary D,
result set size k
Output: Expanded words R, |R| = k
1: R
← InitializeEmptyResultList()
2: i ← 0
3: while i < k do
4: FIND w∗ ← argmaxw∈D
5: D ← D − w∗
6: R ← R U w∗
7: i ← i + 1
8: end while
return R
During our query
expansion experiments, we used word embedding technique [22],
[23]. In
word embedding, words are represented as a multi dimensional vectors, which
helps the task of similarity computation among words [24]. In this model of representation of words,
similar words have similar vectors. We
used GloVe dictio- nary to represent word embeddings of words in query sets, as
GloVe is shown to outperform earlier word representation models [25].
In this chapter, we will present
different CSI creation
techniques that we used during our experiments. First we will explain how we created
the query-biased access
count based CSI and pagerank based CSI. We used these CSIs to compare
the impact on overall diversification performance by running over different query sets. In addition to the MMRE query expansion
algorithm, we also applied a query expansion
algorithm based on only word similarities that will be explained in this
Query Biased - Access
Count Based CSI
As explained in Chapter 2,
we adapted random based CSI in our work. However,
this approach mainly depends on random function, and it always generates
different document set. To create a
more robust and more representative CSI, we applied a query-biased technique
and generated an access count based CSI, we showed this technique in Algorithm 6.
For this technique, first of all we needed a query set
to collect return set. We used AOL
query set, which includes approximately 100.000 queries. For each query, we counted how many times each document appeared
in top 10 of query results.
After we retrieved the query-biased access counts of
every documents in the total collection, we created two CSIs. First as we show in Algorithm 6, each cluster is represented same by applying
sample rate in cluster level. In
addition to this, as shown in Figure 3.1,
we also collected best %1 of the documents in that list. In this work, we used the second alternative. We removed spam documents from the CSI.
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
d54 |
d2 |
d62 |
d22 |
d34 |
... |
d643 |
Remove spam documents |
Descending order |
d87 |
d54 |
d62 |
d22 |
... |
d643 |
Add Top N documents |
Figure 3.1: Query-biased Account count based CSI simulation.
Spam documents are retrieved from Cormack [26]’s studies
which based on the same dataset.
![]() |
Algorithm 6 Query-biased Access Count based CSI
Input: Query Set Q, Document
Collection D, Number
of Clusters K, Sampling Rate S
Output: Document Set DS
1: for Query q ∈ Q do
2: Resulti ← ProcessQuery(D, q)
3: end for
5: for k ∈ {1, . . . , K} do
6: SamplingCounti ← S x Numberof Documents ∈ Shardi
7: DS ← TOP SamplingCounti Documents ∈ Shardi
8: end for
return DS
Pagerank Based CSI
There is also another way to detect popular documents in
the collection. We used pagerank
information of documents in the collection. %1
of the all documents are collected from the collection according to their Pagerank
scores. Highest scored doc- uments are selected first. We applied spam prunning as we mentioned
in the case of the access-based CSI.
Query Expansion with Word Embeddings
As we mentioned in
Chapter 2, we adapted MMRE algorithm and applied
it using word embeddings to generate different query sets. In addition to this diversified query set, we also generated another set which based on
similarities between query and dictionary words.
For each query, first we simplified them by taking the
average of word vectors. So that, each query is represented as a single vector. Then for each word in the dictionary,
we computed similarity scores using word embeddings. Each query is expanded by an extra
5-words which are closest to the query vector.
Here, together with CSI techniques,
we wanted to investigate the effect of expanded
query sets on overall diversification metrics. It’s important to compare them together
since we processed these expanded query sets over CSI for selective search. We aimed to reach more precise clusters by
processing the expansions over CSI, since expansions handle possible vocabulary
In this chapter, we will explain different diversification approaches that can be applied on different layers of selective
search. In addition to traditional approach,
we adapted resource level
diversification technique from [20]. Moreover, we also applied in- cluster level diversification.
In the first section, we will discuss
selective search along with search result diversification. Then, we will introduce
three different diversifica- tion approaches that reveal
the effectiveness of diversification at different stages of selective search.
Search Result Diversification for Selective
Traditionally, textual search systems divides
collections into subsets, and the query is redirected through
these collections. Even though,
there is a gain in parallel query processing for this approach, it is still an exhaustive method. The query is processed
for all documents. On the other hand,
this computational cost can be redacted by only searching relevant shards
among all. This approach, namely selective search,
as introduced by Kulkarni and Callan [1],
partitions collections into different clusters. Each cluster is represented by
sampled documents in the centralized sampled index (CSI). Query
is managed by broker.
Broker processes the query over CSI, and selects
best clusters. In Figure 2.1 it is shown
after query is processed over CSI, only selected
clusters will be chosen as a target.
Search result diversification’s primary aim is always to
serve most optimum results with respect to diversity and relevance metrics. To achieve this, for query result lists,
recent diversification algorithms
mainly re-rank them. Many prior work determine
Broker Node
Figure 4.1: Search result diversification at different stages
and layers.
the best
document using relevance and diversity estimation altogether in the linear
equation [17]. Existing
search result diversification algorithms are splitted into two main categories:
implicit and explicit. In this work, we applied both of them.
It is possible
to apply these search result diversification algorithms in different query result set. Naini et al. [27] studied the
performance of diversification for exhaustive search by applying
diversification at broker and nodes. For
selective search; as we show in Figure 4.1;
there exist different candidate sets for diversification. Broker produces result set by processing
the query over CSI; moreover it also merges the result sets from chosen
clusters. So that, at broker layer,
CSI result diversification and merged result diversification are possible.
Furthermore, queries are processed inside the clusters,
therefore these results can also be diversified before sending them back to
broker. It is shown in Figure 4.1 as InCluster.
Diversification at Broker Node
First, we applied
straightforward approach for search result
diversification for selec- tive search. This approach diversifies the final result
set at broker node, just after collecting the results from selected clusters.
As shown in Figure 4.2, query is first processed over CSI. Resource selection algo-
Figure 4.2: Diversification of merged results
at Broker node.
rithm chooses best clusters using this result set. Then broker forwards the query to the selected
clusters. Each cluster runs the query over their
document collection, then returns their result set back to the
broker. Broker merges all these
results from dif- ferent clusters. Then,
diversification is applied over this merged result set at broker node.
DDiv: Diversification Based on CSI
As we discussed in Chapter 2,
Hong and Si [20] proposed a different diversification
approach for selective search. In their work, they showed DDiv can outperform tradi- tional methods and their other proposed method,
DivS as well. Therefore, we adapted
DDiv which applies diversification before the relevant clusters are selected.
As shown in Figure 4.3, query
is processed over CSI. Then,
diversification is applied directly over this result
set. Clusters will be chosen using this diverse
set by resource selection algorithms. This approach diversifies in resource level
to find diverse
clus- ters and subsequently, final rankings as well.
![]() |
CSI results diversification Resource
Selection |
Select Blue, Yellow |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Figure 4.3: DDiv: Diversification based on CSI results.

Diversification inside the Selected Clusters
We applied another result level diversification approach
in our experiments. Unlike the first
straightforward approach, this method diversifies the result sets inside each clusters.
As shown in Figure 4.4,
after query is forwarded to the relevant clusters by broker, each cluster
diversifies its own result set for this query. Then, they return diversified
set to the broker. This method can
explore more distant documents, since each of clusters are represented with
their diversified set at broker node.
Figure 4.4: Search result
diversification inside clusters.
In this chapter,
we will explain our all experimental setup. First,
we will mention about data set we used. Then respectively, clustering technique, different CSIs, query expansion, query processing,
resource selection and diversification approaches will be explained. Finally,
in the last section we will describe evaluation metrics.
Data Set
During the experiments, we used Clueweb B as a document
There are total of 50,220,538 documents exist in this collection. Total number of terms
for this collection is
We used spam list, generated by [26]
to prune spam documents in our experiments. We also adapted pagerank scores of
Clueweb B documents that is available online2.
We used Trec Web Track query sets for query processing [28, 29, 30, 31].
Trec query set 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
are combined for experiments. They
are also available online3. These 4 sets have total of 198 queries. For our explicit diversification exper- iments, we also used query aspects of this query sets.
Moreover, we also used AOL query set to create a query
biased CSI [32]. AOL
query set includes 100000 queries. We
used a different query set, otherwise CSI could be biased over same query set. This makes evaluation difficult,
especially for baseline comparisons, because query processing over that CSI would already
best popular documents.
Document Allocation
To simulate
complete selective search framework, we created topic based clusters from Clueweb
B document collection. We used K-means
algorithm as we discussed
in Chapter 2. We
used a subset of documents from the collection to apply K-means. These documents
are selected randomly.
Moreover, each cluster
centroid is also ini-
tialized randomly from this sample
set. Then, rest of the sample
set is also distributed to the clusters.
Here, we used Kullback-Liebler divergence as described by Kulkarni
and Callan [5] while computing the similarities
between documents and centroid of clusters. Then K-means applied multiple
In his work,
Hafızog˘lu [33] proved
that under selective search environment, best pre-
cision and diversity scores are achieved by splitting this dataset into 100 clusters. We used very same clusters with
his work.
As we mentioned
in Chapter 3, we applied spam prunning all three indexes.
Centralized Sample
After documents are allocated according to their topics,
we created 3 different cen- tralized sample indexes. First CSI is created by random sampling. Each cluster is represented in CSI by 1% sampling rate. As a result of this sampling, CSI includes
502,200 documents.
In addition to random CSI, we also created a CSI which
is created using
AOL query set. This set is processed over all documents
in the collection and according to their number of existence in the top 10,
best documents are selected from each cluster. Similarly, we applied same
strategy to create Pagerank CSI. However, this time we used pagerank
information of Clueweb B dataset.
For search result diversification method comparisons, we
used random based CSI. At the end of the Chapter 6, we also showed some additional
comparisons between
access and random
based CSIs.
Query Expansions using Word Embeddings
As we explained in Chapter 3,
we used Global Vectors for Word Representations, GloVe4 on our query expansion experiments. We used 6B tokens, that includes 400,000
words in the dictionary. In this
representation, each entity is represented by
100 dimensional vectors.
We created 2 new
query sets that derived from Trec query set.
For both, we used cosine similarity to compute relevancy
between words and the query average.
For di- versified expansion
set, we diversified the most relevant 50 words to the query average
vector. For MMRE function, we set lambda as 0.5.
Query Processing
As a query processing algorithm, Best Matching 25 is
used [34]. Constants
and b is set to 1.2 and 0.5, respectively. We cleaned stop words from texts during query processing.
Resource Selection
We used Redde
as a resource selection algorithm, since prior research favors
it [20].
Hafızog˘lu [33] made a cluster coverage analyze in same
dataset, which shows that top %10 of these clusters have the %99 of relevant
documents. That’s why we also picked the best %10 of clusters. Each cluster returns their best 20 results, that’s
why our evaluations are mostly based on top 20, 10 and 5 results. We applied Redde algorithm for top 200
documents of the result set.
![]() |
We applied both implicit and explicit search result
diversification algorithms in this study. As
an implicit algorithm, SY is implemented. xQuAD algorithm is also imple-
mented, which is a very successful example
of explicit algorithms. These algorithms are used as explained in Chapter 2. For
xQuAD, BM25 query processing scores are normalized by sum of scores in result
set. For both algorithms, we used λ
values: 0.25, 0.5
and 0.75. Except
the adapted DDiv method,
we always diversified top 100 documents of the result
set. For DDiv method, since diversification is applied directly over CSI, we diversified top 200
of CSI result set.
Evaluation Techniques
We used α-nDCG as a diversity performance metric for all experiments [35]. Using this technique, we showed diversity
scores for top 5, 10 and 20 results. We
used nDeval5 as a tool from Trec Web Track archives. nDeval calculates diversity metrics for a given query results,
including α-nDCG.
In addition to diversity metrics, we also showed
precision values for top 5, 10 and 20 results.
These scores are computed using a tool named, trec_eval, which is also
part of Trec Web Track. For both evaluation metrics,
Trec provides a ground truths
to compare.
![]() |
5 kevynct/trec-web-2014/
In this chapter, we will present
our experimental results. First, we will present
results for different CSIs together with query expansions. Next, we will compare different search
result diversification methods.
CSI Results
We created random, access and pagerank based CSIs. We compared them under selective search
environment as described in Chapter 2. In tables, mmre represents the diversified query expansions. Other expanded set we described in Chapter
3, is named as exp.
According to their effectiveness values in Table 6.1, access based beats other CSI alternatives.
We also analyzed CSI performances with query expansions. In Tables 6.2
and 6.3, it
is shown that access based CSI can not gain from query expansions. On the other hand random and pagerank
CSIs can improve overall diversity
metrics for selective
6.1: Effectiveness Results for CSI types.
![]() |
P@5 |
P@10 |
P@20 |
a-nDCG@5 |
a-nDCG@10 |
a-nDCG@20 |
access |
0.3381 |
0.3244 |
0.2865 |
0.2811 |
0.3162 |
0.3489 |
random |
0.3289 |
0.3162 |
0.2825 |
0.2758 |
0.3129 |
0.3438 |
pagerank |
0.3188 |
0.3025 |
0.2617 |
0.2639 |
0.3013 |
0.3295 |
Table 6.2: Diversity
effectiveness results for CSI types
with query expansions.
csi |
query expansion |
a-nDCG@5 |
a-nDCG@10 |
a-nDCG@20 |
- |
0.2811 |
0.3162 |
0.3489 |
access |
mmre |
0.2791 |
0.3132 |
0.3439 |
0.2796 |
0.3133 |
0.3404 |
- |
0.2639 |
0.3013 |
0.3295 |
pagerank |
mmre |
0.2742 |
0.3117 |
0.3392 |
exp |
0.2782 |
0.3121 |
0.3388 |
- |
0.2758 |
0.3129 |
0.3438 |
random |
mmre |
0.2816 |
0.3171 |
0.3481 |
exp |
0.2819 |
0.314571 |
0.3440 |
Table 6.3: Precision
effectiveness results for CSI types with query expansions.
csi |
query expansion |
P@5 |
P@10 |
P@20 |
- |
0.3381 |
0.3244 |
0.2865 |
access |
mmre |
0.3239 |
0.3112 |
0.2764 |
0.3289 |
0.3076 |
0.2685 |
- |
0.3188 |
0.3025 |
0.2617 |
pagerank |
mmre |
0.3218 |
0.3091 |
0.2665 |
exp |
0.3259 |
0.3025 |
0.2579 |
- |
0.3289 |
0.3162 |
0.2825 |
random |
mmre |
0.331 |
0.3173 |
0.2812 |
exp |
0.3401 |
0.3193 |
0.2789 |
In conclusion, we found that access based CSI can
outperform other CSI techniques both in diversity and precision metrics. However, we also realized that it is
possi- ble to improve the overall diversity quality by expanding query words
using word embeddings. Random based
CSI with mmre query expansions outperform all other alternatives at top 10 and top 5 results
and it is barely beaten
by access CSI at top 20
results. Therefore, random based CSI
is a better choice in case of query expansions will run over CSI.
6.4: Diversity effectiveness results for Implicit
lambda |
a-nDCG@5 |
a-nDCG@10 |
a-nDCG@20 |
0.25 |
0.1899 |
0.1892 |
0.1924 |
BDiv |
0.5 |
0.2338 |
0.2525 |
0.2685 |
0.2665 |
0.3048 |
0.3286 |
0.25 |
0.2787 |
0.3145 |
0.3453 |
DDiv |
0.5 |
0.2801 |
0.3126 |
0.3452 |
0.75 |
0.2754 |
0.3097 |
0.3427 |
0.25 |
0.2576 |
0.27463 |
0.2808 |
InCluster |
0.5 |
0.2626 |
0.2908 |
0.3106 |
0.75 |
0.2705 |
0.3107 |
0.3397 |
Implicit Diversification Results
We compared methods described in Chapter 4 in the implicit setup. We used these abbrebiations to identify methods in the tables: BDiv
for Diversification at Broker Node; DDiv for
Hong and Si [20]’s Diversification approach based on sample Docu- ments; InCluster for Diversification
inside the Selected Clusters.
In the Tables 6.4
and 6.5, it is shown that DDiv method beats their
compatitors as Hong and Si [20] claimed in their
work. After we verified this, we
compared mmre method with them. This showed us that adapted method mmre can outperform best scores of all
these methods, as shown in Table 6.6.
Since mmre beat other methods, we combined this resource level diversification method with BDiv method. Here, we aimed
to outperform mmre performance by applying a
diversification to the final result set at broker node. This method represented as BDiv+mmre in the tables. Also, other resource level diversification
method, DDiv could also improve its
result set in same way. Therefore, we
applied same strategy this method as
well. In the tables, its
abbreviation is DDiv+BDiv. None of these additional methods could beat
mmre approach in implicit setup.
Table 6.5: Precision effectiveness results for Implicit
lambda |
P@5 |
P@10 |
P@20 |
0.25 |
0.1279 |
0.0741 |
0.0411 |
BDiv |
0.5 |
0.2081 |
0.1645 |
0.1112 |
0.2792 |
0.2401 |
0.1812 |
0.25 |
0.3279 |
0.3122 |
0.2782 |
DDiv |
0.5 |
0.3289 |
0.3137 |
0.2812 |
0.75 |
0.3259 |
0.3132 |
0.2815 |
0.25 |
0.2426 |
0.1665 |
0.0959 |
InCluster |
0.5 |
0.2538 |
0.2091 |
0.1475 |
0.75 |
0.2904 |
0.2553 |
0.2003 |
Table 6.6: Effectiveness results for Implicit Diversification with all
methods’ best results.
![]() |
P@5 |
P@10 |
P@20 |
a-nDCG@5 |
a-nDCG@10 |
a-nDCG@20 |
BDiv |
0.2792 |
0.2401 |
0.1812 |
0.2665 |
0.3048 |
0.3286 |
DDiv |
0.3279 |
0.3122 |
0.2782 |
0.2787 |
0.3145 |
0.3453 |
InCluster |
0.2904 |
0.2553 |
0.2003 |
0.2705 |
0.3107 |
0.3397 |
mmre |
0.331 |
0.3173 |
0.2812 |
0.2816 |
0.3171 |
0.3481 |
BDiv+mmre |
0.2822 |
0.2371 |
0.1799 |
0.2745 |
0.3078 |
0.3296 |
DDiv+BDiv |
0.2731 |
0.2365 |
0.1802 |
0.2653 |
0.3029 |
0.3283 |
6.7: Diversity effectiveness results for Explicit
lambda |
a-nDCG@5 |
a-nDCG@10 |
a-nDCG@20 |
0.25 |
0.3001 |
0.3368 |
0.3738 |
BDiv |
0.5 |
0.3163 |
0.3514 |
0.3826 |
0.3215 |
0.3522 |
0.3824 |
0.25 |
0.2655 |
0.2998 |
0.3320 |
DDiv |
0.5 |
0.2695 |
0.3047 |
0.3354 |
0.75 |
0.2729 |
0.3071 |
0.3392 |
0.25 |
0.2842 |
0.3197 |
0.3552 |
InCluster |
0.5 |
0.2918 |
0.3268 |
0.3613 |
0.75 |
0.2945 |
0.3308 |
0.3647 |
Explicit Diversification Results
In the explicit setup, we found that BDiv outperforms
other methods. In Tables 6.7 and 6.8,
it is shown that DDiv method is actually behind the others with respect to
precision and diversity.
As we have shown in previous section,
we merged some methods together
to improve their performances. In explicit setup, BDiv method clearly
beats others, therefore we used mmre method together with BDiv to improve
cluster selection. BDiv results could also improve by combining it
with DDiv. Since it can also improve
cluster selections. That’s why, we investigated their results, too. In
the Table 6.9, it is shown that none of the methods could
actually beat BDiv method.
As an additional experiment, we employed access based
CSI for the best methods found above. In
Table 6.10, we showed their results in implicit
setup. Best scored method, DDiv with random based CSI still outperforms access based CSI. For explicit
setup, similarly, BDiv with random based CSI beats its access based
alternative as shown in Table 6.11.
Table 6.8: Precision effectiveness results for Explicit
lambda |
P@5 P@10 |
P@20 |
0.25 |
0.3675 0.3523 |
0.3117 |
BDiv |
0.5 |
0.3766 0.3533 |
0.3033 |
0.3838 0.3533 |
0.2957 |
0.25 |
0.3157 |
0.3076 |
0.2734 |
DDiv |
0.5 |
0.3198 |
0.3102 |
0.2744 |
0.75 |
0.3279 |
0.3112 |
0.2749 |
0.25 |
0.3371 |
0.3223 |
0.2845 |
InCluster |
0.5 |
0.3431 |
0.3218 |
0.2853 |
0.75 |
0.3472 |
0.3269 |
0.2873 |
Table 6.9: Effectiveness
results for Explicit Diversification with all methods’ best results.
![]() |
P@5 |
P@10 |
P@20 |
a-nDCG@5 |
a-nDCG@10 |
a-nDCG@20 |
BDiv |
0.3766 |
0.3533 |
0.3033 |
0.3163 |
0.3514 |
0.3826 |
DDiv |
0.3279 |
0.3112 |
0.2749 |
0.2729 |
0.3071 |
0.3392 |
InCluster |
0.3472 |
0.3269 |
0.2873 |
0.2945 |
0.3308 |
0.3647 |
mmre |
0.331 |
0.3173 |
0.2812 |
0.2816 |
0.3171 |
0.3481 |
BDiv+mmre |
0.3665 |
0.3472 |
0.2967 |
0.3154 |
0.3475 |
0.3789 |
DDiv+BDiv |
0.3706 |
0.3447 |
0.2954 |
0.3088 |
0.3463 |
0.3786 |
Table 6.10: Effectiveness results for Access and Random based CSIs for
Implicit Diversification.
![]() |
csi |
P@5 |
P@10 |
P@20 |
a-nDCG@5 |
a-nDCG@10 |
a-nDCG@20 |
BDiv |
access |
0.2832 |
0.233 |
0.1805 |
0.2705 |
0.3036 |
0.3287 |
random |
0.2792 |
0.2401 |
0.1812 |
0.2665 |
0.3048 |
0.3286 |
DDiv |
access |
0.331 |
0.3112 |
0.281 |
0.2773 |
0.3130 |
0.3447 |
random |
0.3279 |
0.3122 |
0.2782 |
0.2787 |
0.3145 |
0.3453 |
Table 6.11: Effectiveness
results for Access and Random based CSIs for Explicit Diversification.
![]() |
csi |
P@5 |
P@10 |
P@20 |
a-nDCG@5 |
a-nDCG@10 |
a-nDCG@20 |
BDiv |
access |
0.3645 |
0.3503 |
0.297 |
0.3166 |
0.3525 |
0.3799 |
random |
0.3766 |
0.3533 |
0.3033 |
0.3163 |
0.3514 |
0.3826 |
DDiv |
access |
0.335 |
0.3137 |
0.2789 |
0.2769 |
0.3104 |
0.3422 |
random |
0.3279 |
0.3112 |
0.2749 |
0.2729 |
0.3071 |
0.3392 |
In this thesis, we provided an in-depth analysis of search
result diversification in the context
of selective search, and proposed extensions to improve diversification
effectiveness. First, we showed that creating a CSI based
on the past document access statistics yields both more relevant and diverse results
than a CSI based on randomly
sampled documents. However, by
processing queries expanded with diverse terms during resource selection, it is also possible to obtain diversification performance that is
comparable to the latter. This
finding is also important to show that even when such past statistics are not
available, a random CSI together with diversified query expansion performs
reasonably well.
Second, we investigated the diversification performance at different layers
(i.e., at the broker vs. in the clusters) and at different stages, namely, before
resource selection and before/after result merging. We found that when a representative implicit
diver- sification method, namely, SY, is employed; the best
diversification performance is obtained by selecting diverse resources as
suggested by Hong and Si [20]. While doing so, simply processing expanded queries with diverse terms over the CSI, as we
proposed in this thesis, outperform the previous approach
in Hong and Si [20].
Inter- estingly, the findings vary for the explicit diversification. By employing a represen- tative explicit
approach, xQuAD, we demonstrated that diversifying merged results at the broker
is superior to diversifying partial results at the clusters or diversifica-
tion during the resource selection. This is again a new and contradicting finding
with respect to Hong and Si [20],
and implies that when there are more clues for diversi- fication, it is better
to conduct it at a more fine-grain level, i.e., over the result list, rather
than attempting to diversify resources as a whole.
There are various
future research directions for our work. In
particular, in our addi- tional experiments we observed that by conducting a
selective expansion of queries, i.e., expanding only a subset
of them and/or
setting different thresholds for expansion terms
on a per query basis, it is possible to further improve the diversification
effec- tiveness. We plan to explore such selective expansion approaches as our future work. As a second research direction, we
will investigate the diversification efficiency for selective search. For instance, it is possible to create
summary vectors for the doc- uments to conduct the diversification methods at
the broker more efficiently. Such
optimizations are also left for our future work.
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