Video has
become an influential tool for capturing and delivering information in
personal, professional and educational applications. This trend has raised the importance of efficient and effective video retrieval systems on large video collections.
Most of the video retrieval
systems rely only on hand-crafted features and manual annotations. Motion of the individual objects, the acutest information
carried on by videos, is usually ignored
in video retrieval. In the human-computer interaction front, sketching and speech are the two modalities
that complement each other to describe motion in a video. Sketching indicates
placement of objects
together with their motion path. Through speech, users can indicate
events and their relationships.
For instance, in a soccer match, one can mark coordinates of a player by drawing
a circle, and specify
a goal scored by the player by drawing an arrow heading
from the player to the goalpost.
However, drawing an arrow would not itself suffice to describe
a goal since the arrow can also indicate a forward pass, or a free kick. Users can explicitly indicate that the
motion is a goal shot through speech.
However, we do not have adequate information about how speech and sketching can be used for video retrieval since there are no
existing video retrieval systems based on these modalities. To gather information regarding the joint use of
these modalities, a
protocol must be designed to capture participants to talk and draw
simultaneously. Also
needed are some applications to collect speech and sketching data and to
process these data for later use. Moreover, no adequate research
has been conducted on the co-interpretation of these modalities and thus
generating a plain-text search query.
This paper presents a protocol together with a set of software tools to stimulate
2 Chapter 1: Introduction
participants to draw and talk in a video retrieval task. We tested the protocol and the software tools on the soccer match retrieval use case scenario. We ensured ecologically validity by involving participants with relevant expertise in this area. These software tools are also customizable and the protocol is easy to follow. Next, we developed a model which is capable of interpreting simultaneously given sketching and speech inputs,
and understanding the motion sequence described by a user. The model has a remarkable performance on
the data we collected. Finally, a
video retrieval system was built by integrating the model into a database
back-end that is designed
big multimedia collections. Several user evaluation studies were conducted on the
retrieval system. The results
of the studies imply that the data collection software, the
data collection protocol
and the multimodal interpretation model serve as a powerful
trio for building
multimodal motion-based video retrieval systems on big multimedia
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents the related work on developing sketch and speech-based multi-modal systems. Section 3 briefly gives information on selecting a relevant video
search use case. Section 4 describes
the software tools and the protocol used in the data collection studies with some insights
on the data collected. Section
5 defines the multimodal interpretation model and presents the performance results
of the model. In Section
6, we illustrate the design of the database system used in the video retrieval system. Section 7 presents the user
interface design of the video retrieval
system, illustrates the protocol followed in the
user evaluation studies,
and reports the results of these studies. Section 8 concludes
the article.
Chapter 2
A bulk of work has been done on the multimodal representation of motion in the human
computer interaction literature. In
the light of all the works, our research was
planned to boost
the natural use of sketching and speech on motion scenarios in video clips. In this context,
sketch interpretation, natural language understanding
and video retrieval
systems are within the scope of our research.
Sketching is the first modality
that has drawn human computer
interaction re- searcher’s attention to developing motion-based
video retrieval systems. The spatial information conveyed in sketching
has been treated as the primary information to retrieve in video clips. A
motion-based video retrieval system on soccer videos uses sketching
for describing the motion of the ball and players [Al Kabary and Schuldt, 2013]. Users
can also limit the area by drawing a boundary shape. To specify the events in addition to the motions drawn, a user-interface with selection buttons is provided. In the system designed by [Collomosse et al., 2009], users are allowed to illustrate much more complex
scenarios without limiting
the area. The system classifies all the ar- rows
as motion cues and rest of the symbols as objects. Each motion cue is linked
to the object that is closest within a certain distance. Both systems use only sketching
as the input method, limiting the users’ ability to
articulate spatial information of objects and their motions. Speech, which enables specifying events and relationships
of motions comfortably, is overlooked in these systems.
The works mentioned above imply that
the symbols used to describe motions are different than others. In this context, usage patterns of depicting
motion have become a hot topic in the human-computer interaction research. The user interface
developed by [Thorne et al., 2004] defines a set of sketched symbols for basic body
gestures. For instance, one needs to draw a
bowl-like shape to describe jumping, whilst a small semi-ellipse must be drawn
for walking. The motion to animate is
composed of such basic motion drawings. Primitive motion symbols are recognized
by expressing these symbols in terms
of arcs and lines [Hammond and Davis, 2006a]. Another interface
for controlling robots leverages sketching to articulate the path of a robot [Skubic et al., 2007]. Moreover, Kitty,
which was developed for cartoonists,
also uses free-form sketching to construct paths
for objects [Kazi
et al., 2014].
In addition to these works, a
research has been done on expressing motion of articulated objects in video
clips. In the work by [Mauceri et al., 2015], 3 different query modes have been proposed
for describing motion of objects: appending arrows to sub-parts
of a formerly drawn object,
appending arrows to sub-parts of an artic- ulated object template and sorting
out key-frames of the motion by moving joints of an articulated object
template. Through the user evaluation studies, it has been
concluded that the query modes using articulated object templates are more accurate
than drawing an object and appending arrows to sub-parts. However, it must be noted that using object
templates reduces naturalness of a given
motion query.
It is clear that most of the works presented above take the advantage of free-form strokes and arrows
to illustrate motion.
Comparing these two query modes,
arrows have more expressive power
than free-form strokes because of their arrow head which reveal direction. This has motivated
us to use arrows rather than free-form
strokes for depicting motion
in the development of our video retrieval system.
There are some multimodal systems that support the joint use of speech and pen without performing video retrieval. For instance, QuickSet
[Cohen et al., 1997] en- ables users to locate
objects on a map and define movements of them by using pen gestures and speech. The system employs hidden Markov models and neural networks
to recognize pen gestures. To interpret pen gestures and speech together,
it extracts features of each
modality, and tries to find the best match between them through statistical
methods on the features. Once the
joint interpretation with the highest probability was found, the objects are manipulated through the instructions inferred
from multimodal interpretation. Additionally, IBM has developed
a text editor that uses speech and pen gestures together
for manipulating texts [Vergo, 1998].
Users can type a text through
speech and do some pen gestures supported by some utter- ance to manipulate a particular
text. The system utilizes
feature-based statistical machine translation methods [Papineni et al., 1997]. These methods append the fea- tures extracted
from pen gestures
into the natural
language features obtained
from speech, and applies a statistical machine translation on the features in order to infer the
instructions given by a user.
Empirical studies on the cooperative use of speech and sketching have been another direction in human-computer interaction research. There are a few studies that have investigated the use of speech and sketching. [Adler and Davis, 2007a] have designed a study to observe how people use speech and sketching simultaneously and to finally implement a multi-modal white-board application based on these observations. They asked students from circuit design class to describe and draw a floor plan for a room, design
an AC/DC transformer, design a full adder, and describe the final project they had developed for their circuit
design class. In each session,
experimenter and participant sit across a table. On either sides of tables, there are tablets each running
an application that replicates whatever gets drawn in one tablet in
another. The participant describes
each of the 4 scenes above via speech and sketching. Throughout
the sessions, the experimenter also adds to the participant’s drawing
and directs questions, leading to a bi-directional conversation. Later, [Adler
and Davis, 2007b] designed
another study for collecting speech and sketched symbols to develop a multi- modal mechanical
system design interface. They asked six participants to talk about and draw a pendulum
system on a white board.
Although these studies
investigate the joint use of speech and sketching, they did not have multimedia retrieval in focus. Our
protocol and a set of tools are focusing on the investigation of
collaboratively using speech and sketching
for multimedia retrieval.
Moreover, [Oviatt et al., 2000] have drawn attention to the unavailability of multi- modal corpora for developing new methods for multi-modal language processing. They
have underlined the need for methods and tools for obtaining multi-modal inputs. Our protocol and software tools also help human-computer interaction researchers to solve this issue by enabling collection of speech and sketching simultaneously.
The long progression in natural language understanding has also motivated us to focus on multimodal interpretation for motion-based video retrieval. [Yu et al., 2013] developed
LibShortText, which is a library
leveraging support vector machines and logistic regression on bag-of-words features. This library
is useful when the dictio- nary of a natural language dataset is limited. Later, neural networks became popular
as the natural language datasets grow in size. The advantage of these networks is that they are also capable of learning how to extract
features from a short text seg-
ment at the character or the word level (or both levels). The model designed by [dos Santos and Gatti, 2014] constructs features
of a short text (namely embeddings) through the long short
term memory (LSTM) structures. Another
work done by [Joulin et al., 2016] is a mixture of old-style feature extractors and feed-forward neu- ral
networks. The advantage of that
architecture is its runtime, that is, the text classification model is constructed quicker than the other two. We designed our mul- timodal interpretation framework by leveraging
these state-of-the-art systems, and the
classification performance results suggest that the given data-collection protocol
and the multimodal interpretation framework
can be used end-to-end for building
sketch-and-speech based video retrieval
Furthermore, there have been several advancements in sketch recognition frame- works,
which was another motivation for us to focus on much more complex user
interfaces supporting natural
interaction. The first
milestone in the recognition of sketched symbols without definite
rules was the IDM feature extraction method [Ouyang and Davis, 2009].
This method opened
the way to more accurate
sketched symbol classifiers. Next,
[Tumen et al., 2010]
investigated the use of this feature extraction
method with different machine learning heuristics, obtaining far more ac- curate classifiers. Moreover, [Yesilbek et al., 2015] conducted several experiments to find the intersection of the hyper-parameter ranges yielding the best classification
accuracies on different sketched symbol datasets when using the SVM
classifier with different feature extraction methods.
Chapter 3
We designed
a protocol and implemented software tools to collect speech and sketching simultaneously from people having
different levels of expertise in soccer.
By having people with ranging expertise in soccer, we established an
ecologically validity between the tools and the protocol. The tools and the protocol are also highly customizable, meaning that they can be modified for use in different motion-
based video retrieval use cases. Next,
we constructed a visual vocabulary to ease sketching, and prepared some video clips to present during data collection sessions.
Finally, the data collected
from the participants was annotated and prepared for use in several machine learning models for multimodal interpretation.
Retrieval Use Case
We aimed to design a multimodal interpretation framework on simultaneously given sketching and speech, and thus to build a system that performs motion-based video retrieval with the given input. For this reason, the use case was initially planned to frequently
involve motion scenarios regardless of the context. However, the open- ended nature of sketching
and speech makes it difficult to handle different contexts at the same video retrieval
framework. For example, sketched symbols and words uttered
for describing a soccer drill differ largely
from the ones used for chess matches.
To build a retrieval system operating on both chess and soccer matches,
we must put in twice as much effort as we would do for either of them. Within this context, we decided to narrow down on the use case and choose
a single case involving motion scenarios. Considering its popularity, we finally selected
retrieval of soccer match videos as
the use case of our video retrieval
Software Tools
We developed 3
applications, one to collect speech and sketching simultaneously from the participants, another to provide a video search front-end for the participant, and a third to
annotate the symbols drawn during a session.
Data Collection
We developed two applications running on Android tablets, one for the experimenter [Altıok, 2017b] and another for the participant [Altıok, 2017c]. As seen in Figure 3.1, both applications
have a canvas with a background image that can be customized based on the use
case scenario. These applications use
a shared canvas, that is, whatever gets drawn in one tablet is replicated in another tablet and is also written to a text file on both sides for later use. To replicate the drawings, these applications
communicate with each other over a Wi-Fi network. If a user wants to highlight a part of her drawing,
then she can get her stylus pen closer to the screen. The wizard (experimenter) sitting across the opposite side can see where the user is highlighting.
Moreover, these applications also record their
users’ videos through
built-in tablet cameras while
the applications are in use. Note
that there are 3 buttons on the bottom-left
corner. The leftmost
button clears the entire canvas.
The rightmost one activates the eraser mode.
Users can erase
any part of her drawing
through eraser. By clicking
the button in the middle, she can activate the drawing mode.
There are two outputs of each software:
• A text file (alternatively called a sketch stream file) including a list of the fol- lowing actions recorded with a time
Starting a stroke
Ending a stroke
Adding a point to sketch
Hovering over a point
Figure 3.1: A screen-shot from data collection
application, with soccer field back- ground image chosen for soccer match retrieval (with the explanations of UI compo-
Clearing entire canvas
• A video containing the entire session
For the transcription of each
session video collected on the participant’s side, we marked start and end
points between which participants talked about a video clip to search. Afterwards, we connected speaker output to
a virtual microphone through a virtual
hardware driver [Muzychenko, 2015] to redirect
the participants’ voice to speech recognizer
like a real-time utterance. Next, we transcribed the session
video of the participant using IrisTK [Skantze and Al Moubayed, 2012] test recognizer
application with Google Cloud Speech Recognition API support [Google,
2017]. Once we obtained
the transcripts, we corrected mistranscribed words by hand.
Wizard Application for Video Search
Another application serves as the video search front-end for the participant [Altıok, 2017a]. This application uses video clips prepared for retrieval tasks.
The application consists of two windows, one for the experimenter and another for the participant.
• Participant’s Window:
This window
is located at the participant’s screen. The window contains a video display where a video clip selected on the experi-
menter’s window is played 3 times.
• Experimenter’s Window: This window supports two main functionalities: playing the video clip to search and navigating through
videos. The window is presented in Figure 3.2.
Playing a video clip to search: For each motion event, when the exper- imenter finds the correct video clip, the participant and the experimenter move on to the next event by clicking the topmost button on the left panel. Once the button is clicked, a video clip of the next event is randomly picked and played 3 times on the participant’s screen. If all events have been cov- ered, then the application displays a message indicating that the session is over.
Navigating through video clips: For each motion event, once the par- ticipant draws and verbally describes
the scenario of a video clip, the ex-
perimenter looks at the list of video clips on his side, and picks one for
preview by clicking the green buttons. When the wizard
is happy with his
selection, he sends the video to play on the participant’s screen by clicking
the ”send video” button at the bottom.
Visual Vocabulary
Due to the open-ended nature of sketching, participants needed help in establishing a visual vocabulary for describing objects and their motions. To this end we supplied them a visual vocabulary. We reviewed the notations used in Soccer Systems and
Figure 3.2: A screen-shot from wizard application for video search
(experimenter’s side) with the explanations of UI components
Strategies [Bangsbo and Peitersen, 2000] (see Figure 3.3) and’s live scoring system1 (see Figure 3.4). We wanted participants to memorize as few types of symbols as possible, therefore we combined these notations and removed the zig-zag symbol for dribbling. There appears to be no need for indicating dribbling explicitly. A player motion arrow drawn from a player
right after sketching
a ball motion arrow coming to the player would imply
dribbling. One can also say a player
is dribbling while drawing a player motion arrow to indicate dribbling. The resulting visual vocabulary
is presented in Figure 3.5.
Figure 3.3: Drawing notation used in Soccer Systems and Strategies
Figure 3.4: Drawing notation used in’s live scoring system
Video Clips
Our goal is to retrieve clips describing motions in soccer videos. This requires a data- base of
videos augmented with motion data of players and the ball. In the soccer match retrieval case, there
are two alternative ways of finding
such video clips:
• Using motion sensors in matches: Making arrangements with soccer clubs, mounting motion sensors on players and the ball and taking videos of
these matches together with their motion data
• Using a soccer simulation game: Finding an open-source soccer game and modifying its source code
to record coordinates of the ball and players together with frames at every moment.
Ideally, the first option is
preferable. However, this choice
requires a massive infrastructure for motion
sensors mounted on players and several cameras
located around a soccer
field. Due to the infeasibility in infrastructure, the second option
is more doable to prepare videos
augmented with motion.
Although compiling videos from a soccer game is far from
reality, these videos are similar to the ones in real life in terms of events that might happen
in a match such as passes, shots and kicks. Presenting a soccer clip from a soccer game would not affect participants’ behavior of using speech and sketching.
Hence, to prepare soccer video clips that will be presented
to participants during sessions, we modified an open-source soccer simulation game named Eat the Whistle
[Greco, 2008] in a way described above
(see Figure 3.6 for
a screen-shot). Afterwards, we recorded several
soccer matches played
between AI- controlled
teams. For each match recorded, we compiled the subsequent frames into a
Figure 3.5: Drawing notation used in the data collection sessions
video. Finally, for each of the following events listed in Table 3.1, we prepared video clips
from match videos.
Figure 3.6: A screen-shot from Eat the Whistle
Events for a Session
Searching for scenes of all events above might extend a session. After a while partic- ipant might get exhausted and not provide proper data. Thus we decided to divide
Corner kick |
Shot hitting the post |
Direct free kick |
Shot saved by a goalkeeper |
Indirect free kick |
Throw in |
Header |
Shot going wide |
Bicycle |
Foul |
Goal |
Poke tackle |
Pass |
Sliding tackle |
Table 3.1: Motion events that might happen in a soccer
the events among participants. For each participant, we chose either
the first or the
last 7 events such that the successive participants do not describe the same events.
This section presents the physical set-up and the protocol followed.
Physical Set-Up
We aim to investigate the incorporation of speech and sketching in video retrieval. To this end, we initially
planned a typical Wizard-of-Oz set-up where participants are asked to draw and talk about a scenario on a computer
without being told that
computer is controlled by a human. However, as we have established in our pilot runs, after a while, participants hesitate
talking while staring
at a computer screen that
does not produce any feedback indicating that their speech is being attended
to. To motivate participants to talk,
we allowed limited feedback provided by the experimenter. The experimenter does not engage into a conversation, however gives feedback while listening to the participant by nodding his head or saying ”OK, I’m
listening to you” as needed.
As illustrated in Figure 3.7, each session takes place on a table with two tablets,
a computer with a screen plugged in. On the participant’s side, there is a
screen to display videos to the
participant, and a tablet to describe motion in the video clip through
sketching. On the experimenter’s side, there is a computer
including a software to pick up a video clip randomly
and display it on the participant’s screen, and another tablet to see the
participant’s drawing.
In each session, the participant and the experimenter
sit across a table. Initially, the
experimenter provides a set of sample sketched symbols describing the visual
vocabulary for constructing drawings. To practice the use of the visual vocabulary,
the experimenter opens a video clip, and requests the participant to describe
the movement of objects in the clip. Next, they move on to the search tasks. In the search tasks, there are different motion events to
describe through speech and sketching.
For each motion event, the experimenter picks up a video clip of the event randomly, and plays
the clip on the participant’s screen 3 times.
Then, the participant draws the motion of the objects in the clip on her
tablet while talking at the same time. The
experimenter then looks at the videos of the event on his screen, finds a video that is similar to the scenario
drawn and uttered
by the participant, and plays the video on
the participant’s screen
3 times. Finally,
the experimenter asks whether the video is the one presented at the beginning
or not. If the participant says yes, they proceed
to the next motion event. Otherwise, the participant tries to produce
more accurate description of the scene
to be retrieved by improving the drawing and speech,
and the retrieval process repeats.
Output and Annotation
Out of 18 participants, 7 participants were soccer fans, 6 were soccer players, 3 were soccer coaches and 2 were soccer referees. Altogether, the sessions took 661 minutes and 24 seconds. Average
duration of a session was 36 minutes
and 44 seconds. On all the sketched
symbols and utterances collected from these sessions, the following
Figure 3.7: Physical set up; (a) for the participant, (b) for the experimenter
annotation methods were applied.
Sketched Symbol
We implemented an application to annotate individual sketched symbols [Altıok, 2017d]. This
software basically takes
a sketch stream
file generated by a collector application as input. As shown in Figure 3.8, the right
pane includes the stream. A user can select a part of the stream,
and see the drawing generated by the selection on the left panel. Then she can save the drawing with a name, in the following formats:
• Points table: A list of (x,y, time, strokenum) where (x,y) refers to the coor- dinates of each sketch point, time refers to the time of generation of this point, and strokenum refers to the stroke ID the point belongs
to. In each sketched
symbol, stroke ID starts from 0 and is incremented by one when a new stroke
• Image: An image of the drawing.
Figure 3.8: A screen-shot from sketched symbol annotation application with the ex- planations of UI components
Using this software, annotation of the sketched symbols was done in two ways:
Ball |
88 |
Ball Motion |
313 |
Player Motion |
250 |
Player (side 1) |
480 |
Player (side 2) |
396 |
Total |
1527 |
Table 3.2: Distribution of the sketched symbols among symbol types
West |
283 |
East |
181 |
Total |
464 |
Table 3.3: Distribution of labeled motion arrow symbols
among the directions
• Annotation by symbol
type: We labeled
symbols with one of the following
classes: ball, ball motion arrow,
player motion arrow, player from side 1 and player from side 2. The distribution of the symbols
among such classes
is pre- sented in Table 3.2 together with some samples
(see Figure 3.9). Note that the
symbol was not frequently used, thus ball symbols were excluded from the training
set of our sketched symbol classifier. Location of the ball can be clearly
inferred from the starting point of a ball motion arrow.
• Annotation by direction: We also labeled
the motion arrow symbols with their directions (heading to either the west or the east). Note that some motion symbols were excluded from the training
set since they did not have an arrow
head, which is an important
indicator of direction. The distribution of the la- beled
motion symbols among the classes in this annotation method is presented in
Table 3.3.
Figure 3.9: Sample symbols collected in
Utterance Annotation
We also collected
9296 words in the sessions.
A summary of the words uttered is presented in Table 3.4. Some sample utterances are also shown in Table 3.52.
For each of the 183 phrases describing soccer drills, we generated n-grams with n
ranging from 1 to 6. Next, each n-gram was labeled with one of the following motion events:
• Bicycle
• Corner kick
• Dribbling
• Free kick: All kicks far from or close to the goalpost are included in this
• Header
Words uttered |
9296 |
Minimum words uttered in a session |
233 |
Maximum words uttered in a session |
925 |
Average number of words uttered in a session |
516.4 |
Table 3.4: Summary of collected utterances in the sessions
Segment |
Event being described |
...the ball is coming to the post... |
Shot hitting the post |
...he is throwing the ball... |
Throw in |
...he is heading to the ball... |
Header |
...he is passing
the ball in this way... |
Pass |
...this is an indirect free kick... |
Indirect free kick |
Table 3.5: Some sample utterances
Bicycle |
198 |
Corner kick |
406 |
Dribbling |
2590 |
Free kick |
687 |
Header |
218 |
Pass |
3694 |
Shot |
4081 |
Tackle |
2262 |
Throw-in |
312 |
None |
39663 |
Total |
54111 |
Table 3.6: Summary of the n-grams generated from utterances
• Pass
• Shot: All of the shots heading to the goalpost,
going wide, cleared by the goalkeeper and resulting in a goal are included
in this category.
• Tackle: All of the sliding tackles, poke tackles and fouls are
included in this category.
• Throw-in
• None: The n-grams implying more than an event or none of the events above are labeled with None.
this annotation method, we aimed to build a text-classification model that is capable of finding motion events described in the sub-segments of a long text segment.
The distribution of n-grams among the motion events is also presented in Table 3.6.
Sketched Symbol - Utterance Mapping
To measure
the performance of our multimodal interpretation framework, we also
labeled all motion arrows drawn in the data collection sessions with its corresponding
motion event described by a participant. At this point, some motion arrows were not labeled because of
describing none of the motion events. For
instance, a ball motion arrow which indicates a ball coming to a player but whose source of arrival is not certain could
not be associated with any motion event.
Through the strategy described above, we have gathered
up 397 motion arrow - motion event mappings
from 148 scene descriptions. A sample mapping
is illustrated in Figure 3.10.
Figure 3.10: A sample mapping between motion arrows and motion events
Notes to Chapter
A sample is
available on-line at
be relax
2 Note that the utterances were collected in Turkish.
Chapter 4
Using the recent advancements on sketched symbol classification and natural lan- guage understanding, we have developed a multimodal interpretation
framework that is able to understand the sequence of motion events from simultaneously given sketch- ing and speech inputs. To come up with the most accurate
framework, we have run several experiments on different sketched symbol and text classification models.
Next, we have come up with some different
co-interpretation algorithms having dif-
ferent combinations of sketched symbol and text classifiers. These co-interpretation
models have exhibited
notable performance on the data collected from participants.
This implies that our multimodal interpretation algorithm is convenient with the data collected through
our software tools and protocol
for building bimodal
and natural interfaces for expressing motion.
Sketched Symbol Classification
Although the state-of-the-art sketched
symbol classifiers leverage
neural networks [Seddati
et al., 2016], such heuristics do not seem to give the best results on our sym- bol dataset since the amount does not
seem sufficient (see Figure 3.2) for training. For small datasets,
the best results have been obtained through support vector machines
with the RBF kernel trained on the IDM feature space [Ouyang and Davis, 2009, Yesilbek et al., 2015, Tumen et al., 2010]. Thus,
we evaluated only the SVM-RBF classification
combined with the IDM feature
extraction pipeline. The assessment
done using grid search with 5-fold cross validation on the (C,γ) SVM-RBF hyper- parameter pairs such that −1 ≤ log2 C ≤ 10 and −10 ≤ log2 γ ≤ 1. The distribution of accuracy rates among the symbol classes where the
overall accuracy rate gets the
maximum is presented in Figure 4.1. As seen in the figure, the accuracy rates for every class is either close to or above 90%. This means that the SVM classification method with the IDM feature
extraction mechanism is plentiful for figuring out individual
sketched symbols expressing motion.
Figure 4.1: Classification
accuracies of the SVM-RBF + IDM classifier / feature extractor combination
Natural Language Understanding
A speech input is basically a long text where a sequence of motion events is described. To find out the individual motion
events mentioned in such texts, a text classifier must be trained in a way that
it classifies sub parts as accurately as possible. To this end, we created a data set of n-grams from the
transcripts collected from the participants. Because of the irregular nature of the spoken language, these n-grams
are not
grammatically correct and thus called short
texts. Then, we built text classification models by leveraging the recent short text classification frameworks. In our work, we tested
the some variants
of the neural network-based model proposed
by [dos Santos and Gatti, 2014] and [Yu et al., 2013]’s
SVM and logistic regression- based model (all implemented in a library called LibShortText) listed below. Note that
despite not being solely designed
for short texts, FastText [Joulin et al., 2016]
was also included in the experiments because
of its considerably short runtime at both classification and training.
• Unigram + SVM: Support vector machine classification on the unigram fea- ture domain [Yu et al., 2013].
• Bigram + SVM: Support vector machine classification on the bigram feature domain [Yu et al., 2013].
• Unigram + LR: Logistic regression classification on the unigram feature do- main [Yu et al., 2013].
• Bigram + LR: Logistic regression classification on the bigram feature domain [Yu et al., 2013].
• CHARSCNN: A long-short-term-memory (LSTM) based deep neural network constructing mathematical representations of texts by learning word embed-
dings at both word and character levels
[dos Santos and Gatti, 2014].
embeddings only): A variant of the CHARSCNN model such that the mathematical representations of texts are constructed by learning
only word-based word embeddings.
CHARSCNN (character embeddings only): A variant of the CHARSCNN model such that the mathematical representations of texts are constructed by learning only
character-based word embeddings.
• Unigram + FastText: A FastText classifier trained on the unigram features [Joulin et al., 2016].
• Bigram + FastText: A FastText
classifier trained on the bigram features
[Joulin et al., 2016].
To assess the classification performance of all these variants, the n-grams are ran- domly divided into 5 chunks, using 4 for training and 1 for testing. Hyper-parameter search for the SVM and LR-based classifiers was done internally by the LibShortText library [Yu et al., 2013], whilst the default parameters were used in the CHARSCNN and FastText models. Figures 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4 show the F1, precision and recall rates of all frameworks respectively.
Figure 4.2: F1 rates of different text classification architectures
seen in the figures, all the rates are above 65%, meaning
that a sufficient in-
frastructure on understanding motion events from short texts seems to have been
established. Additionally, although
support vector machines
had a remarkable per- formance
on the data set, using
these traditional models will not be a proper design
Figure 4.3: Precision rates of different text classification architectures
Figure 4.4: Recall rates of different text classification architectures
decision for building a multimodal video retrieval system in real life. This is because such models benefit from word frequencies to compute features, leading to misclas-
sification of the sentences with words not included in the training
set. Considering all these reasons, we decided to use the FastText model on bigram
features that had reached the highest F1 rates. All the F1 rates are above 95%, and it was expected
to find out the motion events in a transcript most accurately during the user evaluation
studies of the video retrieval system.
Co-Interpretation of Sketching and Speech
Using the sketched symbol and short text classifiers trained, we have designed a heuris-
tic algorithm that is able to match
the sketched motion
symbols to the sequence of motion events found in a text.
This algorithm gives the ability
to convert multimodal
input into plain text that will be used later to find the soccer match segments
having the motions
described. A sample matching is illustrated in Figure 4.5.
Figure 4.5: An illustration of sketched symbol - motion event matching
multimodal interpretation algorithm
consists of 2 steps. In the first phase,
the transcribed speech input is split into short texts using the text classifier. Since the text classifier was trained on the n-grams with n ranging from 1 to 6, lengths of
the resulting segments must be between 1 and 6 words (both inclusive). The optimal segmentation must have the maximum segmentation log-probability, which is the sum of the maximum classification log-probabilities of all individual short text segments. This
problem was modeled
to be a dynamic programming problem as follows:
f (.) : The function
returning the maximum log-probability of a short text segment
T [i] : The maximum sum
of classification log-probabilities of short text segments when segmentation is performed on the first i word
W : The array of words
in a transcribed text
T [i]
= maxj=1,2,...min(6,i){T [i − j]
+ f (W [(i − j +
1) : i])} T [n]
: The value to maximize
input of the second step is the array of motion event classes with the highest probability. Initially, the None entries of the array, which do not express any motion event, are excluded. Next, the remaining entries are distributed among the sequence of motion arrow symbols drawn through another
dynamic programming problem for- mulated as follows:
E : The array of motion
events (excluding Nones)
Ball motion events = [Header, corner kick, pass, bicycle, free kick, shot, throw-in] Player motion events = [Tackle, dribbling]
b(.) : number of ball motion events in an array
p(.) : number of player motion events in an array
−b(E) if p(E) = 0 and the arrow indicates
a player motion
r(arrow, E)
= 1 − b(E) if p(E) > 0 and the arrow indicates a player motion
−p(E) if b(E) = 0 and the arrow indicates a ball motion
1 − p(E) if b(E) > 0 and the arrow indicates a ball motion
K : The array of sketched motion arrow symbol classes (sorted by drawing order, from the first to last)
T [i, j] = maxp=0,1,...,i−1{T [i − p, j − 1] + r(K[j], E[(i − p + 1) : i])} if j > 1
r(K[j], E[1 : i]) if j = 1
n : number of items in the E array m : number of items in the K array T [n, m] : The value to maximize
To explain further, this dynamic programming model tries to distribute the motion events detected
in a transcribed text among
the motion arrow
symbols drawn by a
user through preserving the temporal
order of both events and drawings. There are
2 kinds of award functions, one for matching a ball motion arrow,
and another for matching a player motion arrow. Each function
yields 1 point if there is at least
a motion event relevant to a motion arrow symbol. However, if there is at least a motion event irrelevant
to an arrow symbol, it cuts down by 1 point for each irrelevant
motion event. This leads to a homogeneous distribution of all motion event
entries by preserving the relevance between motion arrows and events. Note that depending
on the speech and sketch inputs, there might be some motion arrows with no motion events
This 2-step matching algorithm has been inspired by [Hse et al., 2004]’s work on segmenting sketched symbols. His work basically splits sketched symbols into primi- tive tokens such as arcs and lines. The segmentation process is based
on a dynamic programming model where
segments are fitted
to either an arc or a line.
We evaluated our matching algorithm on the data set of sketched symbol - motion event mappings. Since the algorithm can assign multiple motion events to a single motion arrow symbol, a motion event - arrow match is said to be correct if the correct motion event is among the
ones matched to the arrow. The matching algorithm
was evaluated
through different text classification models (CHARSCNN and FastText
with bigram features).
The evaluation results are presented in tables 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3. As seen in the tables, the FastText-based segmentation is more accurate
than the CHARSCNN-based segmentation. This is because FastText is more accurate than
Criteria |
Value obtained using CHARSCNN |
Value obtained using FastText |
Average accuracy rate
in a search task (number of correctly matched mo- tion
arrows in a search task / number
of all mo- tion arrows in a search
68.88% ± 33.61% |
75.38% ± 30.16% |
Overall accuracy rate (number of all correctly
matched motion arrows drawn in all search tasks / number of all motion arrows drawn in all search tasks) |
63.48% (252/397) |
69.02% (274/397) |
Table 4.1: Accuracy rates of the multimodal interpretation algorithm
CHARSCNN on short text classification. Moreover, there are high accuracy rates on the motion
events with many examples such as pass, tackle and free kick. However,
this is not the case for the dribbling class since the variation of the words
within this class is more than the other classes. It is thought that having more keywords but less samples in a motion event might lessen the accuracy rate. Furthermore, as seen in Table 4.3,
our multimodal interpretation framework overperforms the random matcher.
Since there are 8 distinct
ways of matching to a ball motion (7 ball motion
events + matching none of the events),
a random matcher
is 12.5% accurate. In the case of player motions, there are 3 different ways of matching (2 player motion events
+ matching none of the events) and thus the accuracy is 33.3%. Within this context,
Motion event |
Accuracy (using CHARSCNN) |
Accuracy (using Fast- Text) |
Header |
40% (2/5) |
60% (3/5) |
Corner kick |
87.5% (7/8) |
87.5% (7/8) |
Pass |
78.57% (77/98) |
84.69% (83/98) |
Bicycle |
40% (2/5) |
20% (1/5) |
Free kick |
90.91% (10/11) |
90.91% (10/11) |
Shot |
73.44% (47/64) |
96.88% (62/64) |
Throw in |
60% (6/10) |
70% (7/10) |
Tackle |
73.68% (28/38) |
86.84% (33/38) |
Dribbling |
46.2% (73/158) |
43.04% (68/158) |
Table 4.2: Distribution of accuracy rates of the multimodal interpretation algorithm among
the motion events
our 2-step multimodal interpretation heuristic seems applicable for use in our final multimodal video retrieval system. For its higher accuracy, FastText has been chosen
to be the text classification model in the video retrieval system.
User Interaction Mechanism
Based on the sketched symbol classifier, text classifier and the multimodal interpre- tation model, the user interaction mechanism of the video retrieval system is planned as
shown in Figure 4.6. As seen in the
figure, the video retrieval system has been designed to take speech and
sketching simultaneously. Users are
allowed to draw through a stylus pen. To distinguish individual symbols, users must stop drawing for a short while once a symbol
is complete. If a user stops drawing
for more than a sec- ond, coordinates of the points inside the recent symbol are sent to the sketched symbol classifier. Depending on the classification result, the recent symbol is beautified.
On the speech side, the speech input is transcribed through Google’s speech recognition
Motion arrow type |
Accuracy (ran- dom matcher) |
Accuracy (using CHARSCNN) |
Accuracy (us- ing FastText) |
Ball motion |
12.5% (1/8) |
75.12% (151/201) |
86.06% (173/201) |
Player motion |
33.3% (1/3) |
51.5% (101/196) |
51.5% (101/196) |
Table 4.3: Distribution of accuracy rates of the multimodal interpretation algorithm among the motion arrow types
API [Google, 2017]. To overcome mistranscriptions due to network breakages, users are also allowed to type whatever they said directly into the system through keyboard. Finally, once a user finishes describing a scene, the transcribed text and the sketched symbol
classification results are evaluated altogether by the multimodal
interpretation algorithm.
Figure 4.6: The user interaction mechanism
of the video retrieval
Search Query Generation
The multimodal input must be converted into a plain text search query to perform
retrieval on the database back end. There are 3 steps of generating back end search queries. As the first
step, the end points of the motion
arrows drawn in the canvas are detected. The end points of a motion arrow are assumed to be the furthest points
in the arrow [Hammond and Davis, 2006b].
These end points
are then marked
as starting and ending points depending on the orientation of arrows. If an arrow is heading to the west, the
endpoint with the smaller x coordinate is marked as the starting point
and the other
is marked as the end point.
The situation gets reversed if it is heading
to the east. To find out the orientation, we also trained
a binary SVM classifier on the IDM feature domain. The 5-fold cross validation results of the model are
depicted in Figure 4.71. As seen in the figure, the classifier
seems accurate to figure out the orientation of an arrow
if its head is drawn
As the second step, each motion arrow is associated with a player symbol.
Our system does not care about the
team names but their differences. The player doing a motion is assumed to be the
closest one to the arrow within 40 pixels radius. The teams are distinguished by being filled of player
symbols. Moreover, if a motion arrow is associated
with a player, its starting point is
updated to the center of the player associated2. Furthermore, if there is another arrow within 40 pixels radius of the ending point of an arrow, the teams doing these motions are assumed to be the same. As the last step, the multimodal
interpretation algorithm is executed. For each
arrow, the end points, the team information and its motion events are packed into a plain text query. Figure 4.8 illustrates the process of generating a plain text search
query from multimodal input.
Figure 4.7: Classification accuracies of the SVM-RBF
+ IDM classifier / feature extractor combination for finding
out the orientation of a motion
arrow symbol
Figure 4.8: An illustration of the database query generation
Notes to Chapter
Note that the hyperparameter ranges used in the grid search are as the same as the ones used for the symbol
The center of a player symbol is the average of all points (center of mass) included in
the symbol.
Chapter 5
To enable
motion based retrieval using plain text queries generated from multi- modal inputs, a database system has been designed and some retrieval algorithms have been implemented. The following subsections give a brief overview on the database system design and the retrieval
algorithms that comply with the plain text search query format.
Database Design
Our database system treats every single motion event
(header, corner kick, pass, bicycle, free kick, throw-in, tackle, shot and dribbling) as a primitive motion scenario.
All motion scenarios described by a user are considered to be an aggregation of the
primitive motion scenarios. Following this approach,
we designed the database to store
and index a set of primitive soccer
match cutouts each of which is represented by a feature vector
(id, fs, fe, sx, sy, ex, ey, t, e). All features
are explained below.
• id: A unique number created for every soccer match. This prevents compiling
primitive motion scenarios from different matches into the same video clip.
• fs: The frame number where the cutout starts
• fe: The frame number where the cutout ends
• sx: The x
coordinate of the point where the primitive motion starts
• sy: The y coordinate of the point where the primitive motion starts
• ex: The x coordinate of the point where the
primitive motion ends
• ey: The y coordinate of the point where the primitive motion ends
• t: The team of the player involved in the primitive motion scenario (gets either 1
or 2)
• e: The event name of the primitive motion scenario (either
of header, corner kick, pass, bicycle, free kick, throw-in, tackle, shot and dribbling)
We recorded 5 soccer matches between the AI-controlled teams from the Eat the Whistle game [Greco, 2008]. For each match, we extracted primitive motion events and stored their feature
representations in ADAMpro,
which is a scalable database utility for big multimedia collections [Giangreco and Schuldt, 2016].
To extract fea- tures of each primitive motion cutout, a state machine has been modeled and imple-
mented. All state machines are explained below.
Illustrations of the complex ones are also provided.
• Header: All the subsequent frames from one where a player is heading the ball, to the latest
one where the ball is free and has not been picked
up by someone else are considered to be about a header event (see
Figure 5.1).
• Corner kick:
All the subsequent frames from one where a corner kick is set, to
the latest one where the ball is free and has not been picked
up by someone else are considered to be about a corner kick event.
• Pass: If the team having the ball does not change but the player does, all the subsequent frames from the one where
the ball gets free to the one where the ball is picked up again are considered to be about a pass event (see Figure 5.2).
• Bicycle: All the subsequent frames
from one where a player
is doing a bicycle
kick, to the latest one where the ball is free and has not been picked up by
someone else are considered to be about
a bicycle event.
• Free kick: All the subsequent frames from one where a free kick is set, to the latest one where the ball is free and has not been picked up by someone else are considered
to be about a free kick event.
• Shot:
If the ball is picked up by the opponent’s goalkeeper or it goes wide, all the subsequent frames from the one where the ball gets free to the one where it goes wide or caught by the goalkeeper are considered to be about a shot event.
Throw-in: All the subsequent frames from one where a throw-in is set, to the latest one where the ball is free and has not been picked up by someone else are considered to be about a
throw-in event.
• Tackle: All the subsequent frames
from one where
a player tries
to steal the ball to the latest one where the ball
is free and has not been picked up by someone
else are considered to be about
a tackle event.
• Dribbling: All the
subsequent frames from one where the ball is picked up by a player to the one where he loses it are considered to be about
a dribbling event (see Figure
Moreover, regardless of belonging to a primitive motion event,
match frames are saved into a disk in order to prevent disjointedness among the video clips of primitive
motions. If two successive primitive events include some other frames
in between, these frames
are also included
in the video clip that will be presented in the search results.
Retrieval Framework
The ADAMpro utility supports two modes of retrieval:
• Boolean
retrieval: Retrieval based on exact matching between a query and a document
Figure 5.1: An illustration of the state machine finding
out the headers in the ball
motion record of a soccer match
• Vector space retrieval: Retrieval based on the similarity between
a query and a document.
The less the distance between the feature vectors of two items is,
the more similar they are.
retrieval framework exploits
these two methods to bring
video clips having the motions described. Firstly, for each motion entry in a plain text query, all primitive video clips having one of the motion events
listed in the entry are queried through boolean retrieval (see Algorithm
1). Next, on the video clips found
in the previous step, a vector
space retrieval is performed by using the position information as the query vector. Finally,
starting from the first entry, for each cutout found in a motion
entry, the closest cutout of the next motion entry happening within the
first 250 frames from the first frame is sought1. If there is such a cutout, this cutout is marked as the cutout of the next motion entry, and the seeking process
repeats between the next
two motion entries.
Otherwise the seeking
process is terminated. If the chain of
seeking processes happen
till the last motion entry,
then the frames
between the first frame
of the first entry’s cutout
and the last frame of the last entry’s cutout
are compiled into a video clip to be presented as a search result. Note that the results are presented
through sorting them by their similarity scores in descending order (see
Figure 5.2: An illustration of the state machine finding out the passes in the motion record
of a soccer match
Algorithm 2). The similarity score of a video clip is defined as the sum of the squared Euclidean
distances of the cutouts included2.
Algorithm 1: An algorithm that finds primitive video cutouts for each motion entry in a search
Data: K (an array of motion event entries in a search query)
Result: results (an array of search results for each motion entry in the search query)
results ← []
max number of results ← 10
for each entry in K do
boolean query ← e == entry.motion events[0]
possible event count ← entry.motion events.length
for each n in [1, 2, ..., possible event count − 1] do
boolean query ← boolean query||e == entry.motion events[n]
query vector ←<,, query.ex, query.ey >
results.append(database.vector space retrieval(query vector,
max number of results, database.boolean retrieval(boolean query)))
Algorithm 2: An algorithm yielding search results as video clips
Data: results (an array of search
results for each motion entry in the search query)
Result: S (an array of video clips with their similarity scores)
max frame count ← 250
motion query count ← results.length
first motion entry results ← results[0]
first motion
entry event count ← first motion
entry results.length S ← []
for each n in [0, 1, ..., first motion entry event count − 1] do
first event clip ← first motion entry results[n]
motion event frame range ← first event clip.frame range frame range ← first motion event frame range
similarity score ← first event clip.similarity score
for each m in [1, 2, ..., motion query count − 1] do
next results ← results[m]
next results count ← next results.count min frame diff ← max frame count closest clip ← None
frame range ← None
for each p in [0,1,...,next results count-1] do
diff ← next results[p].frame range.start
if frame diff ≤ min frame diff and next results[p].id = first event then
min frame count ← frame diff
clip ← next results[p]
last frame range ← next results[p].frame range
similarity score
for closest clip ← closest clip.similarity score
if closest clip = None then
end else
frame range ← frame range ∪ last frame range
if n = first motion event entry count − 1 then
S.add((frame range, similarity score))
Sort S by the first
column (their similarity scores) in descending order S.sort(column number = 1, ’descending’)
Figure 5.3: An illustration of the state machine finding
out the dribbling events in the motion record of a soccer match
Notes to Chapter
1 Note that the candidate cutouts are from the same soccer match.
2 The squared Euclidean distances of the cutouts are computed by ADAMpro.
Chapter 6
A video retrieval system has been built by integrating the multimodal input eval- uation
framework into the database back end1. More details on the system’s UI components, the protocol followed in the user evaluation studies with some insights
on the results are provided
in the following subsections.
User Interface Design
The user interface components of the video retrieval system are shown in Figure 6.1. As seen in the figure,
the UI consists of two main columns.
The left column
includes a text input field where a speech input is transcribed and displayed. Users can change its content through keyboard in case of having a
network breakage on Google’s speech recognition system [Google, 2017],
or having a mistranscribed text.
At the bottom of the text field, there is a drawing canvas with a
soccer field background image. The buttons just below the canvas can clear the canvas, remove
the recently drawn symbol, starts the multimodal interpretation and kicks a search. The bottommost
section on the left panel is a video display.
The right panel includes search
results as thumbnails. When a user
clicks on a thumbnail, the corresponding video clip
is played at the video display.
Note that whenever the compilation of a video clip is done, the clip is sent to the right panel without waiting for the other clips to be compiled. Thus users
can watch the video clips that have been already compiled while the search is in progress, enabling
a better user experience than presenting all the clips
in one go. To re-play the recently watched
video, users can click on the blue button below the display. During the user studies,
whenever they think that they have found the
correct video, they can click on the green button to evaluate the correctness of the
recently watched video.
Figure 6.1: The UI components of the video retrieval system
Moreover, to enhance the user experience while drawing, a symbol is beautified
when a user stops drawing it. As
illustrated in Figure 6.2, if she stops drawing a symbol for more than a second,
the symbol is sent to the sketched
symbol classifier and beautified depending on the classification result.
In this way users would think
that the system is interacting with them. If the symbol is classified as a player,
the system draws a circle with 40 pixels of radius. Otherwise, the system detects the
endpoints of the symbol, and draws an arrow (either
dashed or solid).
To illustrate the joint
interpretation of sketching
and speech
on the
drawing canvas, each motion event is written around the center of mass of
the arrow the event is assigned to (see Figure 6.3). If a user thinks that a motion event is not assigned to an arrow correctly, then she can click on the motion
events listed on the arrow,
and add the desired
event(s) through marking
them on a pop-up window.
Figure 6.2: A sample symbol beautification in the video retrieval system
The user evaluation studies take place around a table shown in Figure 6.4. Initially, the participant sits in front
of the computer located at the right half of the table. Next, the experimenter gives a brief overview of the study through a presentation on the computer.
After the presentation, the experimenter plays two short video clips, and asks the participant to draw the motions of the ball and players in these clips on a paper having a soccer field background image using the symbols given in the visual vocabulary (see Figure 6.5). Then the experimenter reviews
the symbols drawn. If
there is a misdrawn symbol, he asks the participant to re-draw it.
Once the training on sketched symbols is complete, the experimenter limits access to the visual vocabulary, and the search
tasks begin. The participants sits on the left
of the table. There are 5 search tasks, a warm-up task and four actual tasks. The participant’s interactions with the search engine is not included during the warm-up
Figure 6.3: A sample illustration of multimodal interpretation on the drawing canvas
Figure 6.4: The physical set-up of the user evaluation studies
task. For each
search task, a cutout from one of the 5 soccer matches indexed is randomly selected
and played on the screen2. Next, the participant tries to find this
video clip through our video retrieval system in 8 minutes. Within this time period,
Figure 6.5: The visual vocabulary used during the user evaluation studies
the participant is allowed to do as many video searches as she would like. Whenever she thinks that she has found the correct video, she clicks on the green button below the video display of the retrieval system3. Then, the computer
located at the right half of the table evaluates if the video clip sent by the
participant is correct. If the video clip is correct4, then the search task successfully ends. Otherwise, the search
task continues until the time is over. If
the time is over and the correct video clip could not be found, the search task
Moreover, in order to observe how participants established their search strategies based on time and number of attempts, we reviewed the scoring functions used in the assessment of video retrieval systems. The metric developed by [Schoeffmann et al., 2014] uses two parameters: the time passed till finding the correct video (t) and the number
of attempts made until finding the correct video (p). The scoring function is as follows
(s denotes the points
gained from a search task, and
denotes the time allowed
in a search task):
100−50 t
s(t, p) = tmax
This formula enables doing a
trade-off between time and number of attempts. The change with respect
to time is linear whilst the change on the score is inversely
proportional to the square of number of attempts. This motivates the participants
to do as many attempts as possible till finding the
correct clip. The participants
favoring time cannot be distinguished from the ones favoring number
of attempts. To overcome
this problem, we created a new scoring function having a parametrized
trade-off space between
time and number of attempts. The function is derived by the functions yielding the point loss per second or
attempt, namely T and P .
T (t; w, α, tavg) = −100w( t )α (t: the time passed till finding the correct video
clip, tavg: the arithmetic mean time passed
till finding the correct video
or having a failure)
P (p; w, β, pavg) = −100(1 − w)( p )β (p: the number of attempts till finding the
correct video clip, pavg: the arithmetic mean number of attempts
till finding the correct video clip)
The −100 coefficient in both functions implies that a participant can lose up to
100 points. The w coefficient is a real number in the [0, 1] range. This coefficient
determines the linear contribution of time and number of attempts to total loss. The
last factor in both functions is an exponentiation of the fraction of a time passed or a number of attempts made (α, β ∈ [0, 1] and α, β ∈ lR). Having α = 0 in T means that every unit
of time passed has the same point loss. If α > 0, the point loss increases
with respect to time. However,
as α approaches to 1, the point loss for a particular
time or attempt count decreases.
By taking the indefinite integrals
of the loss functions as follows, the scoring function used in our evaluation
studies has been derived. Note that
the constants coming from the integrals are set to 0.
S(t, p; w, α, β, tavg, pavg)
= 100 + J T (t; w, α, tmax)d( t ) + J P (p; w, β, pavg)d( p )
tavg pavg
= 100 − 100w( t )α+1 1 − 100(1 − w)( p )β+1 1
points gained from a search
task is the product of video clip similarity5 and the value obtained
from the scoring function. If the search task fails, then the points
gained from the task is zero. Taking the summation
of the points gained from actual
search tasks, the total points
collected in an evaluation study
is computed.
We conducted the user evaluation studies on our video retrieval system by involving 15 participants. The following criteria
were used in the assessment of the system:
• Sketched symbol classification performance
• Multimodal interpretation performance
• Search performance of the participants
• Search runtime
• The search strategies established by the participants
Sketched Symbol Classification Performance
To evaluate the classification performance of the sketched
symbol classifier used in
the video retrieval system, initially, the symbols that were drawn once and not
re- moved from the drawing canvas later were detected by hand. These symbols, namely permanent
symbols, are thought
to be classified correctly. For each permanent symbol, we also inspected
the number of trials to get to the correct classification.
Having less number
of trials for a symbol
indicates that the symbol classifier works accurately on the symbols drawn by the participants. Within this context,
we kept the statistics of the
number of trials for each permanent symbol. As
presented in Table 6.1, the most frequently drawn symbols are the player
symbols, having the least number of trials. The
symbol type with the greatest number of trials is the player motion arrow heading to the west. Analyzing
the results altogether, the mean number of trials for all classes
is below 1. Considering the sizes of the sketched
sym- bol datasets collected and used for benchmarking [Eitz et al., 2012], we concluded that the support
vector machine based classification with the IDM feature extraction
method [Ouyang and Davis, 2009] has exhibited a remarkable performance on our
dataset of sketched symbols. We believe that this finding is useful since it
can open the way to data efficient learning methods for sketched symbols.
Mean num- ber of trials |
Maximum number of trials |
Number of permanent symbols |
Number of permanent
symbols with the number of trials greater than or equal to 1 |
Player from side 1 |
0.15 ± 0.56 |
6 |
184 |
21 |
Player from side 2 |
0.12 ± 0.40 |
3 |
130 |
12 |
Ball mo- tion/east |
0.21 ± 0.70 |
6 |
101 |
21 |
Ball mo- tion/west |
0.28 ± 0.80 |
7 |
103 |
28 |
Player mo- tion/east |
0.27 ± 0.77 |
5 |
53 |
14 |
Player mo- tion/west |
0.46 ± 1.43 |
8 |
41 |
14 |
Table 6.1: Summary of the number of trials for permanent symbols
Multimodal Interpretation Performance
Out of the 250 motion arrow symbols
drawn, the participants added motion events to 77 symbols (30.80%) through a pop-up window. This means that only 77 symbols
were not matched with the correct motion event. In other words, the multimodal
interpretation system
is 100% − 30.80%
= 69.20% accurate on the motion arrows
drawn by the participants. Moreover,
on average, the participants added motion events to only 30.42% of the motion arrow symbols drawn during a search task (with a
standard deviation of 17.70%). Considering
the fact that our dataset of n-grams is relatively smaller than the data sets
used in benchmarking of the popular text classification models [dos Santos and Gatti, 2014], we concluded that our multimodal
interpretation model has exhibited a notable performance on the speech and sketching
data combined.
Search Performance of Participants
Out of the 60 video clips searched
by the participants, 37 were found correctly
(see Figure 6.6 for the number
of clips found
correctly by each participant). This means
our video retrieval system’s accuracy is 37/60 = 61.67%. Taking the complexity and ambiguity of both speech and sketching into account, this accuracy rate is note- worthy. This retrieval system is the first of its kind in terms
of the modalities used.
Thus it constitutes a baseline for the video retrieval systems in the future.
Moreover, for each motion event, we analyzed the fraction of the video clips found correctly. As seen in Table 6.2, the highest accuracy
was obtained in corner kicks, and the second in shots. For other events, the accuracy rates were ranging
between 41% and 61%. These
statistics imply that the sketching and speech produced by the participants to describe shots and corner kicks were consistent with each other. For other events, the sketching and
speech used by the participants might not be consistent among the participants. Due to the lack of graphics quality
of the Eat the Whistle game,
the participants
might have misinterpreted the motion
events presented in video clips, resulting in wrong video clips returned
by the retrieval system. For
instance, some participants have interpreted a free kick as a pass, and the retrieval system has brought only passes
rather than free kicks.
Figure 6.6: The distribution of the video clips found correctly among the participants
Search Runtime
An average completion time of a search was 83.5 seconds (with a standard deviation of 67.58 seconds). On average, the participants have found the correct video within the first 26.69 seconds of a search runtime (with a standard deviation of 21.87 seconds). Combining these
results, the participants were able to find the correct video
within the one-third (26.69/83.5 ∼ 1/3) of a search
runtime. Most of a search
runtime is spent on the
compilation of the video clips found. These
imply that the retrieval system seems to list the desired results on the top,
thus the retrieval
algorithm serves to
a good user experience. Note that
this system is the first of its kind in terms of the modalities employed. Thus that runtime is considered to be a
baseline for the multi-modal motion retrieval
systems in the future.
Motion event |
Video clips pre- sented |
Video clips cor- rectly found by a participant |
Accuracy |
Header |
13 |
8 |
61.54% |
Corner kick |
10 |
9 |
90.00% |
Pass |
12 |
5 |
41.67% |
Bicycle |
12 |
6 |
50.00% |
Free kick |
8 |
4 |
50.00% |
Shot |
13 |
11 |
84.62% |
Throw-in |
14 |
8 |
57.14% |
Tackle |
21 |
11 |
52.38% |
Dribbling |
34 |
20 |
58.82% |
Table 6.2: Distribution of video clip retrieval accuracies among the motion
Search Strategies
Using our new scoring metric on different combinations of w, α and β, we projected how the search established by the participants strategies based on time67 and attempt count8. All the participants’ scores are presented in figures 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10 and 6.11. As seen in the figures, the scores when w = 1 with different (α, β)9 values are greater than the ones when w = 0. The participants’ scores increase in parallel to the linear weight on the time loss. Most of the participants have favored time against attempt count, thus the loss in overall scores due to time was less than the ones due to attempt
Moreover, for different values of w10, we took the average scores of each participant over different combinations of α and β. As shown in Figure 6.12, 5 participants have reached the maximum score when w = 0 whereas the others (10 participants) have reached the maximum when w = 1. This implies that majority of the
participants have used time more efficiently than attempt count. Also,
retrieval system seems
Figure 6.7: The participants’ scores for different combinations of α and β
when w = 0
Figure 6.8: The participants’ scores for different combinations of α and β
when w = 0.25
Figure 6.9: The participants’ scores for different combinations of α and β
when w = 0.5
Figure 6.10: The participants’ scores for different combinations of α and β when
w = 0.75
Figure 6.11: The participants’ scores for different
combinations of α and β when
w = 1
to support both
time-favoring and attempt-count-favoring
search strategies without huge
performance gaps.
Figure 6.12: Average scores of the participants for different values of w (participants are
enumerated from 1 to 15)
Notes to Chapter
1 Source code of the system is available online at
Among the 4 video clips played in the actual tasks, one clip includes a single prim- itive motion event, one clip includes two consecutive primitive motion events, one clip includes
three consecutive primitive motion events and one includes four consecutive primitive motion
3 This action is called an attempt in the rest of the paper.
video clip is said to be correct
if the intersection of its frames with the frames
of the actual clip is at least 80 percent of the frames of the actual
The number of frames at the
intersection between the video clip found by the participant and the correct one / the number of frames in the correct video clip
6 We used second as the unit of time.
7 The average duration of finding a correct video clip was 285.32 seconds, hence tavg
was taken as 285.32.
8 The average
number of attempts
made in a search task was 1.63, hence pavg was
taken as 1.63.
9 α, β ∈ {0, 0.5, 1}
10 w ∈ {0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1}
Chapter 7
To have a prior knowledge on how humans articulate motion through speech and sketching, we designed a protocol and implemented a set of software
tools for en- couraging participants to draw and talk in a video retrieval task. The protocol
and the software tools were assessed on the soccer match retrieval use case scenario. The
ecologically validity
in these tasks was formed by involving participants with ranging
level of expertise in soccer. The software tools are customizable based on the retrieval
use case, and the protocol is easy to follow. Afterwards, to build a natural interaction
mechanism for depicting
motion, we developed a multimodal interpretation model that is able to understand the sequence of motion events specified through
speech and sketching. This heuristic model is based on two sub-models, a sketched symbol classifier and a text classifier. Considering the exiguity of the data we collected, the multimodal interpretation model and its sub-models are thought to exhibit a remark-
able classification performance. All
these results also show that the software and protocol used in data collection make a good couple with the multimodal interpreta-
tion model for building
a speech-and-sketch-based user interfaces for characterizing
motion. As the final step, we developed
a multimodal video retrieval system by com-
bining the natural
interaction mechanism with a database back-end designed for big multimedia
collections. The system was assessed through user evaluation studies. The study results show that the retrieval
system works accurately on real-life multimodal
inputs. However, this system
is the first of its kind in terms of the modalities em- ployed. This system has just constructed a baseline for the video retrieval systems in the future. There is a big room of improvement on the multimodal interpretation and the video retrieval
algorithm. We believe
that this system
has opened the way for
Chapter 7: Conclusions 65
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