Understanding Generation Z:
Their Attitudes Towards to Family, Education and
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Understanding Generation Z: Their Attitudes Towards to Family,
This thesis analyzes Turkish Generation Z, which has been
scrutinizing recently in terms of family, education, and socialization, and also
in comparison between its Western counterparts. The research is based on the
thought that political and social events affected and changed this generations’
attitudes. In Turkey the Generation Z includes individuals born after ABBB. To
explain the historical background of the term generation, Karl Mannheim’s
generation theories were used. Twenty- five in-depth interviews were
conducted with students from universities in Istanbul. Instead of collecting
statistical data, the main aim was to understand Turkish Generation Z. Also
the major generations from ABth and AIst century, namely, Silent, Baby
Boomer, Generation X, Generation Y, and Generation Z in Europe, America,
and Turkey were explained in terms of family, education, social life, and
technology. The study consists of Generation Z members who are enrolled at
a university in Istanbul, therefore, instead of general conclusions, personal
expressions were provided.
bVcde words
Z Kuşağının Aile, Eğitim, ve Sosyal Hayata Yönelik Tutumlarının
Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye’de özellikle son yıllarda konuşulmaya
başlayan Z kuşağ ının aile, eğitim ve sosyalleşme üzerine düşüncelerini,
tutumlarını incelemek ve Batı’daki Z kuşağı ile karşılaştırmaktır.
Toplumların içinde bulunduğ u siyasi ve sosyal olayların gençlerin yani
kuşakların tutumlarını etkilediğ i ve değ iştirdiğ i gö z önü ne alınarak
çalışmanın kaynağı oluşturmuştur. Z kuşağ ı yaş aralığ ı olarak 5666
sonrası doğanlar alınmıştır. Tarihsel olarak kuşak kavramını açıklamak
amacıyla ise Karl Mannheim’ ın kuşak teorilerinden yararlanılmıştır. Bu
amaçla Ihstanbul’daki ü niversitelerde okuyan 5V kişi ile derinlemesine
görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Derinlemesine görüşme yapılmasının nedeni ise
istatistiki bir veriden çok bu kuşağ ı anlamanın amaçlanmasıdır. 56. ve 57.
yü zyılda Avrupa, Amerika ve Tü rkiye’deki beş ana kuşak: Sessiz kuşak,
Baby Boomer kuşağ ı, X kuşağ ı, Y kuşağ ı, ve Z kuşağ ı, eğitim, aile, sosyal
hayat ve teknoloji gibi konular üzerinden açıklanmış; karşılaştırmalar
yapılmıştır. Çalışma yalnızca Ihstanbul’da ü niversite ö ğ rencilerini
kapsadığ ından genel çıkarımlardan çok kişisel ifadelere yer verilmesine
imkân sağlanmıştır.
bVcde kelime
To my family
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements xiii
o.o Theoretical Background _
o.p Methodology 76
o.q Organizations of Chapters 75
p.o Greatest Generation 7_
p.p Silent Generation 7e
p.q Baby Boomers 56
p.s Generation X 5_
p.t Generation Y 5u
q.o Education bu
q.p Family _7
q.q Socialization and Digital Media __
s.o Republican Generation V_
s.p eu and cu Generation Vd
s.q Generation X ee
s.s Generation Y c5
t.o Socialization u6
t.p Family ud
t.q Education de
t.s Society 76b
A Participants 77V
First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my
advisor Prof. Dr. M.Asım Karaömerlioğlu, for inspiring me to study generations,
for his support, and guidance. Without his guidance and consultancy,
this study would not has been possible. I am also grateful to jury
members Asst. Prof. Begüm Uzun and Asst. Prof. Taylan Acar for their
valuable comments and supports.
This project could not have been accomplished without the support
of my beloved Ihren Yaman. Thank you very much for your patience, and
support. I am grateful to the interviewees who participated voluntarily
and shared their ideas with me.
I am also grateful Ataturk Institute members. Leyla Kılıç, Kadriye
Tamtekin and Dilek Tecirli facilitated everything for us. Additionally, I am
gratefull Tracy M Lord for her helpful comments. I thank my friend Hülya
Ersoy who gave valuable recommendations about my academic writing.
I would like to thank my friends from the Institute, Batıkan, Muhammed,
Eyü p Burak, Ihsmail, and Batuhan, for their support to motivate me for
writing this thesis.
Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to my family. I am
grateful to my family for their unconditional support.
NOTE: The in-house editor of the Atatürk Institute has made detailed recommendations
with regard to the format, grammar, spelling, usage, syntax,
and style of this thesis.
hroughout history, the term "generation" has been used frequently
in various academic disciplines. It is frequently used in daily life as
well as in academia, and it can only be used to explain a simple event in
daily life or to analyze a complex phenomenon in social sciences. Also,
people come across this term in daily newspapers or magazines and on
television. Especially recently, people are more exposed to the word generation
due to both political and marketing purposes. Nowadays, there
have been many discussions about political views or voting preferences
of young people in Turkey, especially about those called Generation Z.
The purpose of this thesis is not to explain the political views of
Generation Z individuals or to say whether they will change the government
in the upcoming elections or not, instead to try to understand the
members of this generation’s daily lives without being prejudiced or
Although today's focus is on the political views and voting potential
of young people, I think that in order to understand the political views of
young people and to develop policies towards them, 1irst of all, it is necessary
to try to understand not only the generation itself but also the
conditions in which this generation has been raised.
Although many studies have been carried out in many different academic
1ields about generations recently, generation studies can be considered
as a relatively fresh and ever-developing 1ield of study. Karl
Mannheim made the most signi1icant contribution to the institutionalization
and dissemination of generational studies in the 1ield of social sciences
with his essay entitled ‘Problems of Generations’ in 7d5u. Mannheim,
with this work, presented a comprehensive generational theory
that explains how social generations are formed and transformed. Alongside
Mannheim, the Spanish philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset made an
essential contribution to the institutionalization of generational studies
in the 1ield of social sciences with his 7db7 book Modern Theme. The amount
of generational work that Mannheim and Ortega Gasset paved the
way for increased steadily throughout the twentieth century. American
researchers Neil Howe and William Strauss contributed to the generational
theory of social sciences with their book The Fourth Turning: What
the Cycles of History Tell Us About America's Next Rendezvous with Destiny
in 7ddc. Since the emergence of a comprehensive generational theory
in the social sciences, Western literature has divided and labeled generations
according to their characteristics. Although the names and dates of
generational cohorts differ between different genres of literature, there
are some globally accepted names and dates formed mainly by Western
scholars. Names and dates vary because each generational group
worldwide passes different historical processes and has unique experiences.
The globally accepted names are chronologically Greatest Generation,
Silence Generation, Baby Boomer Generation, Generation X, Generation
Y, and Generation Z.
In Western literature, there are several studies conducted by scholars,
commentators, and researchers with the help of interviews, surveys, focus
groups, or text analyses to identify generational characteristics.
While some studies focus on speci1ic characteristics of generations, others
aim at understanding generations in a broader context. Contrary to
Western literature, generational studies in Turkish literature are generally
carried out under youth studies in the 1ield of social sciences. Although
youth studies is a newly developing 1ield in Turkey, signi1icant youth
research has been done in recent years. In the institutionalization of youth
studies in Turkey, the article named Object or Subject? The Paradox
of Youth in Turkey which written by Leyla Neyzi and the doctoral
dissertation named Türkiye'de "Gençlik Miti": 7du6 sonrası Türkiye Gençliğ
i which was written by Demet Lüküslü had a crucial impact. Although
there have been many studies on youth recently, these ones generally aimed
at examining young people's political attitudes and behaviors. For
example, there are many studies on the political attitudes and behaviors
of Baby Boomers, de1ined as the eu Generation in Turkey.
While studies on generations in Turkey generally focus on the market
behaviors of generations, there are a few studies focusing on the daily
lives and concerns of them. An example of the studies that focus on generations’
daily lives is ‘Youth of du in Turkey’ conducted by the Konrad-
Adenauer Foundation in 7ddd. After this study, studies to understand the
daily lives of young people are generally based on survey studies conducted
by non-governmental organizations or research institutions. Zeynep
Erdoğan's master thesis, ‘Exploring Generation Y Via Attitudes Towards
Economy, Education and Marriage’, written in 567V, is an example of
comprehensive studies aiming at understanding Generation Y in Turkey.
Considering the studies conducted about Generation Z in Turkey, two
types of studies stand out in terms of their goals: While some of these
studies are carried out by the business world for marketing purposes, others
try to forecast the possible attitude that will be adopted by this new
generation in the upcoming elections. Beyond these, studies on Generation
Z have started in the academic 1ield, and researches have emerged to
examine this generation's behavior and characteristics in different 1ields.
In this study, I will try to understand the perceptions, complaints, and
expectations of the young people, called Generation Z, towards education,
family, and society of which they are a part of. Young people are
constantly being stereotyped and labeled by previous generations. This
study aims to focus on what young people say about themselves, not what
others say about them.
This thesis aims to understand the similarities and differences
between young people in Turkey and their European and American counterparts.
Thus, whether there will be a universal generation as well as,
the factors spesi1ic to Turkey, essential in the character development of
young people, will be examined.
In this study, answers will be sought to questions such as how Turkish
generation Z de1ines themselves, how they perceive the world and the
society they live in their differences from previous generations, and the
similarities and differences between them and their peers in Western Europe
and the US.
§ I.I Theoretical Background
The term generation is being used many times in our daily lives, in
both academic and popular culture. This term is used in various academic
areas such as sociology, economics, and history. Moreover, people come
across this term in newspapers, novels, and on television. The ordinary
dictionary meaning of generation is a group of individuals born and living
contemporaneously. However, the term generation has been used and
continues to be used in many different meanings from the past to the present.
In this part, I try to analyze the historical and theoretical background
of the term generation.
The notion of generation is one of the historically essential concepts
that de1ine individuals' relationships with each other and societies.
(Alwin & McCammon, 566c) The concept of generation has been used in
many different meanings throughout history. The origins of the concept
of generation can be traced to Ancient Greece. (Jaeger, 7duV)
In Ancient Greek, the root of the term came from the word genos,
whose meaning is re1lected in the 'genesthai,' meaning to come into existence.
(Nash, 7dcu) The generation has different meanings in Ancient Greeks,
which depended on birth and reproduction and the cycle of life.
(Nash, 7dcu) Although the concept of generation is used in many different
meanings, the origin of this notion is based on biological-genealogical
studies used in Ancient Greek historiography and poetry to describe the
continuing process between the succession of fathers and sons. (Jaeger,
7duV) The historical de1inition of generation depended on the biological
cycle of life between family members, which creates a discontinuity
between social and cultural changes. (Jaeger, 7duV)
Although the term generation appears in many different post-
Ancient Greek works, it is assumed that Auguste Comte did the 1irst scienti
1ic study about generations. For Comte, the notion of generation facilities
to analyze human life experiences with interpreting of generational
activities. (Comte & Martineau, 566d) A succession of generations is the
moving force of historical progress, and the tempo of generational change
determines the tempo of this progress. After Comte, many names such as
John Stuart Mill, Justin Dromel, and Gustav Rumelin worked on generations
to help this 1ield gain a place in science. In addition to this, the Enlightenment
and Industrial Revolution played an essential role in transforming
the generation theme. Increasing life expectancy, the emergence
of the youth period with the new economic order brought about by the
Industrial Revolution, and the changes in the family structure increased
the social power of the concept of generation. (Url & Heine, 5675)
In the 7dth century, with the acceleration of social and economic
changes with the effect of the Industrial Revolution, interest in the concept
of generation gradually increased. (Jaeger, 7duV) At the end of the
7dth century and 56th century, numerous studies have been carried out
on the concept of generation in many different 1ields, especially in sociology,
history, and psychology. Generation studies and theories in different
1ields have generally contributed to each other and developed. According
to Kertzer, there are four common usages for the term generation: kinship
descent meaning, birth cohort, life stage, and historical period. (Alwin
& McCammon, 566c; Kertzer, 7dub)
The generational struggle is one of the leading concepts used
extensively by researchers in the literature in order to understand society
and social changes. According to Bourdieu, the generational struggle
is essential in order to explain the transformation in culture. Bourdieu
claimed that the social world consists of many semi-autonomous 1ields,
and the struggle between different generations over the cultural sphere
from these semi-autonomous areas creates signi1icant social changes.
(Bourdieu & Passeron, 7dd6; Edmunds & Turner, 566V; Purhonen, 567e)
Along with Bourdieu, generational con1lict takes an essential
place in Eisenstadt's works. Eisenstadt claimed that generational con1lict
is caused by differences between generations. (Eisenstadt, 567b) According
to Eisenstadt, youth unrest caused by personal traumas in adolescence
is a quick process because attitudes and behaviors of youth must
change when young people move into adult social positions. (Eisenstadt,
One of the essential philosophers who tried to explain the continuation
of the cultural traditions in the society by using the continuity
of the generations and generational con1licts in the family in the early
56th century is Mentre. However, he did not develop a very systematic
theory. (Jaeger, 7duV) Mentre distinguished between social generation
and family generation, which de1ined a social generation as a spiritual
unity. (Wohl, 7dcd) According to Mentre, generation was a product of spiritual
transformation and which was only de1ined with psychological and
moral terms such as beliefs and desire. (Wohl, 7dcd)
A signi1icant part of the studies that allowed the concept of generation
to be discussed in a theoretical framework in the 1ield of social
sciences were carried out in the 56th century. One of the main contributors
to the development of the theoretical framework of generation is
philosopher Ortega-Gasset. According to Ortega, generation as a dynamic
compromise between individual and the mass was the essential concept
of history. (Ortega y Gasset, 7de7) For Ortega, generations play a crucial
role in the movement of historical evolution. Members of generations
have speci1ic common characteristics, and these characteristics give
them a common physiognomy. Common physiognomy is one of the things
that separates generations from previous generations because every generation
has unique physiognomy. (Wohl, 7dcd) Ortega claimed that each
generation represented a moment in a nation's vitality; it was a pulsation
of the nation's historical potency. Moreover, although each generation is
in1luenced by culture and teachings created by previous generations,
they also create their own truths. (Ortega y Gasset, 7de7) Ortega said that
the spirit of each generation depended on the balance between things taken
from previous generations and what they create. In addition to these,
entire generation had a mission to perform, and the potential to accomplish
this task depended on the education they received from previous generations.
(Wohl, 7dcd) Ortega assumed that under normal circumstances,
the oncoming generations would reshape the world to 1it their needs
and leave it different from the way they had found. (Wohl, 7dcd) Furthermore,
similar to Mannheim, Ortega accepted that generations possessed
styles of life, and generations could be de1ined in terms of a sensibility, a
fate, and a program.
German sociologist Karl Mannheim's work on the generation
constitutes a turning point in this 1ield. Mannheim has done an analytical
and comprehensive analysis of the term generation. Mannheim's works
consisted of the cornerstone of generational theory in social sciences,
and his works are still seen as the central reference point in generational
studies today. According to him, biological factors are essential for a generation,
but these factors are not sole determinants. Along with biological-
genealogical factors, social and historical processes are crucial for the
formation of a generation. Even though the sociological phenomenon of
generation is based on birth and death to some extent, it can not only be
irreducible to this biological meaning. (Mannheim, 566d)
According to Mannheim, people who consisted of the same generation
should share the same years of birth because people who are born
in the same years share a common location of the historical dimension of
social process. Having a common location causes individuals to witness
certain historical events in a similar way and have similar potential experiences
in the face of these events; having similar experiences is one of
the de1ining characteristics of generation formation. (Mannheim, 566d)
However, Mannheim claimed that sharing exactly the same birth dates
alone is not enough for individuals to be in a shared location.
The main determining factor that creates a similar location is that individuals
share the same experiences against the same events; thus, these
common experiences enable them to develop mutual generational
consciousness. Individuals who share the same age and location can create
an actual generation by participating in the social and intellectual
processes in their communities. Moreover, Mannheim claimed that although
individuals who make up a generation experience the same historical,
economic, and political events and problems in a similar way, these
experiences can occur in different ways reasoned by speci1ic various causes,
thus those individuals who encounter similar experiences in similar
particular ways consist a generational unit. (Alwin & McCammon, 566c;
Mannheim, 566d) Thus, many generational units may arise among the
constituent individuals of a generation through a variety of different
experiences and causes.
Generation studies in the US predominantly depend on numerical
and statistical studies. Nevertheless, some studies make a considerable
contribution to the development of a theoretical framework of generational
studies in social sciences. One of the most prominent studies
in generational research is the work of Neil Howe and William Strauss,
which has been referenced many times. This work analyzes generation in
American society. According to them, both socially and biologically, human
life is divided into phases, and each phase of life is the same length
as the others. (Howe & Strauss, 7ddc) Moreover, each generation length
same as one phase of life, considered as twenty and twenty-two years.
For this theory, a generation is a group of people born over the same span
of a phase of life who share a common location in history and have a common
persona. Howe and Strauss claimed that each generation has its own
persona. (Strauss & Howe, 7dd7) According to them, location in history
has a substantial effect on shaping generations. Generation and generation
personas occur in particular historical periods. Generations are not
immortal, and generations with different personalities emerge in each
different period.
Howe and Strauss call these personas generational archetypes. Each
archetype has its unique characteristics, and they only appear in periods
appropriate to them. Time is cyclical, and there have been four different
types of periods called High, Awakening, Unraveling, Crisis throughout
history, and four different generational archetypes de1ined as Prophet,
Nomad, Hero, Artist have emerged in these four different periods. (Howe
& Strauss, 7ddc) At the same time, each period has the same length as
each phase of human life as approximately twenty and twenty-two years.
Furthermore, Howe and Strauss accepted similar to other thinkers such
as Ortega and Mannheim, that each generation is not only shaped by history
but also shapes history. (Howe & Strauss, 7ddc; Strauss & Howe, 7dd7)
They argued that rapid social change plays a decisive role in shaping generation.
Studies of generation on social sciences have begun to focus on other
aspects of generational dimensions since the beginning of the 57st century.
Studies conducted in this period were exceedingly inspired by the
primary sources of this 1ield, namely Ortega and Mannheim's works. Studies
conducted in the 57st century can be regarded as an adaptation of
previous studies to conditions of the current times rather than falsifying
previous studies. Notable works in the 57st century were conducted by
Edmunds and Turner who, use the global generation phenomenon.
According to them, thanks to technological development in communication,
signi1icant events have been experienced globally. They claimed
that previous researchers restricted the generation concept to national
borders. Yet, generations of the late 56th century and early 57st century
surpass national borders. For them, as a result of the development of
communication, traumatic events have been experienced all around the
world, and these globally experienced major events may facilitate the
growth of global generations. (Edmunds & Turner, 566V)
Media is an essential function for the development of the global generation
and generation awareness. The signi1icant events in the world are
spread by media outlets and thus become more traumatic. In the 56th
century, television was the primary media body that carried out this function,
whereas today, it is the internet. Besides, the increase in mobility,
tourism, education, and global labor markets affects the global generation's
development. Globally experienced traumas will not necessarily
produce uniform pathways and can lead to a variety of contrasting positions.
The role of a traumatic event is not to de1ine the consciousness of
a generation formed in its shadow but to provide a focal point where memories
and political activism are interconnected. (Edmunds & Turner,
This thesis is mainly inspired by the generation theory developed by
Mannheim and was shaped around it by embracing Mannheim's generation
theory. Scholars devised several de1initions to explain a generation.
The sociological de1inition of generation, by Karl Mannheim, describing
a group of people who share birth years, similar political and social experiences
within a speci1ic location, and create similar values, beliefs, and
attitudes, is used in this thesis.
§ I.K Methodology
In this study, my methodology is based on in-depth interviews. The
aim was to better understand how the younger generation views life,
their relationships with society, their relationships with their families,
how they regard education, and how they socialize by conducting indepth
interviews with the interviewees. Since the in-depth interviews
consist of many general and speci1ic topics, the participants were informed
that they could leave the interview whenever they wanted and did
not have to answer the questions they did not want.
My research is a case study focusing on the Turkish youth generation
who enrolled university in Istanbul. I believe that the case study is a suitable
research strategy for this thesis; I think it will provide a comprehensive
and detailed understanding of the Turkish youth generation,
commonly known as Generation Z.
Some limitations were applied when selecting participants for this
study. Participants who would be interviewed were selected among
young people born after 5666 and had to be university students in
Istanbul. The reason for choosing the year of birth as a constraint is that
the classi1ication based on birth years is common in studies on generation.
Additionally, such a restriction has been applied because being a
university student in Istanbul matches the concept of the generational
unit, one of the essential concepts of the generation theory built by Mannheim,
both in terms of time and space. Young people who were born after
5666 and enrolled in university in Istanbul are considered one of the generational
units of Generation Z in this research. All of the participants in
the study were selected from families with middle-income levels.
This thesis is mainly based on the interpretation of the interviewees'
ideas, thoughts, and attitudes about their own generation as
well as their lives. The primary purpose of this thesis is to understand
Turkish Generation Z in-depth, instead of making general statements and
obtaining statistical results. This restricted case study is the limitation of
this thesis. On the other hand, this thesis can provide insight into Turkish
Generation Z and can be used as a beginning point for a more extensive
I made twenty- 1ive interview. I ask approximately sixty questions
to participants about different topics. A semi-structured interview is a
method of research used in this thesis. Even though I prepared my questions
before the interview, I asked them according to the progress of the
Snowball sampling method is used in this thesis.Interviews lasted
over an two hour on average. As I was going to ask mostly personal questions
to the participants, I thought a face to face conversation would allow
for this kind of intimate communication, thus all interviews made by
face to face. For the same reasons as well as privacy reasons , I said to
participants that there is no recording during the interview. Instead of
recording, I take some notes with my own hand. Participant will remain
anonymous. Therefore, nicknames were used in the study. All interviews
conducted by Turkish.
In addition to in-depth interviews, short interviews on spesi1ic topics
were held with some people who were faced with the same conditions
and those who were born after 5666 and enrolled in college in Istanbul.
In addition to these, some observations are also included in the study.
In the study, of1icial statistical sources and studies on youth and
generations by non-governmental organizations and research companies
were also used as secondary sources.
§ I.L Organization of Chapters
This thesis consists of four chapters except for the introduction and
conclusion chapters. American and European generations will be explained
in the second chapter. Five generations from the twentieth century
will be studied and compared in various ways. The Greatest Generation,
Silence Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y are
the names of the 1ive generations in chronological sequence.
In the third chapter, Western Generation Z will be explained
in detail. The attitudes and behaviors of the members of this generation
living in Europe and the United States towards family, education, and socialization
will be explained in this chapter.
In the fourth chapter, the generations who lived in Turkey in
the twentieth century will be examined. In this section, the differences
between generations in Turkey from their peers in Europe and America
and the conditions speci1ic to Turkey will be explained. In this section,
while explaining the characteristics of the generations in Turkey, the local
names given to these generations, such as Republican Generation and eu
and cu Generation, will be used.
The last chapter will be the core of this thesis and rely on the
statements of my interviewers. The relations of Turkish generation Z
with their families and their family perception will be examined. In addition,
I will attempt to understand the views of young people on education,
their views on society, and their socialization styles through their own
@Ath Century Generations in Europe and America
n this section, the behavior and characteristics of the different
generations of the twentieth century will be explained in detail. The
generations that came before Generation Z will be examined in this
section to understand better the similarities and differences between
Generation Z and their predecessor. In addition, another purpose of this
section is to help examine how generations were living in different parts
of the world exhibit different attitudes and behaviors from their counterparts
due to the different historical, social, and economic events they
experience in and around the regions they live. Thus, in the following
chapter, generations emerging in Turkey in the 56th century will be
examined in detail.
In the following part, 1ive different generations in the 56th century
will be investigated and compared in some aspects. In chronological order,
the names of these 1ive generations are the Greatest Generation, Silence
Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y. After
these, Generation Z in Europe and America will be analyzed in detail.
§ K.I Greatest Generation
The 1irst generation group examined in this part is Greatest Generation,
born between 7d66 and 7d5_. The origins of their name came from
Tom Brokaw's book Greatest Generation. This generation is also known
as G.I Generation and World War Two Generation, according to Neil
Howe. The childhood and adolescence of this generation coincided with
Great Depression 7d5d. The Great Depression, which had tremendous effects
worldwide, also played a signi1icant role in forming this generation's
consciousness and character development. Between 7d5d, when the economic
crisis started, and 7dbb, the unemployment rate in the USA increased
by more than twenty percent. At the end of 7dbb, twenty-seven percent
of the United States' total workforce was unemployed. In addition,
between 7d5d-7db7, the US industry shrank by 7/b. The GNP of the US,
which was 76_._ billion in 7d5d, dropped to Vu.V billion at the end of
7db5. (Margo, 7ddb; Rothbard, 5666)
This generation remembered their parents' experiences during
Great Depression. As a result of economic crises, money is not very important
to this generation, and its expectations are not very high. (Brokaw,
566_) According to different authors, some of the main characteristics
of this generation are self-suf1iciency and hard work. The trauma
caused by the Great Depression was also an instrument of the formation
of these characteristics. (Brokaw, 566_; Strauss & Howe, 7dd7; Suzanne,
World War Two is another signi1icant major event that in1luenced
the Greatest Generation. One of the century's most signi1icant events had
very different effects both politically and socially throughout the world.
According to experts, c6-uV million people are estimated to have died
worldwide during the Second World War. In addition, the Greatest Generation
is the leading participant in this war, in which millions of people
have been wounded. This generation has a strong sense of duty to their
country; thus, service to the country was regarded by this generation as
a fundamental obligation of citizenship. Due to these facts, most of the
Greatest Generation members participated in war voluntarily. (Suzanne,
566V) Besides that, many people thought discipline and military training
were decisive in winning the war, and as a consequence of this thought,
the Greatest Generation members are disciplined, and their respect for
authority is powerful. (Brokaw, 566_) Greatest Generation members who
participated in the Second World War share similar values such as duty,
honor, and country. Moreover, as a result of both war and the Great Depression,
self-responsibility is one of the main characteristics of this generation.
Another noteworthy feature of the Greatest Generation is family
and loyalty to family values. According to them, family as a collective fact
and loyalty of family is essential for human life. This generation embraced
marriage as a sacred matter, and divorce is not an option for them. (Strauss
& Howe, 7dd7) According to Insider Report, when the divorce rate was
5.V cases for every 7666 people in 7dV6, it decreased to 5.b in 7dVV. In 7dVu,
the rate even dropped to 5.7, with beu,666 divorces in the US.
Despite the fact that women's roles changed during the war and
women became more apparent in society, the family roles stayed patriarchal,
and the members of the family shared traditional roles. As a parent,
they are constantly watching their children and are known as tolerant
parents. The Zeitgeist of their time was to get married, have family
and do something for their community.
Greatest Generation is also known as Generation of Joiners. This
generation embrace working together for the common good and sharing
the common good. They have great beliefs for the community and worked
in order to increase the community's living standards constantly. Members
of this generation have high participation in both non-governmental
organizations and state governments. These participations are important
both common good and teamwork. Moreover, this generation's participation
in civic communities helps and reinforces self-governance practices.
(Suzanne, 566V) According to them, making the United States a better
place is the common good, and in order to do that, they make reasonable
attempts and participate in civic organizations. At the same time, for this
generation, government as a bene1icent actor and trust for government
and authority are soaring across members of the Greatest Generation.
§ K.K Silent Generation
The last members of this generation were born before the end of the
Second World War. Therefore, the beginning of this generation is generally
considered the mid-7d56s. At the same time, different scholars accept
different dates for the beginning of this generation. For example,
Carlson considered 7d5d-7d_V or Pennington pointed out 7d5V-7d_b, etc.
(Carlson, 566u) Although known by many different names, this generation,
most commonly known as the Silent Generation, took its name from
an article published in Time magazine in 7dV7. This article was shared
with the title Younger Generation, and the name Silent Generation was
used here.
There are two reasons why this generation was labeled Silent. One
of the reasons is that this generation is traumatic due to the re1lection of
its characters shaped by the social-economic conditions in which they
were born. The other reason why this generation is named the Silent Generation
is that this generation consists of very few people demographically.
Members of the Silent Generation were born in hard times. Early members
experienced their childhood experiences in the 7db6s when the effects
of the Great Depression of 7d5d were harshly felt. Apart from the
economic crisis, they also witnessed the high–tension political climate of
the 7db6s and World War Two. The Great Depression and Second World
War had enormous effects on their character development. Their status
as an only child is higher than that of previous and subsequent generations.
Members of the Silent Generation grew up in families where there was
traditional family roles. As a result of this, their mother was usually at
home when they were growing up. However, due to the fact that their father
participated in Second World War, their mothers are also forced to
participate more in business life and moved away from home. Thus, during
wartime, members of this generation are forced to spend more time
alone. In addition, members of this generation spend their childhood in
ethnically more homogeneous neighborhoods because they were born
during periods when the ethnic separation was much sharper.
The Silent Generation is the generation that has the smallest population
among the generations living in the 56th century. According to
Carlson, the number of Silent generation members in the USA is around
__ million. (Carlson, 566u) The main reason why the Silent Generation
consists of a small number of people is the sharp decline in the fertility
rate. For example, for Bundesamt statistics, the fertility rate in Germany,
which was over _.V at the beginning of the 56th century, fell below 7.V at
the end of the Second World War. Another example, fertility rate in the US
decreased below 5.V during the 7db6s.
Along with these, the small size of this generation has given this
generation some advantages. According to Carlson, the class sizes at
school are smaller. For this reason, the generation members had a higher
chance of playing an active role, and they received more attention from
their parents. (Carlson, 566u) Moreover, for Easterlin, since this generation
consists of a small number of people, they 1ind jobs in the business
world more easily and retire early. (Ermisch & Easterlin, 7du5)
One of the essential characteristics of this generation is that this
generation gets married at a much earlier age when compared to other
generations. According to Neil and Howe, the average age at marriage is
twenty-three for males and twenty for females for this generation. (Strauss
& Howe, 7dd7) Also, US Census Bureau statistics show that the age of
marriage rate in the US decreased below twenty. Moreover, the
generation in which women marry the most is the Silent Generation, and
about ninety-1ive percent of women are married in the US. (Carlson,
566u) The time between school and marriage is short in the USA as well
as worldwide. They are universally the earliest generation to marry.
The main aim of marriage for these generations is a secure continuation
of life. As a result of these, they have numerous children; thus, when
members of the Silent Generation reached the parental age, the fertility
rate started to rise signi1icantly again. According to World Bank data, the
fertility rate, which fell below 5.V in the 7db6s, reached b.e in 7de6 in the
US. The average number of children of this generation is b.b for the US.
(Strauss & Howe, 7dd7) When children grow up, mothers are usually at
home, and taking care of children is regarded as the duty of mothers.
When viewed from these angles, Silent parents' families are considered
the last example of the traditional family.
Moreover, divorce is common among the Silent generation members
because their mid-life coincided with the divorce revolution. Although
the divorce rate is relatively high, the remarriage rate is also eminent. Giordano
argues that the high rate of remarriage is a factor that helps explain
the traditionalist way of life of this generation. According to Giordano,
the main reason for remarriages is that Silent parents do not know
what the single parent experiment is and avoid it. (Giordano, 7duu)
Another vital feature of this generation is that they 1ind work very
early. Silent Generation members found work at a very early age, both
because of their small numbers and historical conditions. The economic
boom in the post-war period and the lack of competition in 1inding jobs
increased the opportunities for members of this generation to 1ind jobs
that satis1ied them. This generation is the closest generation to full employment
in history. It is also considered the wealthiest generation in the
US due to its high income and investment opportunities.
Silent generation members have negative memories from both Second
World War and the 7d5d economic crisis, and they remember their
parents' unemployment situations. For these reasons, the primary objective
of this generation is to protect their jobs. They are aware that they
need to work hard to protect their job; therefore, they are disciplined and
hardworking. Their work ethics are substantially affected by the manufacturing
economy. Furthermore, their business life coincides with the
transition from blue-collar to white-collar jobs. A small part of the previous
generation consists of a white-collar, while more than 7/b of The Silent
Generation comprises white-collar workers. (Carlson, 566u)
Members of the Silent Generation adopt a style of leadership in the
workplace. They believe in an authoritarian and hierarchical business relationship
in the workplace. Moreover, women's participation in the
workplace was delayed slightly due to the fact that women were at home
when children were growing up. After their children grew up, they became
more involved in business life. Education levels are increasing with
each generation remarkably; thus, the Silent Generation is more active in
education than the previous generation. Although women's participation
in education has increased signi1icantly, for some reason, this participation
is inadequate. There was a lack of labor during World War II; consequently,
women had to work in the war industry. In addition, due to the
early marriage of this generation and the social roles assigned to women,
women had to abandon education early. Thus, even though women's participation
in both work life and education increased, the public sphere
was dominated by men while women remained in the private sphere.
Another important characteristic feature of the Silent Generation is
that members of this generation feel excessive respect for authority. According
to Carlson, Silent Generation is the last stable generation. (Carlson,
566u) They represent and support stable, consistent attitudes and
endeavor to pursue a conservative lifestyle; for instance, they prefer to
discuss appropriate topics. They have tremendous faith in government
and law and order. This generation has a sharp distinction between good
and bad. Although they are not as militaristic as the previous generation
in military service, they stand between the Baby Boomers who came after
them and the previous Greatest Generation. They took an active role in
the con1licts during the Cold War, and for them, duty came before pleasure.
However, their characteristics originated from civic-minded. Many
Silent Generation members receive daily newspapers regularly and use
the newspaper as the primary source of access to information. (Carlson,
§ K.L Baby Boomers
Baby Boomers, whose 1irst member was born just after World War
II, are generally people born between 7d_e and 7de_. This generation's
name comes from the fact that this generation is in large numbers demographically
due to the increased fertility rate after the Second
World War. According to Pew, the overall Boomer population in the
US is seventy-1ive million. According to Census Bureau, the average
fertility rate in the US between 7dV6 and 7de6 is b.__, whereas after
7de_ fertility rate decreased below 5.V. The fertility rate is rising not
only in the US but also in the rest of the world. While the fertility rate
in Britain was 5.7 in 7dV6, it increased steadily in the following years,
eventually reaching over 5.d in 7de_. (Sigle-Rushton, 566u)
In the same way, the fertility rate in Germany showed an increasing
trend from less than 7.V in 7dV6 until the mid-7de6s and rose to over 5.V in
7de_. (Kendzia & Zimmermann, 567b) One of the essential differences of
Baby Boomers from the Silent Generation is that the Baby Boomer generation
has no memory of World War II.
Boomers were born in a world in which it is the golden age for television.
Television has essential effects on the character developments of
Boomers. Along with these, television is crucial for communication. For
these reasons, television has a considerable impact on Boomers'
worldview. Members of the Boomer generation grow up in an age of optimism
and opportunity. According to Ron Zemke, the child is no longer
an economic necessity and biological inevitability for boomers' parents.
However, instead, child-rearing is now a situation that provides a hobby
and pleasure. (Calhoun, 566V) Children mean hope for Boomer parents,
and this generation lives their childhood when the spotlight is on children
as a symbol of hope. They were overwhelmingly raised in nuclear families,
and Boomers are likely to be recognized as a 1irst generational
cohort in which both parents worked. They were raised in families where
they celebrated rather than tolerated. (Johnson & Johnson, 5676)
On the one hand, the post-World War II industrialization of healthcare
and education coincides with this period. On the other hand, the fertility
boom intersects with postwar economic expansion. In the post-World
War II period, economic growth, prosperity, and increase in welfare were
observed worldwide, independent of the regimes in countries. (Hobsbawm,
Along with optimism and economic boom, the Baby Boomer generations
grew up during the Cold War era. Political events and developments
in the world considerably affect this generation formation, and also,
those political and social events gave them their reputation. The boomer
generation can be called the social movement generation. They became
not only the leading actor of the 7deu events, but they also pioneered the
spread and development of many social movements, such as anti-colonialism,
civil rights movement, feminism, and the environment movement.
Boomer's adolescence and youth overlapped with signi1icant social
transformations of societies. The Vietnam War is the most important
event for this generation, and it is a signi1icant break not only for the United
States but also around the world. Boomers around the world have reached
a consensus over opposition to Vietnam, and one of the cornerstones
of the process leading up to the 7deu movement is the Vietnam War.
Although the internal dynamics of countries played a role in the emergence
of the events of 7deu, the events of 7deu also have an universal character.
Even though it is not a worldwide organizational movement, there
are informal connections between organizations and sympathies for each
other. According to Fink and Gasset, 7deu as a global and transnational
phenomenon. (Beaulieu, 7ddd) Moreover, Edmunds claimed that Boomers
are the 1irst global generation. (Edmunds & Turner, 566V)
Along with the social movement and student protests, they are delivering
their global message. At the same time, there is support for
common themes such as freedom and justice worldwide. (Edmunds &
Turner, 566V) In addition, for Ivan Jobs, youth was considered as a new
international social class in 7deu. Their taste and customs uni1ied them
universally, and travel is one of the most critical components which provide
these international attitudes for them. (Jobs, 566d) Forms of social
protest are similar, and protesters use common items and patterns throughout
the world due to the fact that activists have networks of communication,
both formal and informal. (Beaulieu, 7ddd)
According to Hobsbawm, the Boomer generation is the 1irst generation
to shift to the left in mass at the end of the 7de6s. Movements led by
this generation in the 7de6s were against capitalism in the Western
world, while protests in the Eastern Bloc countries aimed to improve socialism
rather than against socialism. (Hobsbawm, 7dcu) Boomer generations
in the Soviet Union called Sputnik Generation. Although they grew
up in Cold War conditions, similar to their Western counterparts, they
grew up in a period of peaceful and organic development, moving away
from the excesses of Stalinism. (Raleigh, 5675)
The Vietnam War is also the most crucial factor which led to emergence
of the generation gap between the Boomer generation and their
parents. Boomers always question authority caused by events such as Vietnam,
7deu events, and Watergate. In addition, these types of events reduced
Baby Boomers' con1idence in their governments. At the same time,
Boomers interrogate the structure of hierarchical relationships in all aspects
of life. In the 7du6s, when many companies had a top-down command
and control system, Boomers entered the business market and
questioned and tried to change this top-down system. (Johnson & Johnson,
Moreover, they are rede1ining the roles and manipulating the rules in
order to accomplish their self-satisfaction. (Zemke et al., 5666) According
to Inglehart, Baby Boomers, as lucky, generation does not feel the threat
of poverty due to the fact that they were born in the post-scarcity era. At
the same time, they enter the business in a period of almost full employment,
as this is a period of economic growth. In addition to this, the period
in which they entered their working life is also the period when
middle-class jobs increase. (Roberts, 5675) The main factor in Boomers '
job choices is the opportunity. They go to school in crowded conditions,
and participated in team sports in schools; therefore, they learn teamwork.
Boomers are also considered the 1irst generation to share their
material with school friends and work together at school. (Zemke et al.,
5666) They are reluctant to be against their peers in business, see the
process as more important than the outcome, are loyal to their managers
but expect loyalty themselves. Furthermore, Boomers in the US were
working in 567d. According to Pew, twenty-nine percent of those between
the ages of sixty-seven and seventy-two continue to work, and sixty-six
percent of those between the ages of 1ifty-four and sixty-four continue to
Participation in education is increasing. College enrollment is one of
the distinctive characteristics of this generation. According to Will Hunton,
one of the most excellent chances of this generation is that they have
free school, accessible university facilities. Women's participation in education
is also increasing. There is a massive struggle to rede1ine the social
roles of women. They are trying to narrow the gender roles gap in the
7dV6s. Boomer women can take on more secular roles, thus becoming
more independent of social bonds. (Strauss & Howe, 7dd7) Symbolized by
Woodstock, rock music, clothing styles, hippie lifestyle is the signature of
the boomer generation and spread worldwide, making them different
from the older generations.
Individuality and self-centrism are considered characteristic features
of the Boomer generation. Boomers are concerned their freedom and
personal grati1ication. Therefore, they embraced the mentality that if the
marriage does not work out, throw it in the trash and look at someone
else. (Zemke et al., 5666) Boomers tend to marry; however, divorce is
common among members of the Boomer Generation. (Lin & Brown, 5675)
Individualism and free spirit philosophy which Boomers had, contributed
to the increasing divorce rate among Boomers.
Moreover, Boomers tend to have fewer children than previous generations.
According to Giordano, the average child number of Boomers is
approximately two. Birth control pills, which came into use in the US in
7de6 and became widespread all over the world, played an essential role
in declining of the number of children. With the increase in birth control
methods and the combination of other factors, the fertility rate has
shown a continuous decline for a long time since the mid-7de6s.
Boomers are considered the generation that started the age of consumerism.
(Roberts, 5675) Due to the fact that this generation did not grow
up preparing for war, it is easier for post-materialist values to spread.
They also fail to satisfy their perfectionism impulses and develop a
unique understanding of perfectionism. This unique perfectionism also
appears on consumption. Boomers are constantly in search of 1inding
themselves. Boomers' deductive logic skills are better than inductive
experiment skills for the reason that they are more interested in issues
such as searching for themselves, searching for the soul. That is why they
are more inclined to be philosophers than scientists. (Strauss & Howe,
7dd7) Therefore, they have an advanced level of cultural wisdom and high
§ K.P Generation X
The generation formed by people born between 7deV and 7du6 is
called Generation X. Generation X is a smaller cohort than Baby Boomers.
One of the reasons why Generation X is a smaller cohort is the decline in
fertility rate reasoned by introducing the birth control pill in 7de6. According
to Pew, the number of those born in the United States between 7deV
and 7du6 was eV.u million. According to Population Reference Bureau, the
fertility rate in the US, which was over b.V in the middle of the sixties,
constantly decreased between the mid-7de6s and mid-7dc6s and dropped
7.c in 7dcc. This generation's name originated from Douglas Coupland's
7dd7 book Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture. Moreover, since
this generation is characterized as a generation that does not know
completely what it wants and what they are, X refers to the unknown.
Members of Generation X are children of the Silent Generations or
early Baby Boomers. They live their childhood at a time when their society
is focused on adults rather than children. When the stage lights were
on the Boomers during their childhood, Generation X was equivalent to a
middle child in the shade. (Zemke et al., 5666) Generation is also known
as latchkey kids. Along with the increase in divorce rates and the spread
of single parenthood, and with the participation of both parents in the
business, Generation X children grew up away from adult supervision.
Generation X is considered the 1irst generation who raised themselves.
Growth away from adult supervision and alone has resulted in X generation
members being more peer-oriented than earlier generations.
(McCrindle, 567_) Moreover, they are more prone to extreme life experiences
caused by growing with the lone wolf mentality. (Zemke et al.,
The period they grew up in is quite different from that of the Boomers.
Political and economic instability is felt throughout the 7dc6s when
what is wanted politically after 7deu cannot be achieved. Although the dialogue
between the United States and the Soviets continued in the early
7dc6s, relations gradually deteriorated. The Cold War escalated again
with the end of the period of detente with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
In addition to political chaos, economic instability, especially after
the 7dcb Oil Crisis, led to increased unemployment and economic dif1iculties.
According to the US Bureau of Labour, the unemployment rate, which
was _.d percent when the oil crisis started, reached u.5 percent at the end
of 7dcV. The political chaos and economic dif1iculties they witness in the
world where they live have an essential impact on Generation X: they had
a survival mentality. (Zemke et al., 5666)
Generation X is a generation of technology-prone. It is the 1irst generation
to use the personal computer and internet technologically. Thanks
to technology trends, they play a pivotal role in the development of Silicon
Valley. (Zemke et al., 5666) According to the article GenXers; Reconsidered,
published in Time magazine in 7ddc, their tendency to technology
startups contributed signi1icantly to the economic recovery of the
7dd6s. In addition, the Sony Walkman, which is very important for this
generation and heralds the entry into the digital age, was launched in
7dcd. Along with Walkman, music becomes an integral part of life for
GenXers, and this generation is also called the MTV generation. Moreover,
Generation X witnessed the emergence of music videos and provided the
emergence of alternative rock culture in the 7dd6s.
Their participation in education is high compared to their parents
and previous generations. Generation X is the last generation where higher
education is pro1itable since college education has become something
that requires spending a substantial amount of money after
GenXers' college graduation. Women's participation both in work and
education has increased. Among Generation X members, women are
more likely than man to have a college degree. In the US, Gen Xers women
are more educated than men. Moreover, due to changes in business life,
they are involved in the lifelong learning process with the spread of pieces
of training for business life.
AIDS is one of the most decisive events affecting Generation X's character
development and transforming their social lives. Giving the name
to AIDS / HIV and spreading and attracting attention around the world
coincides with the adolescence of Generation X. AIDS has placed on members
of Generation X the idea that sex will kill them. According to a study,
sexual activities are predominantly limited to one partner. Ninety-one
percent of the participants in the study say they have had at least one
partner in their lifetime. (“Generation X: Americans born 7deV to 7dce,”
Although marriage remains a common phenomenon, the number of
unmarried people is also too high to be underestimated. In the United
States, the marriage rate has been on a steady decline since 7dc6. (Cruz,
5675) Although there is a certain amount of divorce, there is also remarriage,
and meanwhile, the age of marriage and the age of having children
increased. Fertility rates which decreased during the 7dc6s, entered an
upward trend again in the 7du6s.
Since the members of Generation X are the parents of some of the
members of Generation Z, which is the main subject of this thesis, it is
also necessary to mention the parenting attitudes of the members of Generation
X. According to Strauss and Howe, Generation X parents are de-
1ined as stealth 1ighter parents rather than helicopter parents. (Strauss &
Howe, 7dd7) As parents, they do not concentrate on minor issues considerably,
and they intervene strongly and effectively in serious events.
They know and choose when they should attack and when to step back.
They are de1ined as security moms and committed dads that are more
protective, and more interventionist than Boomer. They spend considerable
time on surveillance and monitoring activities that their children
do. For example, they control internet history in order to understand
their kids' activities. In addition, they closely monitor children's school
lives and are in constant contact with school members and the parents of
other children. Moreover, They are more interested in how schools will
create opportunities for children, and how the proper education should
be, and they develop themselves in child-rearing and teaching methods.
GenXers are the last cohort who experienced the golden age of American
prosperity. (Strauss & Howe, 7dd7) Members of Generation X do not
pay signi1icant attention to work. Even though preceding generations
considered business life a survival tool, Generation X members considered
business life to be mindless, dull, and exhausted. They think that business
life and private life should be divided. (Yu. & Miller, 566V) According
to Gen Xers, business is a just business; therefore, their work ethics
is insuf1icient. (Jurkiewicz, 5666; Zemke et al., 5666) Generation X is not
willing to work with the same employer for a long time. According to Pew
Research, the proportion who have worked in the same workplace for
more than 7V years is just 1ifteen percent. (Fry, 567u) Generation X prefers
more 1lexible working hours and an informal working environment, and
in addition, Generation X thinks they need to be given a certain degree of
freedom by managers to get more productivity from themselves. They
think that managers should earn respect based on their personality and
performances, not their titles. Although GenXers have teamwork abilities
substantially, they give greater importance to short-term reward and
commitment to self. (Jurkiewicz, 5666) Since they grow up with the computers
and technological advances, they have a predisposition to hightech
jobs. Combining their interest in high tech with entrepreneurial behavior,
they play a role in creating a high-tech industry that would provide
economic recovery in the 7dd6s. (McCrindle, 567_; Zemke et al., 5666)
Individualism and cynical attitudes are some of the most common
characteristics of GenXers. According to a study conducted by Stanford
University in 7ddu, Generation X members have shown more cynicism
and disaffection than previous generations. However, on the other hand,
they have soaring self-con1idence caused by growth alone. (Zemke et al.,
5666) They believed that the world they live in is individualistic; thus,
there is no common interest in the world, and everybody pursues their
own interest and does what is best for themselves. (Johnson & Johnson,
5676; MacKellar, 567_; Strauss & Howe, 7dd7) They prefer equal relationships
rather than hierarchical ones, but also they have respect for authority
and are reluctant to challenge it. Members of Generation X have greater
con1idence in good intentions and well-designed corporate
processes. In addition, personal accountability and bottom-line initiatives
are more reliable for Generation X. (Strauss & Howe, 7dd7)
§ K.R Generation Y
Generation Y consists of individuals born in the last two decades of
the twentieth century. In general, members of Generation Y are considered
to be born between 7du6 and 5666 or between 7du6 and 7ddV. One of
the reasons why we called this generation, GenY is that Y came from
'why', referring to the fact that members of this generation interrogate
almost everything. (Viswanathan & Jain, 567b) According to Strauss and
Howe, due to the fact that the letter Y comes after the letter X in the
alphabet, this generation is called Generation Y. Moreover, this generation
is also called the Peter Pan Generation. (Levickaite, 5676) Levickaite
claimed that they do not want to grow up and stay home more than any
other generation. In addition to these, members of this generation are
also called Generation Me because they have con1idence and tolerance on
the one hand, but on the other hand, they have a sense of entitlement and
narcissism. (Twenge, 566u) The other name most commonly used for Generation
Y, especially in the US, is Millenials. According to the Oxford Dictionary,
Millenials are called people who reached young adulthood in the
57st century.
One of the most used names for this generation is echo boomers. One
of the reasons for this is that they are demographically similar to Baby
Boomers due to an increased birth rate. According to US Census Bureau,
the fertility rate, which was 7.cc in 7du6, entered a continuously increasing
trend until 7ddV and reached 5.6b in 7ddV. According to Pew, members
of Generation Y constituted 5u.e percent of the US population in 567b. Moreover,
for Pew Research which was conducted in 567e, Generation Y
transcended Baby Boomers to become the largest living generation in the
United States. (Fry, 567e)
Another reason why this generation was called echo boomers is that
the parents of Generation Y usually consist of Baby Boomers. Their parents
have crucial effects on GenYers’ character development, and parents
of GenYers who are called helicopter parents have interfered with
every sphere of their children's lives. Generation Y is usually planned
children and born in a nuclear family and raised alone, similar to Generation
X. Divorce is a common phenomenon during their childhood. Even
though they have a comfortable childhood, the transition to adulthood is
a slow and troublesome process. (Oliver & Huntley, 566c) They are exposed
to parents who know everything, follow every moment, and interfere
in everything. However, Generation Y members’ relationship with their
parents is more egalitarian rather than hierarchical. In addition, the relationship
between parents and GenYers is similar to friendship which
means that their relationships are based on counseling, support, and assistance.
(Oliver & Huntley, 566c) For these reasons, their relationship
with Baby Boomers, who have both trainers and parents, is pleasant.
(Pew Research Center, 5676)
Members of Generation Y tend to live with the family even if they are
over the age of 7u. This is often about economic dif1iculties and constraints
in 1inding a job. (Viswanathan & Jain, 567b) In addition, because this
generation is more focused on their school and career rather than on the
new relationship or the new family, they tend to stay with their families
and consult their parents about their future. (Pew Research Center, 5676)
Moreover, members of Generation Y are tribal creatures. (Oliver & Huntley,
566c) According to Huntley, Generation Y members have an excellent
bond with their friends, and friends mean family to them. Their friends
allow GenYers to avoid domestic situations, and besides, they love to
spend time with their friends; for them, a friend comes before a relationship.
(Gravett, 566d) Furthermore, GenYers know everything about
their friends, and their friends also have a remarkable in1luence on their
d/77 attacks and the 566u economic crisis are turning points in the lives
of this generation, and these events have signi1icantly affected the character
of Generation Y. Generation Y is the generation most affected by
the 566u economic crisis and the global economic downturn after it. (Calhoun,
566V) Moreover, especially after the d/77 events, due to the fact that
terror attacks spread all around the world, GenYers think that they lived
with uncertainty. (Oliver & Huntley, 566c) Although it did not have as signi
1icant an impact as the 566u crisis and the September 77 attacks, the developments
in the 7dd6s also had an impinge on Generation Y. In the
7du6s and 7dd6s, there was industrial reconstruction in Western Europe,
Canada, and the United States, and an increase in the proportion of temporary
and part-time jobs. (Krahn & Galambos, 567_) In addition, GenYers
experienced a downsizing divorce rate and higher education, which user
pay for the 1irst time. (Oliver & Huntley, 566c)
Generation Y is the last digital immigrant generation in history. According
to Prensky, he argues that people born in the digital age are
digital natives, while digital immigrants are people who are not born in
the digital age and learn about digital developments later and adapt to
the digital age eventually. (Prensky, 567_) According to a study conducted
in the US in 566c, ninety-four percent of Gen Yers said that they have a
mobile phone, and ninety-seven percent said that they have a computer.
(Junco & Mastrodicasa, 566c) Generation Y is the 1irst always-connected
generation in history, and eighty percent of them said that they have slept
with their mobile phones. (Home & Strauss, 567u; Pew Research Center,
GenYers embrace all kinds of digital developments. According to Gen-
Yers, using technology distinguishes them from older generations and
making them different. The mobile phone is the icon for Generation Y; the
mobile phone represents a tool and is considered a personal accessory,
which is also a symbol of freedom and 1lexibility. (Oliver & Huntley, 566c)
They could not imagine the world without cell phones. Moreover, Gen-
Yers do not understand how previous generations connect with each other
and how they meet their friends. Members of Generation Y connected
c/5_ and above the sixty-1ive percent of them used a computer before 1ive
ages. (Calhoun, 566V) Moreover, Calhoun claimed that they are considered
an authority when growing up, and parents consult GenYers for digital
issues. They actively participate in social networks. Social media has
become an inextricable part of GenYers. They use social media for entertainment,
socializing, and leisure purposes. According to Bolton, GenYers
need technology in order to satisfy their entertainment impulses. (Bolton
et al., 567b)
GenYers is the 1irst generation to think of themselves as a global generation.
(Howe & Strauss, 567u) According to Howe and Strauss, primary
reasons why GenYers thinks of themselves as global is the spread of the
internet and another reason is satellite television. Moreover, Generation
Y is the 1irst global consumer segment caused by global internet connection
and worldwide communication. Members of Generation Y shared
common global youth culture of music, fashion, and movies. (Oliver &
Huntley, 566c) GenYers always questioned authority. (Pew Research
Center, 5676) As a result of the crises in the world, this generation has
become the pioneer of many social movements with its in1luence on social
media. (Milkman, 567c) Many movements such as Occupy Wall Street,
the Arab Spring, and the Ukrainian protests emerged and developed under
the leadership of Generation Y members. GenYers was one of the
most prominent participants of the 57st-century social movements in
many parts of the world, such as Brazil, Canada, and Chile.
GenYers envisioned education as a signi1icant matter in order to live
a better life in their adulthood. For this reason, GenYers are highly involved
in university education, and they intend to participate in further education.
However, they face a massive debt burden at the end of their education,
as they usually fund their university education themselves. In
addition, the transition to business life after education has become a
more complex and exhaustive process than before. (Krahn & Galambos,
Generation Y is more reluctant than other generations to marry and
have children, and the generation who married at the lowest rate is Generation
Y. According to Pew Research, in 567b, only twenty-six percent of
Millenials between 7u and b5 are married. (MacKellar, 567_) One of the
reasons for the decline in the marriage rate for the US is the decline in
stable full-time jobs. A research conducted by Wharton School in 5676,
approximately 1ifty percent of Millenials do not plan to have children.
Therefore, the age of having children is increasing in parallel with the age
of marriage. GenYers are more open to nonconventional behaviors related
to parenting and marriage. They are equipped with child-rearing, and
they try to improve themselves.
Members of Generation Y are starting their careers at a time when
unemployment is rising. The 566u economic crisis is affecting this generation
enormously; thus, they cannot be picky about business and lower
their expectations. However, despite all these, they are optimistic about
their future. (Pew Research Center, 5676; Posnick-Goodwin, 5676) Gen-
Yers devote more time to their private lives than work life, but they also
have a hardworking attitude to work to establish a balance between work
life and private life. (Luscombe Jenna, Lewis Ioni, 567b) They want to be
supported to show their hard work in business; in that sense, support
means real-time feedback. (Calhoun, 566V) GenYers expected from their
employer regular feedback and want to be rewarded for their contribution.
Millennials perceive work as a place to make a difference. In business
life, GenYers are described as multitasking, goal-oriented. (Berkup,
567_; Van den Bergh et al., 567_) They have high expectations clear goals,
and they are committed to their companies, and in return for their commitment,
they want to be believed in and given opportunities to improve
They want to be a team player. According to a survey, seventy-two percent
of GenYers want to be part of productive teams. (Luscombe Jenna,
Lewis Ioni, 567b) Their comfort in technology affects their workplace preferences,
and for example, they prefer communication over e-mail rather
than face-to-face communication. According to BBC, GenYers have worked
in part-time jobs more than other generations. Furthermore, social
responsibility has effects on both job preferences and consumption preferences
of Generation Y. According to the Core 567b survey, if the company
is concerned with social issues, ninety percent GenYers said that
their trust for the company increased, and also eighty-nine percent of
GenYers said loyalty increased. Members of Generation Y understand the
global market and have a consumer perspective because GenYers are lifelong
consumers. (Luscombe, Lewis, 567b) They are prone to buy customized
products and personalized services. (Bolton et al., 567b)
According to Pew Research, sixty-one percent of Millenials saw their
generations as unique, and they claimed their generations have distinct
characteristics. (Pew Research Center, 5676) Due to the fact that GenYers
have grown in value, they have high self-esteem. They embrace multiple
modes of self-expression thanks to social media. Great number of Millennials
live in a metropolitan area, and they are reluctant to live in the countryside.
According to Huntley, freedom, choice options, and 1lexibility
are essentials for this generation. (Oliver & Huntley, 566c) This generation
wants a structure where their independence and freedom are not
restricted; therefore, they are often multicultural and civic-minded.
According to Economist research (567b), GenYers are more liberal than
older generations on social and political issues. Along with this, for Pew
research, sixty-eight percent of GenYers support same-sex marriage, percentage
that is the highest among generations. Moreover, according to
Pew study in 567_, over the 1ifty percent of Millenials de1ined themselves
as independent when asked which political party they supported. According
to the same research, only nineteen percent of GenYers said that
most people could be trusted. (Pew, 567_)
Generation Z
n this section, Generation Z, which is the main subject of this thesis, is
examined in detail. In this section, Generation Z is meant to be Generation
Z in the West. The reason for the distinction between Generation
Z in the West and Generation Z in Turkish is that national conditions are
one of the criteria that play a decisive role in the characteristics of generations.
In the introduction of the chapter, the basic features of Generation
Z will be mentioned. Then, Generation Z's socialization intentions,
relations with their families, and their views on education will be explained
in detail.
Generation Z is de1ined as a group of people who were born after
7ddV. (Jason R. Dorsey, 5656.; Seemiller & Grace, 567d; Tulgan, 567b) The
main reason why 7ddV was chosen as the start date of this generation is
that Generation Z is the post d/77 generation. (Seemiller & Grace, 567d)
People who were born after 7ddV do not remember what happened on
September 77. Gen Zers learn things related to the d/77 attacks in their
history classes and the internet. (Jason R. Dorsey, 5656) Along with these,
GenZers who live outside of the US are exposed to this situation in classes
with geographical lenses. For all these reasons, while the September 77
attacks were one of the critical events affecting the characters of Gen Y
members, Gen Zers do not properly understand the chaos and tragedy
caused by this event. (Fromm, 567V) One of the main differences between
Gen Yers and GenZers stems from these different perceptions and memories
of the d/77 attacks.
According to Zebra IQ, the worldwide population of GenZ born
between 7ddV and 5676 is approximately three billion, and this generation
constitutes thirty-1ive percent of the world population. Even though Generation
Z does not remember the d/77 attacks, at the same time, they live
with constant terror, such as Orlando Club shooting in 567e, Manchester
Attack in 567c. (Parker et al., 567d) Besides, GenZers witnessed Arab
Spring, religious terror, and the rise of populism. For these reasons, one
of the top concerns of Generation Z is random violence. (Smith & Cawthon,
567c) Moreover, many GenZers were born and lived in urban areas;
therefore, they have encountered various subcultures. (Turner & Turner,
According to World Bank data, while only thirty-three percent of the
world's population lived in urban areas in 7de6, this rate increased to
over 1ifty-1ive percent in 567d. When we look at the basis of countries, especially
when we look at Western Europe and the USA, the ratio of the
urban population to the total population is eighty-two percent in the USA,
while this ratio is seventy-four percent for the European Union. According
to Pew Research, this generation is the most ethnically diverse generation
in history. In the US, eighty-two percent of Baby Boomers are
white, while in 567d, only 1ifty-two percent of GenZ members are white.
(Parker & Igielnik, 5656)
GenZers are a modest generation about diversity, racial equality, and
immigration issues because they come from urban life and they coexist
with different ethnic cultures. Along with diversity issues, Generation Z
cares about climate change, gender, and social justice issues, and they refuse
the existing status quo about these topics. In these topics, GenZers
can behave similarly to people who have a far-left ideology. (Jason R. Dorsey,
5656) De1ining demand of GenZers on social and political issues is
human equality. (Fromm, 567V)
GenZers are pragmatic. They avoid risky behaviors and have less tendency
to take a risk. (Fromm, 567V; Seemiller & Grace, 567d) According to
studies with Gen Z, members of Generation Z describe themselves as fair
and honest. (Sparks&Honey, 567_) Moreover, members of Generation Z
de1ine themselves as open-minded and responsible. (Seemiller et al.,
567d) According to a 567c study conducted by GenZers who attended college,
eighty-three percent of young people said that they see their empathy
abilities above the society average.
Success is one of the essential sources of motivation for GenZers, and
seventy-four percent of GenZers 1ind motivation through achievements.
(Seemiller & Grace, 567d) According to studies, more than half GenZers
indicate that personal accomplishments are valuable for them, and the
proportion of GenZers who care about personal success is eleven percent
higher than the proportion of Generation Y. (Fromm, 567V) They often argue
that the title should be earned, not given from birth or from above.
Moreover, unlike previous generations, Generation Z believe that if something
is getting harder, they should try it differently. In addition, if they
fail in something, they tend to leave that topic and try something new,
rather than stay on what they have failed and try again and again. (Darla
Rothman, 5656)
Technology is the crucial matter which gives Generation Z its distinctive
characteristic. GenZers the 1irst generation to grow up without remembering
the world without the internet. This generation is considered
as an initial digital native generation. The technology dependence of
members of GenZers shaped their attitudes and behaviors ultimately.
The essential features that distinguish Generation Z from other generations
are due to the fact that they were born into the digital world.
§ L.I Education
Most of the GenZers are in the educational stage in their lives these
days. GenZers are the main subject in education, and they are involved in
intense relations with the educational system. For these reasons, it is noteworthy
that explaining GenZers' view of education, their expectations
from education, and their relationship with their instructors.
Education has become an indispensable part of life as the education
policies, which are applied universally, increase the duration of education
worldwide. According to Adobe Study, the average person spends more
time in education than previous generations. (Anon, 567e) Members of
Generation Z are both widely involved in education and remain in the
education process for a long time. In addition, GenZ is the generation
most inclined to pursue a college education in the US. In 567u, 1ifty-seven
percent of people aged 7u-57 were enrolled at university, while this rate
was 1ifty-two percent in the same age group in the previous generation.
(Parker & Igielnik, 5656) Moreover, according to Kids Count Data Center,
the proportion of people aged 7e-7d who are high school students or dropouts
has dropped from eleven percent to four percent between 5666 and
Education is essential factor shaping an individual’s success and societal
prosperity, according to GenZers. (Hampton et al., 5656) GenZers participate
in university education widely; however, GenZers desire to be
part of global education as they are aware of changing educational dynamics.
The learning experience of GenZers is not limited to campuses. For
example, Duolingo, one of the most preferred applications on Google Play
and the Apple Store, provides free language education. According to the
Duolingo website, it has over three hundred million active users and
approximately forty-two million monthly active users. Moreover, websites
such as Coursera and OpenCourse, provide students with courses offered
at various universities around the world over the internet.
Countless platforms are available that help the members of Generation
Z 1ind any information easily. (Smith & Cawthon, 567c) Nowadays,
information has become more democratic and accessible than ever before.
Generation Z can access unlimited information from various places.
GenZers reach detailed information and videos quickly to 1ind out what
events which previous generations experienced. (Generation, 567V)
The most prominent tool used by Generation Z for self-learning is Youtube.
GenZers uses Youtube similar to search engines. Generation Z
members are searching and learning directly on Youtube for things they
are curious about, and the subjects they are interested in. This generation
is called YouTube a Google tube. (Dorsey, 5656) Youtube is essential for
this generation in the educational sense. For example, if they have math
class, they move on YouTube and learn their class. 5/b of GenZers use YouTube
for learning new information and their educational purposes, and
half of the GenZers say they cannot live without YouTube. According to
Sparks Honey research, 1ifty-two percent of Generation Z members utilize
YouTube to supplement their online courses. The multimedia nature
of the video allows students to witness a virtual experience by going beyond
just reading about the topics.
At the same time, Youtube is an indication that there is a new form of
education. GenZers who participated in higher education have numerous
possibilities that older generations did not have. Many GenZers come to
the classroom with smartphones, tablets, and laptops; thus, they stay
connected even during the lesson. This situation creates a new type of
learning environment. Students can access more information online than
their teachers have ever known and taught them by staying connected.
(Hampton et al., 5656)
Technology has become an indispensable part of the educational process.
Many students use video and multimedia content as classroom tools.
Sixty-three percent of GenZers say they watch online lessons. In addition,
eighty-1ive percent of the students utilize online resources for
their homework. (Smith & Cawthon, 567c) Moreover, more than 1ifty percent
of Gen Z members spend 5-V hours on classroom-related assignments
outside of the classroom that is in the digital environment.
Changing conditions in the education system have also changed students'
demands and perspectives on the education system. In their education
process, GenZers embrace the social learning environment in
which they are directly involved. (Kozinsky, 567c) GenZers are unwilling
to be passive learners. The learning method that Generation Z members
prefer and 1ind the most effective is observation and practice. According
to Kozinsky, 1ifty-one percent of GenZers think that they learn by doing
and it is the most ef1icient way. (Kozinsky, 567c) For GenZers, creativity
should be considered a signi1icant component of classroom activities.
(Anon, 567e) At the same time, Gen Zers desire the personalized way of
learning in their educational process. Therefore, GenZers demand a curriculum
that they prepare according to their own educational plans.
(Acer, 567c)
GenZers' collaborative learning environment is not limited to personal
interaction, but they want their digital tools to be intensely adapted
to the learning process. In today's world, where technology is fully integrated
into life, they also demand technology to be an essential part of
education. (Kozinsky, 567c) According to Adobe study, ninety-three
percent of GenZ said that interactive digital media should be added to the
education process. (Anon, 567e)
Members of Generation Z, who have an attention span of approximately
eight seconds, can have an attention problem very easily. Suffering
from poor concentration and short attention span, GenZers see the
structure of the lesson and the instructor's in-class attitude as the most
fundamental variables that will help them direct their focus to the lesson.
GenZers expect the instructor to be excited about what to teach. (Seemiller
& Grace, 567d) Due to the fact that the members of Generation Z can
access information very quickly thanks to the digital world, they also demand
quick answers from their teachers. (Swanzen, 567u) For GenZ, visual
learning methods are more effective than traditional methods such
as reading and listening; thus, GenZ does not prefer learning through reading
and listening. This generation expects educators to develop innovative
methods and add digital content to the curriculum. (Seemiller,
5656)They think that simulations, applications, and games can be used to
ensure interaction within the classroom.
§ L.K Family
Family is one of the prominent and most in1luential factors in the character
development of a new generation, and therefore it is essential to
examine the relationships of Generation Z with their families. Eighty-nine
percent of GenZers think that their families are the most in1luential
people during their character development. (Seemiller & Grace, 567d)
The parents of Generation Z are primarily members of Generation X,
and some of them are from Generation Y. Parents of GenZers often experience
the 566u economic crisis extensively, which affects families' parenting
styles.(Dorsey, 5656) Parenting dynamics and styles of each generation
are different from each other. Gen Xers are called latchkey kids
because of their parents, and millennials experience helicopter parenting
while GenZers witness much more different parenting relationships called
a trusted mentor. (Smith & Cawthon, 567c) Many different names call
GenZers parents; Howe and Strauss use the stealth-1ighter parent concept
to describe GenZ parents, while the concept of co-pilot parent is also
used for GenZers parents.
While Generation Z witnesses a period in which family structure
changes and norms evolve, this generation is also a product of these
changing dynamics. One of the most fundamental changes in family structure
is the increase in single-parent households. Twenty-two percent of
households with children in America compromised of single-parent households
in 567c. (Seemiller & Grace, 567d) In addition to the increase in
non-married parents, there is a signi1icant increase in the number of
multi-generation households. While thirty-seven percent of parents were
married couples raising their own children in 7de6, today, only sixteen
percent of households consist of nuclear families in the US. (Fromm, 567V)
GenZ says their family heavily in1luences them. Eighty-eight percent
of GenZs say they see their parents as role models. (Smith & Cawthon,
567c) Generation Z members tend to see their family as friends. Between
sixty and eighty-1ive percent of this generation said that they are very
close to their families. (Seemiller & Grace, 567d) For GenZers, family is the
primary source of sentimental and 1inancial support. Instead of being
embarrassed by the proximity of their parents, GenZers are delighted to
spend time with their parents and prefer to hang out with their families.
(Fromm, 567V) At the same time, GenXers, who are the parents of the Gen-
Zers, are more concerned about spending quality time with their children
rather than raising the perfect child. (Swanzen, 567u)
Roles of individuals within the family and communication between
family members have become more democratic and open on family structure
in today's world. (Fromm, 567V) GenZers consider their parents as
co-pilots rather than seeing their parents as perpetually hovering or
constantly monitoring their every move, and they invited them to their
ride. (Seemiller & Grace, 567d) Along with that, sixty-nine percent of Gen-
Zers reckon their parent as role models. (Smith & Cawthon, 567c) The majority
of GenZers state that their families are extensively involved in their
decision-making processes.
Moreover, GenZers say that their families are the most in1luential people
in the decision-making process. GenZers consult their families before
deciding on an important issue. In addition, members of Generation
Z pursue advice from their parents on almost anything, not just speci1ic
topics. Many Generation Z members claim that they can talk to their families
about topics considered taboo in society, such as drugs, alcohol,
and protected sex. (Smith & Cawthon, 567c). According to Pew Research,
ninety-four percent of parents say they talk to with their children about
appropriate online content, while ninety-two percent say they discuss
appropriate behavior with their children. (Anderson et al., 567e)
As parents are involved in the decision-making processes of Generation
Z, GenZers also intensely participate in the decision-making processes
of families. When decisions are made on many various issues, families
receive their children's opinions, and these ideas are taken into account
by the family members. For Ernst & Young Report about GenZ, ninetythree
percent of parents state that their children are involved in making
decisions about what to spend. (Merriman, 567V) Moreover, according to
research conducted by IBM, sixty percent of GenZers claimed that they
effectively participated in family decision-making processes. (Cheung et
al., 567c) In addition, even though single-parent families or dual-income
families spend less time with their children, they also include their children
in decision-making processes. (Fromm, 567V)
Although GenZers maintain an excellent relationship with their parents,
their parents continue to monitor the Generation Z constantly.
However, parents of Genration Z know where they will attack instead of
making moves about everything, and they perpetually keep their children
under surveillance. According to the Pew Research Center study, even
though ninety percent of parents trust their children in social media,
sixty-one percent of parents say that they control the websites their
children visit, and sixty percent of the parents say they control their
children's social media accounts. (Anderson et al., 567e; Smith & Cawthon,
567c) In addition, when parents establish a democratic, open, and
dialogue-based relationship with their children, again, parents carefully
monitor and hover over their children's behavior in all areas.
Families of GenZers have an important place in the life of GenZ. According
to Gen Z Starter Studies, more than 1ifty percent of GenZer determined
that solid family life is one of the most crucial requirements of the
good life. Moreover, for College Group Study, sixty-1ive percent of Gen-
Zers cite family as one of the 1ive most important characteristics of an
ideal life. Also, seventy percent of GenZers say the family will be an essential
priority in the future. (Broadbent et al., 567c)
GenXers, parents of the members of Generation Z want to develop individual
responsibility values for their children. (Smith & Cawthon, 567c)
At the same time, they encourage their children to be independent by raising
them to be pragmatic. (Swanzen, 567u) Fifty percent of GenZers are
encouraged by their parents to gain professional experience. (Seemiller
& Grace, 567d)
§ L.L Socialization and Digital Media
Generation Z is the 1irst digitally native generation in history, and they
are c/5_ connected. (Dorsey, 5656; Fromm, 567V; Seemiller et al., 567d)
One of the main reasons why this generation is called a digital native is
that Generation Z does not know the world without the internet. (Seemiller
& Grace, 567d) GenZers are always connected, and they intend to do
everything online. All generations have extensive access to the internet,
but GenZers do not remember the pre-internet era and have been part of
the digital world since their birth. The average 1irst mobile phone age for
GenZers is twelve. (Seemiller & Grace, 567d) According to Common Sense
Media Research, eighty-eight percent of GenZers used laptops between
1ive and eight. Even when they do not have their own technological tools,
GenZ get involved in the digital world from a very young age thanks to
their parents' technological tools such as tablets, phones. Moreover,
many Gen Z have their 1irst digital footprints in the digital world with sonogram
photos shared by their parents, even before they are in the world.
(Fromm, 567V)
The internet and digital life are the matters that have the most in1luence
on the behaviors and characteristics of Generation Z. Their world is
entirely constructed by technology, especially the internet. (Smith &
Cawthon, 567c) GenZers make a new de1inition of standard thanks to the
internet and technological developments. Perpetual connectivity and
real-time access to information associated with quick and consistent
communication are considered normal for GenZers. (Seemiller & Grace,
567d; Smith & Cawthon, 567c) While GenZers learn fast, they consume fast
as well. (Fromm, 567V) Therefore, speed is one of the most indispensable
components of the normal that this generation de1ines. The normal for
this generation is ordering at the click of a button and delivering the ordered
items on the same day. (Dorsey, 5656)
Generation Z is not only in constant connection with their local environment
but also with the whole world. This constant global connection
also plays a decisive role in shaping the perspectives and behaviors of
GenZers. (Seemiller & Grace, 567d) Technology and the digital world have
a mission to facilitate the evolution of personal identity and social sets.
(Morris, 5656) Thus, the digital world provides a new identity creation
tool for Generation Z. The digital lives and identities of GenZers also affect
their relationships in real life. (Fromm, 567V)
The internet is an indispensable component of Generation Z, and this
generation tends to manage all their work on the internet. Although the
internet possesses an important place in the life of this generation, social
media websites, which render this generation in constant contact with
their peers, families, and the World, are the most common reason for
using the internet. According to We Are Digital Report, there are _.7_ billion
social media users in the world in 5656. (We Are Social, 5656) Although
all generations are actively engaged in social media use, Generation
Z has more accounts on different platforms than other generations because
they were born into social media and grew up in this environment.
More than 1ifty percent of GenZers possess more than three social media
accounts on various social media sites. (Seemiller & Grace, 567d) According
to a State of GenZ study conducted in 567d, ninety-1ive percent of
GenZers use and access social media. (Dorsey, 5656) GenZers uses social
media for many different purposes, such as entertainment, and
information retrieval. Along with this, social media is the default communication
instrument for Generation Z. (Dorsey, 5656)
GenZers uses social media very effectively and comfortably. Instant
messaging is the main form of communication used by this generation on
or outside of social media. GenZers prefer texting rather than phone calls.
According to Pew Research Center, Generation Z sends an average of 76d.V
instant messages per day. Speed, which is one of the essential characteristics
provided by the internet and digital media to this generation, also
affects the communication preferences of this generation. Therefore, Generation
Z expects fast and personalized communication. (Dorsey, 5656)
Moreover, Generation Z members can communicate with each other very
quickly without being in the exact location thanks to social media, and
they can also communicate with each other via many applications.
(Fromm, 567V) Regular communication for GenZers is communication
through social media, video apps, and messaging apps.
The communication style of Generation Z differs from other generations
in certain aspects. Generation Z members extensively employ instruments
such as emojis, icons, gifs. In addition, Generation Z members are
quali1ied enough to accomplish all communication through these emojis.
(Smith & Cawthon, 567c) Furthermore, memes, which Generation Z
mostly prefers, are one of the forms of communication that have emerged
with this generation. More than 1ifty percent of GenZers do not prefer to
communicate via e-mails and phone calls because they think phone calls
and e-mail are considered excessively formal and take too much time.
(Smith & Cawthon, 567c)
People have the chance to be online 5_/c and connected to all around
the world; GenZers uses these facilities. Every member of Generation Z is
online for a minimum of an hour on a daily basis. In addition, most Gen-
Zers are online between two and seven hours every day. (Giunta, 567c;
Smith & Cawthon, 567c) Moreover, GenZers can be connected to any particular
device such as phones, tablets, and laptops simultaneously. Since
they are connected with many devices at the same time, GenZers can manage
their work from different devices at identical times. For example,
while doing homework on the computer, they can watch videos on the
tablet and communicate with their friends through the smartphone. This
is why many GenZers say they are multitasking when de1ining themselves.
In addition, more than 1ifty percent of GenZers say being multitasking
does not have any negative impact on their work. (Seemiller & Grace,
567d) However, besides the positive effects of being multitasking, GenZers
are splitting their time and focus into multiple screens online at the same
time. Thus, being multitasking negatively affects the focus of GenZers,
whose attention span is already modest.
While GenZers are online on many alternative devices simultaneously,
their primary device preference is smartphones, and GenZers' phones
have always been smartphones. Seventy-1ive percent of GenZers say
that the device they care about most and prefer 1irst is smartphones.
(Fromm, 567V) Moreover, 1ifty-1ive percent of GenZers pointed out they
spend more than 1ive hours a day on smartphones. (Dorsey, 5656) According
to Pew Research Center, thirty-one percent of GenZers indicate that
they feel uncomfortable even when they are away from their phones for
half an hour. (Parker & Igielnik, 5656)
One of the most common uses of GenZers to use the digital world is
for entertainment. GenZers de1ine watching practices through digital media
over mobile screens. Generation Z prefers streaming platforms such
as Net1lix, Hulu, and HboMax instead of television in order to watch something.
Streaming platforms allow this generation to access the content
they want at any time and on the screen. (Seemiller & Grace, 567d) Moreover,
although there are countless degrees of content in the digital world,
GenZers always prefer selective broadcasting that is free or inexpensive
but also based on reviews and recommendations from friends and users.
(Fromm, 567V)
Video content is almost everything for Generation Z; therefore, You-
Tube is the essential social media network for this generation. GenZers
consume video content for everything, including entertainment, lessons
and information acquisition, and so on. According to We are Digital 5656
Report, while two billion people access YouTube every day, the number
of videos watched daily reached one million. (We Are Social, 5656) We Are
Flint studies conducted in 567u showed that ninety-six percent of Gen-
Zers access YouTube regularly. Besides entertainment content, YouTube
has also become one of the essential sources for access to information.
Ninety-seven percent of GenZers watch videos from YouTube at least
once a week to learn how to do something they are interested in. (Dorsey,
5656) According to research conducted by Google, seventy percent of
GenZers watch videos for three or more hours a day, and this ratio is three
times higher than the video watching rates of adults. (Seemiller & Grace,
Moreover, while ninety-three percent of college student GenZers visit
YouTube once a week, most of them access it multiple times per day.
(Smith & Cawthon, 567c) For GenZers, YouTube can also be used as a personal
branding instrument because GenZers are not just video consumers,
but numerous GenZers widely produce content on Youtube. As a
result of this, a professional group known as YouTubers has emerged today.
Another social media network that Generation Z uses most widely after
Youtube is Instagram. Ninety-1ive point eight percent GenZers have an
Instagram account. Instagram is a platform where lifestyle experiences,
identity, and personal values are showcased for Generation Z. Instagram
is considered an instrument for this generation to show themselves to
the world; therefore, GenZers are creating their own brands' thanks to
Instagram. This generation considers this platform as an application that
allows GenZers to demonstrate how they want the world to see them.
(Dorsey, 5656) Therefore, prime time does not mean anything about television;
for GenZers, prime time is the right time to post photos on social
media sites. (Dorsey, 5656) Moreover, according to members of Generation
Z, the use of Instagram accounts is an issue to worry about; GenZers
are considering optimizing the number of likes for their photos. (Fromm,
Snapchat has been one of the most prominent social media networks
among GenZers since its foundation in 5677. According to We are Digital
Report, while Snapchat has _bb million active users globally; 1ifty-eight
point nine percent of these users consist of a member of Generation Z.
(We Are Social, 5656) One of the fundamental reasons why Generation Z
widely prefers Snapchat is that Snapchat is the most effective and rapid
application that provides the instant and screen-based visual communication
demanded by this generation. (Dorsey, 5656) In addition, Snapchat
offers a solution the security concerns of this generation, as it can send
photos only to people they choose and delete the photo after the photo is
seen. Snapchat allows GenZers' self-selected people to present their reality
rather than the perfect moment Instagram offers. Therefore, while
GenZers take more than forty photos for a post on Instagram, they take
only three or four photos for Snapchat. (Dorsey, 5656)
Members of Generation Z perceive Facebook as old-fashioned and
think that it is suitable for the elderly. Although most GenZers have Facebook
accounts, they do not use it actively because it is old-fashioned,
and their parents actively participate in Facebook. Only 1ifty-three percent
of GenZers who have an account on Facebook post on their accounts.
(Seemiller & Grace, 567d)
GenZers utilize Twitter primarily in order to access news and information.
Twitter possesses bVb million active users worldwide; in the meantime,
thirty point seven percent of all users comprise GenZers. (We Are
Social, 5656) Twitter offers the opportunity to follow the latest news quickly
and instantly for GenZers, in addition to being a real-time source of
information on particular topics. The hashtag feature provided by Twitter
makes it easy to get information on speci1ic topics, and also GenZers
can easily 1ilter the topics of their interest. (Seemiller & Grace, 567d; Smith
& Cawthon, 567c)
Generation Z can freely express their opinions on social media
networks such as Twitter and blogs from an early age. For this reason,
Twitter is perceived as a kind of activism platform for GenZers where
they can express their opinions freely and comfortably on various issues.
(Dorsey, 5656; Morris, 5656) GenZers interact with social movements
from an early age through social media networks; at the same time, Gen-
Zers do not hesitate to express their support for these social movements
through social media networks through likes, shares, and comments. As
a generation with a high degree of community awareness, GenZers feel
they have the power to make such changes through social media today,
rather than dreaming of making speci1ic changes in society in the future.
Therefore, they raise awareness and achieve success through social media
activism on speci1ic issues like ALS Bucket Challenge and Greta Thunberg's
climate activism. (Fromm, 567V) Moreover, GenZers deals not only
with local events but also with global ones.
Games are one of the most outstanding entertainment instruments
provided by the digital world to Generation Z. The average of individuals
playing games on any device is eighty-seven percent globally. In comparison,
this rate rises to ninety-1ive percent for Generation Z. (We Are Social,
5656). Sixty-eight percent of the Generation Z members state that the
game is an indispensable and fundamental component of their identity
when they describe themselves. (Dorsey, 5656) The video game is now
de1ined as a signi1icant socialization instrument rather than an anti-social
behavior. Forty-one percent of GenZers play multiplayer games with
their friends. (Seemiller & Grace, 567d) Moreover, seventy-four percent of
GenZers perceives video game as a way to communicate with friends.
(Dorsey, 5656) In addition, in the last few years, gamers have been broadcasting
their videos live or recorded from the Twitch application; therefore,
watching game videos is increasingly common among GenZers. According
to TwitchTracker, Twitch reached a total of 777e billion minutes
of viewing in 5656.
The digital world allows people to meet online, affecting their friendship
and dating preferences. (Seemiller & Grace, 567d) Social media
networks and dating apps reduce the chance of blind dating. GenZers said
that they check social media accounts of people whom they will meet,
and if they have common interests and connections with the person they
will meet, they say their worries about dating are reduced. (Smith &
Cawthon, 567c) Moreover, shared connections and mutual interest have
decisive effect on the dating and friendship preferences of GenZers.
Forty-1ive percent of GenZers indicate that they show their interest in the
person they are interested in through social media likes, comments, and
sharing. (Seemiller & Grace, 567d)
The digital world and social media networks have undoubtedly shaped
the identities, behaviors, and attitudes of GenZers to a great extent.
While the digital world's impact on GenZers is generally positive, social
media networks and the digital world also have some adverse effects, especially
on the mental health of GenZers. Forty-six percent of GenZers indicate
that social media networks cause deterioration of their mental health.
(Dorsey, 5656) First of all, GenZers are constantly connected, and
being online for a long time causes Generation Z members to have a
sedentary lifestyle. (Smith & Cawthon, 567c)
Along with that, 1ifty-1ive percent of GenZers determine that they feel
stressed and worried about their social media posts. (Dorsey, 5656) Gen-
Zers are concerned about privacy and security issues stemming from being
exposed to intense harassment and cyberbullying via social media.
Privacy and security issues are essential indicators for GenZers to choose
a social media network to be part of. Due to the fact that GenZers is constantly
connected and knows that their peers are also connected, there is
a fear of being disconnected, called FOLO which is fear of living of1line.
Moreover, Generation Z is afraid that they can miss something that their
friends share when they are of1line, and this is called Fomo, which means
fear of missing out. Sixty-one percent of GenZers want to see their social
media posts obtain likes and comments. (Giunta, 567c) In addition, 1iftythree
percent of GenZers indicate that the number of followers and
subscribers in social media networks is valuable. (Seemiller & Grace,
Generations in Turkey
he notion of generation always has been a valuable concept in Turkish
socio-economic life. Generation terms have been used in order
to explain some events and moments. In this chapter, I try to explain 56thcentury
generations in Turkey in order to understand what conditions
shaped them and how they shaped Turkey's social-economic lives. In addition,
it will be essential to mention the previous generations in order to
make sense of the similarities and differences of today's young generation
from the older generations.
Term youth and generation as a social category are products of
modernity, and they became widespread in the 7dth century in Europe.
Along with Europe, these notions have become popular in Ottoman during
the 7dth century. Francois Georgon claimed that the term generation
started to be widely used in Ottoman Empire with the Young Turk generation.
(Lü kü slü , 566d) Since the 7dth century, young people have always
been one of the important actors in Turkish history, and some particular
generations have played a vital role at some turning points. In the 7dth
century, the Young Turk generation, who were educated in new schools
that were opened towards modernization in education, took their ideas
to save the empire in these new educational institutions. Saving the
empire is the most prominent idea for Young Turk's generation. Although
the Young Turks could not save the empire, they built a new modern
nation-state around the secular, enlightened ideas they acquired.
This chapter will explain the essential characteristics and behavior
patterns of the generations born in Turkey in the 56th century. Despite
their similarities, each generation shows different characteristics from
the previous generation in Turkish history. (Kentel,566V)
Earlier chapters tried to analyze the generations living in the 56th
century in Western Europe and the United States. Turkey is analyzed separately
because the generations were living in each country present
speci1ic conditions and it is thought that the speci1ic conditions of the countries
are essential in generation formation. In this section, four generations
named Republican, Baby Boomer, Generation X, and Generation Y
will be explained in detail.
§ P.I Republican Generation
The Silent Generation of Turkey, who people were born between 7d5e
and 7d_V, is the 1irst generation of Turkish Republics; for this reason, this
generation is generally named a Republican Generation in Turkish literature.
Republican Generation experienced establishing a new state step by
step and faced enormous changes.
The Turkish state has been at war with the Tripoli War, the Balkan
War, the First World War, and the War of Independence since about 7d76.
War conditions are one of the main determinant factors for the character
development of the Republican Generation. Survival mentality is one of
the most notable features of Republican Generations.
When the new republic was established, the economy was devastated,
caused by destructive wars which lasted for many years. Economic
development is the top priority of the new regime, and in order to achieve
the new regime intended to create a national economy within new borders.
The 7d56s and 7db6s were characterized as a rapid recovery in
agricultural and rural areas. (Pamuk, 567c) The development in the agricultural
1ield was signi1icant because, in the early days of the republic, a
large part of the population was employed in the agricultural sector due
to rare industrialization. With the return to the peaceful environment
between 7d5b and 7db6, the increase in national income spread to all
classes and strata. (Boratav, 566u) The average annual increase in per
capita income was around u._ percent between 7d5b and 7d5d. (Pamuk,
Great Depression in 7d5d, which occurred in the US, deeply affected Turkey
and the whole world. After the 7d5d Great Depression, state role in
the economy was increased during the 7db6s in Turkey, a period characterized
by protectionism and statism in the economic sense. (Boratav,
566u) Associated with statism and protectionism, the 1irst serious steps
towards industrialization were taken in the 7db6s. The average annual
increase in per capita income was around b.V percent. (Pamuk, 567c)
People who work in the agriculture sector consisted of seventy-1ive
percent of the total labor force. According to the 7dbV census, seventynine
percent of men and sixty-1ive percent of women worked in the agricultural
sector. (Shorter, 7duV) Although necessary steps have been taken
towards industrialization, the status is low. The number of workers working
in the industry sector, 56-b6 thousand in 7d5b, increased to u66 thousand
in 7dVb. (Karpat, 7dec) Although national income declined during
the Second World War, increase in per capita income between 7d5b and
7dV6 was over one hundred percent. (Boratav, 566u; Pamuk, 567c)
Since the beginning of the twentieth century, signi1icant population
losses have been experienced due to land losses and wars. According to
the 7d5c national census, the total population of Turkey was 7b.d million,
when only sixteen percent of the total population were living in urban
areas. (Pamuk, 567c; Shorter, 7duV) While the population of the country
increased to 7c million in 7d_6, the urban population increased to
eighteen percent. By 7dV6, the population had increased to 56 million, but
the urban population remained around twenty-1ive percent.
The Republican elite has implemented pronatalist policies since establishing
the republic in order to increase the population. According to
public sanitation law in 7db6, the use of contraceptive protection is prohibited.
Therefore, the fertility rate, which was e._ in 7d5u, would rise
above c in the 7db6s. (TAYA, 567_)
After the establishment of the republic, the education of the young
generations became one of the principal duties of the republic. (Lü kü slü ,
566d) The primary aim of the republican regime is creating new people
who have republican values and were free from the restrictive features of
the future; therefore, new Turkish youth is at the center of Turkish nationalism.
(Neyzi, 5667) According to Mustafa Kemal, the aim of education
is to raise new generations loyal to the Turkish nation and state and make
them ready to 1ight against the enemies of the Turkish nation. (Kaplan,
7ddd) For these reasons, Kemalist ideology wants to homogenize education
and raise young generations that have internalized Kemalist principles.
Thus, while one of the main tasks of education is to form a national
character in new generations, the other is to raise new generations loyal
to the Turkish state, and they should be ready to 1ight against foreign
ideas and enemies. (Kaplan, 7ddd)
In the intellectual world of the Kemalist elite, the existence of the republic
must precede the existence of the individual, and the new generation
should be ready to sacri1ice itself for the nation when necessary.
(Neyzi, 5667) In addition to these, another mission of the education policy
to be applied to the new generation is to teach the generations the information
that will be useful in working life through national education.
(Lüküslü, 566d)
Due to the desire and necessity of raising a new generation, the new
Kemalist regime attached great importance to education. In 7d5b when
the republic was founded, the literacy rate was only eleven percent, as
well as the ratio of the overall number of students to the total population,
is three percent. (Gürüz, 566u) Two thousand nine hundred fourteen students
participated in college education in the 7d5b-7d5_ education year.
( Lüküslü, 566d) Turkish state began comprehensive reforms in order to
improve the quality of education, which would ultimatelyhelp it implement
its goals. In 7d5_, the Law of Uni1ication of Education laid the foundations
of the secular education system. Mixed education was introduced
to primary schools in 7d5_, and then secondary schools and high schools
in the following years. (Okçabol, 566V) While the number of colleges increased
from d in 7d5b to 7d in 7dbu, the number of students increased from
5d7_ to 7657b. In 7d_d-7dV6, the number of students enrolled in higher education
exceeded 5V666. (Gürüz, 566u; Okçabol, 566V) Signi1icant improvements
have also been made in the number of primary and secondary
Although very progressive developments were experienced in education,
access to education was limited and challenging, considering the
conditions of the period. In the 7d56s, it was complicated for a child to get
an education in Anatolia because children had to go to school on their
own and on foot, regardless of the distance. (Onur, 566d) Moreover, despite
all efforts in schooling, in 7dbu, forty percent of school-age children
in cities and towns and seventy-eight percent of children in villages were
unable to access education. (Sakaoğlu, 566b)
With the appointment of Hasan Ali Yücel to the ministry of education,
developments in education have accelerated. The number of primary
schools, which was ec66 at the end of 7dbu, rose to 7beVV in 7d_e, when
Hasan Ali Yücel left of1ice. At the same time, education has been diversi-
1ied with the Village Institutes, and signi1icant progress has been made in
technical education. In addition, the 7d_6s are considered the most successful
period of secondary schools and high schools because there was
a balance between the number of schools, the number of students, and
the teaching staff. (Okçabol, 566V; Sakaoğlu, 566b)
Considering the dif1iculty of accessing education in the countryside
and the importance given to education by the regime, it is clear that members
of the Republican Generation who have the opportunity to receive
an outstanding education internalize the republican values intensively.
(Lüküslü, 566d)
Physical education also played an essential role in the education of
young people, who were given the role of protector of the regime by the
state. Physical activities, which 1ind themselves represented primarily in
sports, are considered not only leisure activities but also practical activities
by the republic's ruling elite. The fundamental purpose of physical
pieces of training and sport policies is to restore and raise the health of
the population, especially children and young people, which have deteriorated
due to epidemics, war, and malnutrition. (Akın, 566d) By including
an intense physical education in nationalist education, the regime aimed
to raise tough, courageous, and resilient generations. (Oiztan Güven, 5675)
Therefore, the Republican Generation had a rigorous education throughout
their childhood, and they were generally subjected to rigid behavior.
Adults did not welcome the childish behavior of children.
Family is one of the crucial phenomena for the Republican Generation.
Members of this generation usually live with extended families. The
family is designed as a state-owned institution with a slight sense of homeland.
(Tev1ik, 7dbe) Therefore, the family is considered a religious community.
Moreover, marriage has considerable meaning as marriage is the
1irst step towards the holy imagined family. Both state and parents demand
respect from their children when respect to family members and
authorities and obedience to the law are essential characteristics of the
Republican Generation. (Oiztan Güven, 5675)
The structure of the family was highly patriarchal in the early republic
era. The republican system also contributes to the reproduction of the
patriarchal system. Although women have entered the public sphere, an
essential duty assigned to women is to be mothers and wives. (Lü kü slü ,
Even though the republic generation grows up under challenging conditions,
there is great hope in them. Witnessing the establishment of the
republic, its 1irst steps, and the establishment of institutions is the most
crucial reason why this generation is hopeful. Mina Urgan, who belongs
to Republican Generation, claimed that they knew they would not go
hungry if they worked, adequately trained. (Urgan, 5666) Furthermore,
Cahit Arf, another member of the Republican Generation, argues that
thanks to the war of liberation and the republic, they felt very self-con1ident
and that there would be no problem in the world that they could not
solve. (Balbay, 5675) The Republican Generation felt most signi1icant
pressure on them to be socially responsible. To Republican Generation,
an essential duty is to be bene1icial to society. (Atabek, 566b)
§ P.K WX and YX Generation
Turkish Baby Boomers who were born between 7d_e and 7de_, generally
named eu Generation and cu Generation due to political events, in
the 7de6s and 7dc6s, whose main actors were the members of this generation.
Boomers were born after the Second World War, after which Turkey
faced signi1icant changes, as well as all countries in the world. The most
signi1icant change in Turkey's political life, which affects all aspects of
social life during this period, is the transition from a one-party system to
a multi-party system in 7d_V, reasoned by internal and external dynamics.
After this transition, Democrat Party came to power in 7dV6, and Turkey
experienced substantial transformations under the Democrat Party government
between 7dV6 and 7de6. Moreover, Turkey became a member of
NATO and Western camps and subsequently, participated in Korean War,
which means that a solid and broad Americanization process began in
every aspect of life in Turkey.
In 7dV6, when Democrat Party came into power, only twenty-four percent
of Turkey's population lived in urban areas. (Pamuk, 567c) In 7de6,
the urban population ratio had increased to thirty-two percent. Although
signi1icant steps were taken in the 1ield of industrialization during the
single-party period, most of the Turkish society depended on agriculture.
Therefore, the importance attached to the agricultural sector under the
Democratic Party was an essential part of Democrat Party policies.
(Pamuk, 567c) Mechanization of the agriculture sector rose rapidly
thanks to Marshall aid from the US. The cultivated land are went up by
more than 1ifty percent in the 7dV6s. (Pamuk, 567c) Moreover, credits and
subsidies provided to the agriculture sector considerably increased in the
7dV6s. It was the landlords who bene1ited the most from Menderes' economic
policies. (Ahmad, 567d)
Unlike rapid economic development between 7dV6 and 7dV_, between
7dV_ and 7de6, liberal foreign policies resulting from post-war expansion
conjuncture came to an end, and the economy in general stagnated and
1luctuated. (Boratav, 566u) The Democratic Party's rule ended with a military
coup on May 5c, 7de6, mainly formed by low-ranking soldiers. Then,
a new constitution based on liberal values was adopted in 7de7. 7de7 Constitution
has a tremendous indirect effect on the formation of the Turkish
Baby Boomer generation. With the new constitution, Turkey surpassed
more liberal politics without any structural background. (Ahmad, 567d)
Democrat Party's road, factory, and dam construction projects brought
rural and urban areas closer to each other. Moreover, an improvement
in the industry sector causes rural to urban immigration. (Demir,
5675) The urban population was increasing steadily. The urban population,
which was 1ive million in 7dV6 when the Democratic Party came to
power, approached nine million in 7de6. Urbanization has a considerable
effect on Turkish society both positively and negatively. In a negative
sense, immigration caused irregular urbanization and slums. (Boratav,
According to the 7de6 census, sixty percent of the total population
consists of under twenty-1ive age. (Köknel, 7dcd) The fertility rate, which
declined during the Second World War, rose to e.d in 7d_e. The fertility
rate was e.V in 7dVb, and this rate dropped to V.c in 7deu. One of the reasons
for the decline in the fertility rate in the 7de6s was lifting the prohibitions
on birth control methods implemented by the government since
establishing the republic. Twenty-two percent of women stated that they
used birth-control methods in 7deb, while this rate rose to thirty-two percent
in 7deu and thirty-eight percent in 7dcb. (TAYA, 567_)
The education system experienced signi1icant structural changes just
as all the other countries did. The number of educational facilities increased
rapidly during the 7dV6s and 7de6s. The primary education schooling
rate in Turkey, which was twenty-three percent in 7d5b, rose from
1ifty-1ive percent in 7dV6 to sixty-seven percent in 7de6. (Gürüz, 566u) Moreover,
the literacy rate, which was thirty-four percent in 7dV6, rise thirtynine
percent in 7de6 to forty-eight percent in 7deV. (Sakaoğlu, 566b)
Similar to the transformations seen in lower levels of education have
also occurred in higher education. Turkish education system had adopted
Classical European university system before the 7dV6s, however, the transition
of the university system from European to American system took
place as a result of the ideological preferences of Democrat Party. (Gü rü z,
566u) Turkish universities commenced becoming massi1ied. College
number in Turkey, which was thirty-four in 7dV6, increased to forty-nine
in 7de6, and to one hundred 1ifty-two in 7dc6. (Okçabol, 566V)
Although university education started to become massive, university
students still represent a small community in the entire population.
While a student in higher education which 7ee6 in 7d5c, rise eb6V7 in 7de6
to 7_e5dd in 7deu. (Kışlalı, 7dc_) Moreover, the proletarianization process
of elites began due to the massi1ication of universities caused by the increasing
quantity of university students. (Lü kü slü , 566d)
One of the most critical features that characterize Turkish Baby Boomers
is the extreme politicization of young people, especially university
students, divided into two opposite poles, between right and leftists.
(Neyzi, 5667) One thousand nine hundred sixty-eight student movements
are considered to be a turning point for Turkey's political and intellectual
life as well as all around the globe and Turkish Baby Boomer is also called
eu Generation. Although the 7deu events come to mind when student
events or generations are considered in Turkey, the politicization of students
is observed intensely before 7deu. In the 7de6s, Turkish Baby Boomers
identi1ied themselves as a mission that transforms society. (Neyzi,
5667) Due to the fact that this generation thinks that they have a voice
over country problems, they based this thought on the idea that the youth
had a right over the May 5c coup. (Karadeniz, 7dcV)
Youth usually defend the principles of Mustafa Kemal and ideas and
legitimacy of May 5c between 7de6 and 7deV. (Karadeniz, 7dcV) In addition,
a new social opposition emerged from the second half of the 7de6s
with the urban social opposition and the politicization of romantic university
students. (Kentel, 566V) Even though events of the 7deus have
common causes all around the globe, every country has its own reasons
and background. Demonstrations and events in universities in Turkey
started to emerge after 7deV. (Mardin, 7dcu) In the early events, the demands
were usually to participate in the administration, remove speci1ic
exams, and remove fees, while the course of action students preferred
generally consisted of boycotts and forums. (Alper, 5676; Bican, 7dc6) Moreover,
the students were uncomfortable with the authoritarian attitudes
of some faculty members; thus, they aimed to communicate more with
faculty members and democratically do this. (Tezcan, 7dd7)
When we came to 7deu, the quest for freedom and the war against all
kinds of authority was added to these demands of the students, as in the
rest of the world. With the addition of country problems to the demands
of the university after 7deu, university problems were also linked to country
problems. (Kışlalı, 7dc_) eu Generation demanded a new order that
the people of Turkey would live happily. (Bican, 7dc6) The original philosophy
of 7deu is that it is possible for people to live equally and freely in
a society.
eu Generation made an anti-authoritarian cultural revolt against both
the political and cultural order, including traditions such as avaoding
smoking in the presence of their father. (Akçam, 7ddu) A new generation
of musicians emerged in the cultural 1ield, trying to adapt Western music
backgrounds to Anatolian melodies, and trying to create a Turkish version
of rock music with Western protest elements. (Aydın & Taşkın, 567_)
For Turkish Baby Boomers, not reading political and theoretical books,
being ignorant could be ridiculed; therefore, all of them tried to learn
something about country politics and economics. (Çalışlar, 7dud) Moreover,
eu generations are considered the most educated generation in
terms of politics in Turkey's history. (Alpay, 7duu)
Even though the events of 7deu had a cultural dimension, Turkey 7deu
was in a much more political character compared to other countries.
(Belge, 7duu) Studies on Turkey's 7deu rebellions revealed that authoritarian
and elitist tendencies were much higher than libertarian tendencies
and that elitist and nationalist tendencies among university students
were at a higher level than Boomers of other countries. (Lüküslü, 566d)
Moreover, some studies demonstrated that notions of respect and loyalty
to authority and state, as well as nationalism were common among eu
Generation. (Aygün & Imamoĝlu, 5665)
Turkish Boomers are more politicized than their counterparts in the
Western world, and their characters do not develop in favor of individuality
and freedom because of Turkish political culture. (Belge, 7duu) Unlike
Western 7deu, a new anti-imperialist generation which un1it for
backwardness grow up in Turkey in the 7de6s. (Bulut, 5677)
By the 7dc6s, a Boomer generation emerged that became more
sharply polarized, politicized, and dominated by violence. (Kentel, 566V;
Mardin, 7dcu) cu Generation who participated struggle before 1inished
their education characterized by militant character; thus, learning new
things and reading books are not common among members of the cu Generation.
(Balbay, 5675; Can, 5667) cu Generation is created by Turkish society
itself, and they are products of society's demands rather than the
outer part of society. The main objective of the cu Generation, according
to them, is changing the order. (Can, 5667) Approximately seventy-four
percent of Turkish Boomers are not satis1ied with the legal and social order.
(Kışlalı, 7dc_)
The large majority of Boomers continue to live in small towns and villages
with their extended families. Patriarchal character is obvious in the
family structure. Even though the visibility of women in society increases,
male children are valued more in both villages and cities. (Şemin, 7dcb)
Encouraging young girls to speak with adults is considered a shame for
large part of society. Although the number of female students attending
higher education during this period is much less than male students, they
come from more educated families and belong to higher socio-economic
groups. (Lüküslü, 566d)
Boomers think that their families are predominantly conservative
and repressive. (Köknel, 7dcd) Even though Boomers acknowledged and
interiorized family structure, forty percent of Boomers complained about
their families' attitudes, with 1ifty-eight percent of Boomers criticizing
their families' religious mindset. Moreover, children cannot freely express
their opinions in front of their families, so even though there is a
decrease in their self-esteem, they regain their self-con1idence through
going to university and being politicized. (Şemin, 7dcb)
While Boomers, who were university students in the 7de6s, thought
they would not have trouble 1inding a job when they 1inished university,
anxiety for the future became a common phenomenon among the members
of this generation in the 7dc6s. (Lü kü slü , 566d) According to Kışlalı,
the rate of those who do not have 1inancial concerns is only sixteen percent.
Boomers were brought up to be altruistic, that is, they tend to think
of someone else before themselves. This generation cares about the issues
of other people, countries and is always ready to sacri1ice. (Neyzi,
5667) Therefore, they impose a mission of raising awareness in society.
University students visit villages during summer holidays, establish a dialogue
with farmers and workers, and try to 1ind solutions to their problems.
The diploma is in the second place for this generation; the rate of
those who think that the primary purpose of attending university is to be
bene1icial to society is forty-two percent for this generation. (Balbay,
5675; Kışlalı, 7dc_)
§ P.L Generation X
Generation X consists of people who were born between 7deV and
the 7du6s. Although this generation has witnessed the climate of violence
in their childhood, what affected their characters was the 7du6 coup and
the transformation in Turkey afterward. Thus, the 7du6 coup and the
transformation that took place afterward, besides profoundly affecting
Turkey's social and economic life, is the primary determinant of the character
development of the X generation.
Turkey experienced tremendous changes in politics, culture, and socio-
economic areas in the 7du6s. The transformation in the 1ield of economy
in the 7du6s in Turkey expresses a break from the past and a tendency
towards a new path. In addition, economic transformation is the
driving force behind most of the transformations and developments in
other 1ields. The new economic transformation, the foundations of which
were laid with the decisions of January 5_, 7du6, and later consolidated
during the September 75 military regime and the Motherland Party rule,
broke with the previous statist policies and is characterized by a more
open liberal model. By improving the balance of payments and reducing
in1lation, lowering in1lation, and ensuring stability, in the long run, January
5_ decisions mainly aimed to create an outward-oriented economy, in
particular export-oriented, placing more emphasis on the domestic market.
(Pamuk, 567c) January 5_ decisions; additionally being a stabilization
policy, was a structural adjustment program aiming at the two strategic
goals such as market freedom at home and abroad and the strengthening
of domestic capital against labor, which the capital was marketed through
the World Bank. (Boratav, 566u)
Adjustment and neoliberalism are the concepts that best characterized
the 7du6s in Turkey. (Barbaros & Zurcher, 567c) Economic liberalization
steps were taken throughout the 7du6s, the stock exchange was established
in 7due, and essential steps were taken to liberalize and open
up the 1inancial sector. (Pamuk, 567c) Moreover, the 7du6s is a period
when bourgeois ideology dominated the economy and society. (Boratav,
Turkey also experienced a rapid urbanization process, in which migration
from rural areas to cities intensi1ied in the 7du6s. (Arat & Pamuk,
567d) The urban population rate, which was twenty-four percent in 7dV6,
increased forty-four percent in 7du6, and rose to1ifty-nine percent in 7dd6.
(Bayhan, 7ddc; Pamuk, 567c) Governments discovered the importance of
construction of mass housing in order to eradicate urban problems caused
by rapid urbanization. In addition, rapid urbanization has signi1icantly
increased inequalities, both between rural and urban areas and
between different areas within the same city. (Arat & Pamuk, 567d)
The total population of Turkey is forty-four million in 7du6. The fertility
rate and population growth rate decreased throughout the 7du6s
when the population growth rate was 5.5. (Pamuk, 567c) The fertility rate
in Turkey, which was V.c in 7deu, decreased to V.e in 7dcb, and to _ in 7du6.
(TAYA, 567_)
With the effect of the increase in urbanization and societal transformations,
Generation X lives in smaller families than the previous generations.
The nuclear family form has been established in the social life of
Turkey as a standard family form. The nuclear family ratio, which was
1ifty-nine percent in 7deu, rose to sixty-one percent in 7dub and sixty-seven
percent in 7ddb. (TAYA, 567_) In 7dd6, the average household size of
urban families was _.bb, and according to a study conducted in 7ddu, c6.d
percent of Generation X members live with their families. (Bayhan, 7ddc;
Merkezi., 7ddd)
While the family continues to play a decisive role in forming the identity
of the Generation X members, generational con1lict and disagreements
between Generation X and their parents are also on the rise.
(Neyzi, 5667) Generational con1lict between Generation X and their families
has occurred among especially urban families. The main reasons for
generational con1licts between Generation X and their families are political
ideologies, relationships with the opposite sex, and intervention friendship.
(Bayhan, 7ddc) According to research, forty-one percent of members
of Generation X think that the elders do not understand them, with
sixty-one percent of Generation X claiming that they have dif1iculty communicating
with adults. (Bayhan, 7ddc; Merkezi., 7ddd)
The visibility of women in society gradually increased, especially despite
the rise of the women's movement and women's studies in the 7du6s,
the patriarchal character of the family continued to stand intense in some
ways. (Lüküslü, 566d) According to Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung research,
thirty-seven percent of Generation X say that whatever decision the father
makes in the family, it has to be accepted by other members. (Merkezi.,
7ddd) Moreover, 1ifty percent of women were illiterate in 7du6. (Sakaoğlu,
566b) However, Turkish Generation X have tended to embrace
more egalitarian values than their parents in gender equality. Eighty-two
percent of GenX say that spouses should contribute equally to family income,
while sixty-two percent of GenX say they think having a job is the
key to women's independence. (Lüküslü, 566d; Merkezi., 7ddd)
Although they have signi1icant disagreements with their families on
various issues, sixty-eight percent of Gen X members envisioned the family
as the top priority institution they must adapt to in order to feel
happy and secure. Moreover, sixty-one percent of Generation X think that
their mother understands them best, while seventy percent of them defend
that family is one of the primary values and institutions that make
life meaningful. (Merkezi., 7ddd) Despite rapid urbanization, economic
and social transformations, the family continues to occupy an important
place both economically and emotionally in the lives of Generation X
members. (Lüküslü, 566d)
The Turkish-Islamic synthesis constituted the general framework of
the of1icial ideology after the 7du6 coup. The new regime aimed to raise
the young generations homogeneously by making the 7dc6s hostile, under
the basis of the Turkish-Islamic synthesis, through higher education
under the supervision of the Higher Education Council, along with primary
and secondary education. (Boratav, 566u) There have been quantitative
improvements in education in line with both externalization and
these purposes. The literacy rate, which was sixty-eight percent in 7du6,
rapidly increased eighty-one percent in 7dd6. (Arat & Pamuk, 567d; Bayhan,
7ddc) Moreover, the proportion of students in colleges in which was
eighteen percent in 7dcd-7du6 education year, went up to twenty-six percent
in 7ddV. (Gürüz, 566u)
The September 75 regime determines the reconstruction of the youth,
the X generation at that time, as a mission. The 7du5 Constitution,
along with articles that undermine the autonomous and subject identity
of the young generation and initiate the objecti1ication process, also aims
to homogenize young people ideologically. (Lüküslü, 566d; Saktanber,
566c) When Ozal and his Motherland Party came to power, the 1irst function
of the youth began to be accepted as pursuing their own interests.
Members of Generation X are generally more educated than their parents.
According to a study, forty percent of Generation X claimed that
education is one of the three most essential elements of life. In the same
research, thirty-eight percent of Generation X said that the primary purpose
of education is to gain knowledge and skills, while thirty-six percent
answered this question by saying that it was to be bene1icial to the homeland
and the nation. When asked what they were educated for, thirtyeight
percent answered as being bene1icial to their country and nation,
for thirty-1ive percent of Generation X members it is to gain knowledge
and skills, and for thirty-one percent of them, it is to gain the ability to
think. (Merkezi., 7ddd)
Although there are quantitative improvements in education in Turkey,
the quality of education is gradually decreasing in these years. (Sakaoğlu,
566b) Therefore, compliances about education have increased
gradually. Forty-1ive percent of Generation X complained that education
was based on rote learning, forty percent complained about technical
inadequacies, and thirty-1ive percent criticized the insuf1iciency of teachers.
Moreover, forty-nine percent of Generation X expected a quali1ied
education from the school and teachers. (Merkezi., 7ddd) Therefore, while
the school was losing its importance in Generation X life, friends and informal
communication networks replaced the school. (Neyzi, 5667)
The shared experience of generations after 7du6 was their increasing
independence from the mission of the protector of the state that the Kemalist
state attributed to them. The new generations that grew up in the
period following the military coup of 7du6 grew up both in an authoritarian
environment where social reasoning was blocked and participation
was restricted and in the illusion of freedom offered by the free market
economy with the transition to neoliberalism. (Alemdaroğlu, 566V)
Depoliticization and consumption are the prominent notions that de-
1ined Generation X. (Alemdaroğlu, 566V) The entry of new generations
into consumption and depoliticization processes is the imposition of the
conditions of the period rather than their own demands. In the 7du6s, culture
became subject to the market in a way that had never been seen before.
Advertising introduced unlimited images in a short time, and with
the publication of best-selling magazines, a new language of public opinion
and communication emerged. (Gürbilek, 7dd5) Moreover, television
has a signi1icant impact on the character development of Generation X.
Sixty percent of households had a chance to access color tv in the 7dd6s
(Arat & Pamuk, 567d) In the new cultural environment, thanks to
television, this generation has been instilled with the philosophy of getting
rich in a short time by being a model, footballer, and singer. (Bayhan,
Generation X embraced the values of the consumer society. (Atabek,
566b) Because of the transformation that Turkey went through, consumption
power became a status symbol. They are described as more
pragmatic and individualistic than previous generations but also as lacking
collective responsibility. (Bayhan, 7ddc; Neyzi, 5667)
According to studies, Generation X is characterized as a conformist
generation that places more emphasis on money than previous generations.
Generation X, living in the Turkish society after 7du6, where everything
is based on money and economic status, know that they cannot get
a good education without money and they will not have good health services;
thus, they attach a great deal of importance to money and economic
status. (Lüküslü, 566d) Moreover, sixty-seven percent of Generation X
think that unemployment is the biggest problem which youth is faced
with. (Merkezi., 7ddd) Money is the only guarantee for Generation X, who
in despair believe that nothing will happen even though they work hard
because they grew up in the destructive competition of capitalism; thus,
they want to earn as much money as possible. (Urgan, 5666)
Ideas such as the drive to achieve, risk-taking, hard work, and tendency
to compete for the society, which developed with the free market
economy in the 7dd6s, were mostly adopted among Generation X members.
(Aygün & Imamoĝlu, 5665) Sixty-one percent of Generation X says
aimlessness, ideallessness, and callousness are common in their generation.
(Merkezi., 7ddd) One of the most common expressions that will describe
the X generation is that ‘if we are not hopeful that something will
change, other alternatives to change are not on our agenda’. (Ihplikçi, 567b)
Although Generation X is described as apolitical, this does not mean
that they are not interested in the country’s agenda. This generation is
sensitive to politics and the country’s agenda, but they do not trust the
environment of politics. They are also deliberately excluded from the political
sphere by the ruling elite. Although they were described as individualistic
and sel1ish, they pioneered the efforts to organize recovery
steps after the 7ddd earthquake and showed that they were both sensitive
to social issues and had a collective consciousness. (Lüküslü, 566d; Neyzi,
§ P.P Generation Y
Generation Y consists of people who were born between 7du7 and
7ddd, and approximately eighteen million Turkish people belong to Generation
Y. The period in which this generation lived its childhood and youth
in Turkey can be divided into how Turkish political and economic life
characterized instability between 7duc and 5667, then 5667 and onward
characterized by JDP one party-rule. (Pamuk, 567c)
Between 7duc and 5665, the in1lation rate in Turkey was consistently
above forty percent; this rate exceeded a hundred percent in 7dd_. (Pamuk,
567c) The in1lation rate, which was eu.e percent in 5667, decreased
to u.c percent in 566u even, it started to rise again after this date. In addition,
the unemployment rate, which was u.7 in 5667, has gradually increased
since then and rose to 7b.e in 566u. (Aydın & Taşkın, 567_)
One of the critical factors in the character development of Generation
Y is the fast-food culture that entered the country and spread gradually
in the 7dd6s. This generation is the most important representative of fast
food culture. That’s why it is sometimes referred to as the McDonalds generation
because most of the time, parents took their children to McDonald's
to reward them, and McDonald's has deeply affected the eating habits
of this generation. (Ekşili & Antalyalı, 567c)
Approximately eighteen million of the population of Turkey constitutes
the Y generation. As a result of the transformation experienced after
7du6, this generation is the 1irst generation with a higher urban population
than previous generations. In addition, according to Turkstat data,
the fertility rate, which was _.b in 7dcu, decreased to _ in 7dub, and to b in
7duu when reduced to 5.e in 7ddu. Sixty-eight percent of the couples born
before 7du6 considered three or four children as the ideal number of
children, while the proportion of those born after 7dd6 was only thirtyseven
percent who saw three or four children as ideal.
The 7du6 coup has signi1icant effects on the families of Generation Y;
therefore, Generation Y was raised in a more controlled way by their families.
As Generation Y grows up, they grow up without hearing politics
and past stories from their families. On the one hand, families want their
children to grow up apolitical; on the other hand, one of the goals of the
regime is to ensure that this generation apolitical, thus, families do not
tell Generation Y members about the 7du6s; they try to raise their children
to avoid meddling. (Ihplikçi, 567b)
Eighty-1ive percent of Generation Y members grow up in nuclear families.
Families consist of an average of _.V people. (TEPA, 566u; Zeylan,
566c) According to Kustepe Research, when Generation Y members were
asked about the issues they least agreed on with their families, twelve
percent said it was about freedom, and eleven percent said it was about
money. In addition to these, spending and consumption habits, friend selection,
dress code, and entertainment style come to the fore as the issues
that create the most con1lict between parents and Generation Y children.
(TAYA, 567_)
According to a 5677 study, 1ifty-six percent of parents said they
were scolding their children, and seventy-seven percent of them said
they scolded their children in 566e. Although this rate has decreased slightly
compared to the past, it is still considerably high. (TAYA, 567_) Moreover,
the punishment mechanism for children is a widespread situation.
Thirty-nine percent of Generation Y members think they have family
problems. At the same time, twenty-eight percent of young people say
they see domestic violence as one of the most serious problems. (Zeylan,
566c) While the main reason for arguments with the mother is the course
subjects, the issue which led to quarrels with their fathers most is coming
home late. (TEPA, 566u)
Even though there were con1licts within the family, the family continued
to play an essential role in the lives of Generation Y members. The
vast majority of Generation Y members feel that their parents always love
them and care for their problems. Thirty-1ive percent of Generation Y
members think that the family is the dominant institution that prepares
them for life, while forty-three percent say there is no issue they are in
disagreement with their families. (Kazgan, 5665; Zeylan, 566c)
While the number of universities was seventy-seven in 566b, in 566c
this number increased to one hundred and 1ifteen. In addition, from 7du7
to 566c, the number of students in higher education increased approximately
ten times and reached two and a half million, to reach over
1ive million in the 567b-567_ academic year. (Gürüz, 566u)
As a result of February 5u, compulsory education, which was 1ive years,
was increased to eight years as of the 7ddc-7ddu academic year. While
the schooling rate in primary education was eighty-four percent in 7ddc,
the year that eight-year compulsory education began, this rate rose to
over ninety percent in 566e. In addition, according to Ministry of Education
statistics, the schooling rate in secondary education, which was
thirty-eight percent in 7ddc, rosed to 1ifty-seven percent in 566c. Generation
Y members have severe complaints about teachers' attitudes and
competencies in education. According to a study conducted by the Prime
Ministry, sixty percent of students said they had been subjected to verbal
violence by their teachers at school, and forty-nine percent to physical
violence. (TEPA, 566u)
The Gezi Park Resistance, the most signi1icant mass action Turkey
experienced recently, started in 567b against the government's request to
build an Artillery Barracks instead of Gezi Park in Taksim and soon
expanded into a major rebellion against the government. The main heroes
of the Gezi Park protests, one of most signi1icant developments in
Turkey's recent history, are the members of Generation Y. The Gezi Park
riots were a rebellion of a youth who thought their future was stolen against
the executive staff. Generation Y, who are labeled apolitical generation,
prove themselves to Turkish society with Gezi Events. People who
are usually not interested in politics participated in Gezi Events because
it was the 1irst time the government threatened the way of life this much.
(Ihplikçi, 567b) According to one person who participated in Gezi events,
what mattered initially was preventing the trees from being cut; however,
the main reason for high participation is a very high restriction of freedom
on almost every aspect of life. Moreover, some participants stated
that the reasons for joining the Gezi revolts were the accumulation of the
policies implemented by the government for years. In addition, some of
the members of Generation Y claimed that police brutality which they
saw on screen, especially May b7, triggered them to participate in the
Gezi Events is one of the essential turning points for members of Generation
Y. The Gezi events revealed great energy; Generation Y, which
was stigmatized as apolitical until the Gezi events broke out, broke the
feeling of despair and fear at one point. Generation Y members who participated
in the Gezi Resistance stated that opposing something as a
whole was very effective. (Ihplikçi, 567b) With the Gezi Rebellion, a new
sense of humor and a new language emerged, clearly revealing Generation
Y's differences from previous generations. In addition, the Gezi
events further clari1ied the ruptures and polarizations between Generation
Y and previous generations. Moreover, the Gezi events played a role
in increasing the social visibility of some of the discriminated components
of society, especially the LGBT+ and feminist movement, and raising
society's awareness.
Although internet and computer usage has become widespread in
Turkey, television continues to occupy an important place in the childhood
and youth of Generation Y members. According to a study conducted
in 566c, Generation Y members watched television for an average of
three hours a day on weekdays and an average of three and a half hours
a day on weekends. (Zeylan, 566c) When looking at the most preferred
content by Generation Y members on television, domestic TV series is the
most preferred content with sixty-eight percent, while foreign 1ilm content
is the second with forty-1ive percent.
Fifty-four percent of Generation Y has their own personal computer
in 566u. While sixty-eight percent of Generation Y members say they use
the internet, only thirty-three percent of those who have the internet at
home is. Therefore, even though computers and the internet started to
become widespread during the adolescence and youth of Generation Y
members, the most effective digital tool on character development is the
television and mobile phone. The emergence of social media platforms
coincides with the adolescence of Generation Y members. Generation Y
members generally prefer chat programs such as MSN. In addition, Generation
Y members commonly use the internet to watch foreign TV series.
Many Generation Y members state that the foreign TV series they watched
both on the internet and on television in their adolescence and youth
positively affects their English learning. Although the internet is gradually
becoming available to keep up with the agenda, the primary agenda
resources are newspapers and television for Generation Y in its
adolescence and youth. They can also be referred to as Generation Y, the
internet cafe generation for Turkey. This generation is the generation that
experiences the most intensive internet cafe experience in Turkey. Through
internet cafes, Generation Y was in an environment where they could
socialize both online and of1line. (Binark et al., 566d) With the increasingly
widespread use of the Internet, Generation Y, like other generations,
has kept pace with the Internet age. Thirty-three percent of Generation
Y members stated that they use the internet for more than twenty
hours a week, according to a 567b study. In addition, the most popular social
media platform for Generation Y was Facebook with forty-six percent,
while Twitter became the second popular platform with forty-one
percent. (Akdemir et al., 567b)
Generation Y can be characterized as a generation that strives to be
different. They have a desire to be different from previous generations on
many issues such as clothing and behavior. However, they fear that being
too different will lead to exclusion. They generally believe in enjoying life;
thus, they want fun and 1lexibility in their work-life as well. Colleagues
are essential for both fun and success. (Deloitte, 567e) Generation Y feels
that they can achieve success through teamwork and also consider the
feedback from their managers to be an essential component of success,
and they prefer work environments where they are involved in the planning
process and express their opinions freely. (Akdemir et al., 567b)
Striking a balance between business life and private life is something
Generation Y members pay attention to. They want to devote their lives
outside of work to their own interests.
Generation Z in Turkey- Interviews with youth
studying at university in Istanbul
eneration Z refers to people who were born after 5666. According to
Tukstat statistics, 5V V_b dbd Generation Z individuals were born in
5666 and later in Turkey. At the same time, 7b 77_ _bu of this population
consists of male individuals, 75 _5d V67 female individuals. This generation
constitutes approximately thirty percent of Turkey's population. In
addition, according to 567d data, Turkey has a higher youth population
ratio than European Union member states. (Turkstat, 5656)
The most decisive factors in the character development of this
generation are their growth in the age of social media and metropolises.
(Ağırdır, 5656) While e_.d% of Turkey's population lived in urban areas
in 5666, d5.u% of the total population lived in urban areas in 567d.
Karl Mannheim, by whom this study was inspired, says that a generation
consists of many different generational units. In this study, considered
a generational unit, Generation Z members, that is individuals
born after 5666, and studying at a university in Istanbul, were chosen as
the focus group. One of the main reasons for the selection of university
students in Istanbul was the fact that Vc of the 7dV universities in Turkey
are located in Istanbul. Twenty-nine percent of the universities in the country
are located in Istanbul; moreover, while the total number of
university students in Turkey is around eight million, the number of
those studying in Istanbul alone is about two million.
This chapter relies on the results of 5V in-depth interviews with youth
who are students at universities in Istanbul and were born in 5666 and
after 5666. In this section, the opinions, thoughts, and comments of the
interviewees, who are members of Generation Z in Turkey, on social life,
education, family, and society will be evaluated. In addition to in-depth
interviews, statistical studies and non-governmental organizations'
works about youth will be used to analyze features and attitudes of Turkish
Generation Z.
§ R.I Socialization
The technological developments in which Generation Z was born and
grew up have impacted the character of this generation and the way this
generation socializes. The key terms characterizing this generation are
smartphones and the Internet. According to Turkstat statistics, while Vb.c
percent of households had a mobile phone in 566_, this rate increased to
dd._ percent in 5656. Likewise, while only c percent of households in Turkey
had internet access in 566_, this rate increased to d6.c percent in
5656. (Türkiye Ihstatistik Kurumu (TUiIhK), 5657a)
This generation does not remember the pre-smartphone era. They
can be considered as Turkey's 1irst digitally native generation. Compared
to Western Europe and the United States, this generation in Turkey has
access to digital tools at a later age compared to their counterparts in the
West, but it is the generation that accessed technology the earliest in Turkey.
According to Turkstat statistics, the average age of access to mobile
phones in Turkey is ten, while the average age of access to computers is
eight. (Türkiye Ihstatistik Kurumu (TUiIhK), 5657b) According to the research
conducted by the MAK research company, more than 1ifty percent of
young people say that the cell phone is an indispensable device, while it
is the internet for sixty-two percent of them. (MAK & Yeditepe, 5656) This
generation thinks that technology is an excellent thing and that everyone
should enjoy its bene1its.
Z7, an Economics student, said: Older people are constantly criticizing
us about technology, but let us see if there is a country that rejects technology
and is thriving. That is why I take full advantage of the possibilities of
technology; I think everyone should do the same.
Viewing experiences have changed tremendously in recent years. Today's
younger generation is among those who are most affected by this
change. While the rate of those who consider television important in 567V
was 1ifty percent, this rate decreased to twenty-1ive percent in 567u.
(RTUiK, 567u) The vast majority of this study's focus group say they cannot
remember the last time they watched TV. Those who watch television
regularly say that they only watch television for live sports events. In addition,
although the number of cinemas, which was 5ed5 in 567c, increased
to 5u56 in 567d, the number of spectators decreased from sixty-eight
million to 1ifty-six million based on the same years. (Turkstat, 5656) Digital
platforms have replaced watching television and going to the movies.
Young people are the primary consumers of digital platforms in Turkey
as is the case in the rest of the world. The content diversity and their ability
to offer a viewing experience account for the reason why they prefer
these platforms.
Zb, a law student, said: There is much different content, I can watch it
whenever I want, and I can access it on many different devices. I think it is
a great convenience to have the chance to watch it anytime, anywhere.
Z7_, a mechanical engineering student, said: In an era when everything
was available for free on the Internet, it was ridiculous to pay to watch something,
but I think that digital platforms are paid for even because there
are no advertisements at the moment.
Moreover, this generation prefers to access information and news
more through different channels compared to their parents. According to
the RTUK study, it is seen that watching television in order to get
news/information becomes more common as age groups increase. While
the rate of watching television for the 7V-5_ age group to get news/information
was 7d.V%, this rate was found to be _6.e% for those aged eV and
over. The rate of the members of this generation who trust the conventional
media is only ten percent. The primary source of information for this
generation is the Internet. According to KONDA's study, the rate of those
who said the Internet is the 1irst place to look when they need information
was forty percent in 567V; in addition, when only university graduates
are taken into account, this rate was seventy-four percent in 567d.
(Konda, 567d) As a result of the interviews I conducted, YouTube appears
to be the platform preferred most to obtain information, while Twitter
seems to be the central social media platform for this purpose.
Z5b, a political science student, said: When I want to learn something,
I look directly at Youtube because you Dind everything you need there and
also it offers visual content.I learn some things more quickly in the form of
videos; for this reason, Youtube is usually the Dirst place I search to learn
Z5V, a student at the Faculty of Medicine: When I research something,
I Dirst look at Youtube. For example, when I was choosing a university, I Dirst
searched Youtube content about it, and listened to the experiences of students
studying at different universities and departments.
YouTube means more than just social media at the point it has reached
today. All of the focus groups I interviewed say they visit at least one
or more YouTube per day. YouTube's availability, quality ratio, being rich
in more comprehensive content, having content on every subject such as
lectures, music, entertainment puts Youtube at a different point from
other applications.
The most preferred social media of this generation is Instagram. According
to a study, among all social media applications, Instagram is the
1irst preference of seventy-six percent of this generation in Turkey. According
to the We Are Digital 5657 report, there are approximately fortysix
million active Instagram users in Turkey, and sixty-three percent of
the users are under thirty-1ive. In this study with students enrolled at a
university in Istanbul, all participants have an Instagram account. The
main reason why Instagram is prominent among this generation is that
it provides a fresh and juvenile outlook for users.
Z55, a management student, said: We are already bored with many
things in our daily lives; Instagram provides an escape from them. Also, Instagram
is not as political as Twitter, not as old as Facebook.
Zc, a veterinary medicine student, said: All of my friends and acquaintances
use Instagram, so I did not think much about opening an account.
Instagram appeals primarily to young people. It was a place where we did
not have parents initially, which of course, affected my choice.
On the other hand, Instagram triggers some negative features as well.
Instagram leads young people to be concerned about the number of likes
they get. Story sharing has become one of the most preferred forms of
sharing in order to avoid the anxiety of appreciation.
Z7b, a student from the Department of English teaching, said: I spend
an average of forty minutes in total sharing posts on Instagram. I also follow
the likes, of course, to see who liked it, of course, but not all the time, I
check my account every two hours, but of course, I want my posts to be
Twitter stands out as the most preferred social media platform by today's
youth after Instagram. (MAK & Yeditepe, 5656) According to a study
conducted by Habitat, forty-1ive percent of Turkish youth who have a
Twitter account visit Twitter one or more times a day. (Erdoğan, 567c)
Twitter provides this generation with space where they follow the national
and world agenda and express themselves. Social media in general,
and Twitter in particular, is a 1ield rather than a tool for this generation.
According to studies, 1ifty-two percent of youth said that they could express
their thoughts freely on social media. (MAK & Yeditepe, 5656)
This generation uses the space provided by Twitter for free speech as
space for organizing, social activism space, and awareness-raising space.
Social media is the central area of activism for this generation. Thanks to
social media, a decentralized unity can be created in a short time.
Z_, a dentistry student, said: My grandfather and uncles were politically
very active before the IJKL coup. They get angry with me because according
to them, my generation does not know anything, and I do not speak
up for anything. However, we are aware of everything, and I think we know
that economy is getting worse; we see the country's situation. They think
we do not speak out because we do not go out on the street as they did, but
we the new generation, also rebel on social media against things that bother
us, and I think it is equally effective. We are able to reach many people,
and sometimes we can attain some important results; for example, suspects
who are released on sexual assault for women have been retaken into
custody many times thanks to the pressure put by social media.
ZPQ, a Philosophy student said: When I am going to react on a subject, I
do not need to be outside; I express my thoughts on social media, especially
Twitter, and react. I also think it works; if nothing else, I think we create
This generation is creating a new type of activism through social media.
In the middle of 5656, when the university exam dates changed with the
government decision, many young people who organized in a very short
time showed a great reaction on social media. Over a million tweets were
posted on the #OyMoyYok hashtag. President Erdogan's conversation
with young people on YouTube broke a dislike record, and the comments
were closed to the audience after the young people reacted to the comments.
Young people who believed that the change in the university exam
date was related to tourism decreased the score of the application of the
company owned by the tourism minister from _.7 to 7.7 on Google Play. All
of these can be considered as examples of activism developed by this generation.
Digital games are one of the essential features that distinguish this
generation from previous generations. In Turkey, approximately thirtytwo
million people play games, and four million people have e-sports
awareness. (Tü rkiye E-Spor Federasyonu, 567d) The Turkish Digital Games
Federation was established in 5677, and this federation was connected
to the Emerging Sports Federation in 567b. The Turkish E-Sports Federation
was established in 567u upon the developments in the gaming
world and the increasing interest in them. In the sample I interviewed,
eight of the twenty-1ive people stated that they regularly play computer
or console games, while six people say that they occasionally play games
on various devices.
Z76, a chemical engineering student, said: Since we have to deal with
many things in our daily lives, games offer me an escape from them. I also
spend time with my friends, thanks to the games, I met new people and
make friends. In addition, I really learned English through games. I never
listened to English lessons, but I spent much time trying to understand the
games' story and trying to Digure out how to pass the levels.
At the same time, most of the young people who play games consume
game content, especially on platforms such as Twitch. Broadcasting
about the games or recording videos while playing games have become a
profession on its own these days. According to the Turkey Game Industry
5656 report, game broadcaster Ferit Karakaya has the most subscribers
on Twitch with 5.7d million subscribers. (Gaming Turkey, 5656) In addition,
according to the, We Are Social Report, the game Minecraft ranks
seventh among the most searched words on YouTube in 5656 in Turkey.
Z57, a molecular biology and genetics student, said: I watch game videos
on Youtube to get information about new games or to learn about the
story of the games. In fact, there is not much difference between researching
other things I am curious about them, so I watch game publishers.
Z77, a mining engineer student: According to the adults, it is ridiculous
to watch his/her broadcast while someone else is playing. However, it is not
like that, and I think I am the only one watching it for fun. It is a good conversation,
and it is also fun and informative. After all, it is like meeting a
group with the same interest in the same subject, because at the same time,
chatting with other people is also an interactive thing.
This generation in Turkey is constantly connected 5_/c, similar to
their peers in Western Europe and the United States. The majority of the
group I interviewed said that they prefer to keep their phones connected
to the Internet all the time. Seven people said that they stayed connected
even while they were sleeping and they watched and listened to something.
Z7c, a student at Economics department, said: Even when I go to bed
at night, I play something from NetDlix or Youtube. Sometimes I play podcasts.
That is how I sleep watching or listening to something. Sometimes
the things I start stay on open until morning. Sometimes I do it because
there is no time left for the things I want to watch or listen to during the
day, and sometimes I just turn on something while I sleep so that there is a
sound in the background.
Although they are constantly connected to the digital world, their views
on addiction differ from those of other generations. For this generation,
constantly looking at social media is not an indicator of addiction;
instead, the more they share, the more addicted they are.
Z5, an architecture student, said: We use social media more consciously
than older generations; at least, unlike the elderly, we do not believe
everything we see on Facebook like the elderly. They tell us that we are addicted
to social media and phones, but as I said, we are not; we are conscious.
I do not think I am addicted to social media, I spend much time on social
media, but I think this is normal. I do not share much on social media,
so I am not addicted.
Z5V, a medicine student: I think it is normal to follow social media
frequently because we follow the agenda, look at something, or research
something related to the lessons. I think those who constantly share something
are addicted, especially on Instagram. I do not live my life for social
media. Rather, I use social media for my life.
Smartphones and Internet have now become an integral part of our
lives. These have also affected the communication channels and forms.
While the previous generation, Generation Y, is characterized by short
messages as the primary form of communication, Generation Z is characterized
by online messaging applications. According to the data of the Ministry
of Transport and Infrastructure, the monthly average number of
messages, which was one hundred and 1ifty-four in 5676, increased to one
hundred and sixty-three in 567V; however, it has decreased gradually
since this date and decreased to an average of forty text messages per
month in 5656. Young people communicate with the same people through
more than one application at the same time. While talking on Whatsapp,
on the one hand, they communicate with each other by sharing posts on
Twitter and Instagram, and young people generally prefer visual communication
through memes, gifs, and videos.
Young people have a very mixed heterogeneous group of friends. According
to the study carried out by the Tü ses Foundation, the rate of
those who say that they have a homogeneous group of friends with whom
they agree on every issue is only four percent. (Lüküslü et al., 567u) lAs a
result of my interviews, all of the participants said that they do not have
signi1icant criteria for friendship and that they can be friends with anyone.
However, one of the situations that should be mentioned here is
that although young people say that they can be friends with anyone, they
have criteria that determine their friendship level with someone.
Z7d, an English teaching student, said: I have been friends with many
people until now; I do not have any criteria to be friends with someone.
However, I have certain limits, for example, I do not talk politics with my
friends who have different political views, but I do not become very close
friends with them, or; I do not become very close friends with the person
whom I do not trust.
ZV, a computer engineering student: I have no criteria for friendship; I
make friends with anyone. I like to share something with others, and I think
I can chat with anyone. However, of course, there are certain things that I
care about; according to these, I determine my level of friendship with others.
I want my close friends to defend me in my absence.
This generation pays attention primarily to the way of speaking and
tone of the people they have just met. Twelve of the interviewees stated
that they pay attention to the speaking style and tone of the people they
have just met. Eight participants stated that they paid attention to sincerity
1irst when they meet a new person.
Z7u, a civil engineering student: I pay attention to the way of speaking
and the style of someone I have just met; the way they express themselves
is more important than what they say. I also Dind such cliché questions absurd.
Older generations often ask questions such as ‘where are you from’
when we Dirst meet. Why does it matter? I do not think such things mean
anything to our generation.
When asked about the topics that young people usually talk about
with their friends, very different answers were given ranging from a romantic
relationship to sports. Even though young people respond on different
topics, such as economy and politics, it is striking that almost all of
this generational unit talk about the conditions the country is faced with.
§ R.K Family
Generation Z is the most urbanized generation of Turkey. Most of the
members belonging to this generation were born in cities. More importantly,
a signi1icant majority of them grew up in cities. According to TUIK
data, while the rate of the urban population in Turkey was e_.d percent
in 5666, this rate increased to d5.u percent in 567d. (Tü rkiye Ihstatistik Kurumu
(TUiIhK), 5657c)
This generation has generally grown up in small families. According
to TUIK data, Sixty-1ive percent of the total households in Turkey consist
of a single nuclear family. In addition, the household size, which was _ in
566u, decreased to b.b6 in 5656. (Türkiye Ihstatistik Kurumu (TUiIhK), 5657a)
The fertility rate, which was 5.bu in 5667, fell below two in 567d to 7.uu.
The generation to which the parents belong plays a decisive role in
the relations of this young generation with their families. For example, if
the parents of the Generation Z individual are members of Generation Y,
their parents adopt a more protective and intrusive parenting style is called
helicopter parenting towards the individual. On the other hand, if parents
of Generation Z members belong to Generation X, they give more
autonomy to their children, and they do not interfere in everything related
to their children’s lives; they are selective about the situations in
which they will intervene. Since the parents of the generational unit,
which forms the basis of our study, are members of Generation X, it can
be said that Generation Z members participating in our study grew up in
families that provided them with space and autonomy.
Friendship relations draw attention as one of the areas where autonomy
is given to Generation Z members by their parents. Fifteen of the
in-depth interviews stated that their parents never interfered in their
choice of friends, while three participants stated that their families did so
when they were in high school and middle school. Seven people stated
that their parents did not interfere in their choice of friends but gave
them advice and expressed their opinions about their prospective friends.
Z7d, an English teaching student, said: My family does not interfere
with my choice of friendships. In fact, they do not know most of my friends,
they only know my close friends, but my parents do not interfere, they trust
me in that regard. They have not said anything about any of my friends
until today. They only ask when I am staying with someone to get to know
them, but they have never said anything about making friends with that
Z7e, a veterinary medicine student: My family is not currently involved
in my friendship choice, but I would not allow them to interfere anyway.
However, when I Dirst started high school, they made attempts to interfere.
Fethiye is a small place, and everyone knows one another, so they heard
terrible things about someone I knew. Then they came and told me that
they did not want me to be friends with that person. I responded harshly to
this, and we had a Dight back then. After that, they never said anything like,
‘we do not want you to be friends with that person again’, but they usually
ask about my friends or tells their opinions about their acquaintances.
Youth stand out as a generation with a high desire to participate in
decision-making processes nowadays. They want to play a role not only
in matters related to themselves but also in the decision mechanisms in
general. (Ağırdır, 5656) Eighteen of the twenty-1ive participants in the
study state that they consult their families when they are about to make
an important decision in their lives. However, the remarkable point is
that all of the participants state that they research on the subject before
consulting someone else and that their own thoughts and research have
the most signi1icant in1luence on the subject they will decide on, regardless
of whom they consult.
Zu, a physical education teacher candidate, said: I listen to my feelings
and logic Dirst. Then I research the subject. We have a resource like the
Internet, and I do not ask anyone anything without using such an opportunity.
After doing my own research and forming speciDic ideas in my head, I
also consult with my family. Nevertheless, I would not do it just because someone
told me to do it that way; I think about everything last and decide
what I think is appropriate. In the end, I decide on my own, but my family
is also inDluential; of course, I ask their opinions because I value them, so if
I do not value their opinions, I would not ask anyway.
On the other hand, Generation Z members are also involved in the decision-
making processes of their families from an early age. Seventeen of
interviewers said that their parents ask them their opinions, and they
participated decision-making process in the family. In addition, 1ive participants
claim that their parents asked for their opinions while making
decisions on speci1ic issues in the family; however, these ideas are not
taken into consideration, and their parents do not give these ideas suf1icient
Zd, a medicine student, said: My family asks my opinion on almost
every subject and gives importance to my opinions. Even though I am the
youngest in the family, they consider what I say when a decision is made.
Z77, a mining engineering student: My family takes into account my views
when making decisions on speciDic issues, often even more so than mine
and my sisters, such as making vacation plans.
Z7V, an international trade student: Actually, they ask my opinion, but
what I say does not affect me much. They usually read what they know; they
just ask me. Of course, my opinion is essential, but if my father's opinion is
worth ]x, my opinion is usually worth x.
According to a study on the relationship between Generation Z and
their parents, being involved in decision-making processes and in1luencing
each other in Turkey, eighty-seven percent of young people state that
their family will not be affected by their voting preferences in an election.
Additionally, 1ifty-1ive percent of the respondents argue that they could
in1luence their parents' voting choices. In addition, eighty-eight percent
of youth think that their parents are ready to help them while making a
decision. (Erdoğan, 567c)
Generation Z, in general, emerges as a generation that grew up without
a role model. A great majority of participants imply that there is no
one whose traits and pleasant characteristics they would consider adopting.
Some participants claimed that they want to have particular features
of their parents.
Zb, who is an aircraft engineering student, said: My mother is a very
calm person, my father is a good manager due to his job (he is a shipmaster).
He knows how to manage. I would like to have my mother's calmness
and my father's ability to manage.
Since the desire to be identi1ied as an individual is one of the distinguishing
characteristics of Generation Z, the relationship they establish
with their families is based on a more democratic ground. According to
research, eighty-four percent of youth claimed that they could talk to
their parents about their problems. (Erdoğan, 567c)
While some of the participants in the study said that they did not tell
their families anything, some stated that they shared every detail of their
private life with their families. Some participants stated that they generally
told everything to their families without giving details. The remarkable
point is that regardless of how much they share with their families,
almost all of the interview participants stated that they could share
anything with their families if they wanted to.
Zd, is a medicine student, said: There is nothing I cannot tell my family
about, but in general, I do not tell certain things because I want to solve
some issues myself, but I can tell them anything from the status of my relationships
to lessons. There is no taboo subject between us.
Z7d, an English teaching student: There is nothing that I am afraid to
tell my family, that is to say, if I tell them about certain things, they may
react harshly, but we can get along by talking, there is no subject about
which we cannot talk. However, I do not prefer to tell, and I even think there
are some things that should not be told to one’s parents.
Z5, who is an architecture student: I share everything with my family;
I share all the details of my private life. I guess it is a habit from childhood,
but they never forced me to tell them what I did at school on that day,or
made me tell them who my boyfriend was. We have a healthy family communication
in which everyone tells everything to each other, I do not remember
how it was possible, but we always shared everything with one
another; I also share it with my family. Sometimes there were times when I
talked to my mother on the phone for three or four hours to tell the details
of what I had been through, and what I told did not have to be such vital
On the other hand, Generation Z stands out as the generation that has
the most generational con1lict with their parents in the history of Turkey
with their families. (Küçükşabanoğlu, 5657) One of the reasons for the increase
in generation con1lict between parents and children is the increasing
age gap between parents and children, which has increased the average
age of marriage and having children. According to TURKSTAT, the
average age at 1irst marriage, which was 5e for men in 5667, increased to
5c.d in 567d. Similarly, while the average age at 1irst marriage for women
was 55.c in 5667, it increased to 5V in 567d.
Moreover, this generation is the 1irst generation to have lower
expectations of prosperity than their families. For this reason, The economic
conditions experienced by this generation are one of the factors
that trigger the arguments they have with their families. Also, lower wealth
expectancy is one of the most prominent causes for increasing average
age of marriage among young people.
Young people complain that they cannot form a common language
with their parents. According to the youth, most of the disagreements
that the young people have with their families stem from the families not
understanding the youth. The issue that interviewees mainly focus on
about disagreements is their parents' inability to keep up with the times
in some issues.
Z5b, a political science student, said: The family is the place where one
feels safest and most secure, but sometimes it can be the source of many
pressures. Sometimes we are subject to certain impositions, and I feel like
there is an effort to impose their own experiences on us. However, they do
not understand that the world is changing, and they are still acting as if the
current conditions were the same as the ones in their times.
Z7, an economy student: Of course they want what is good for us, but
sometimes what they think is for our good turns out to be bad for us. What
seems normal to us is not normal to them.
Eighteen of the interviewees stated that they had disagreements with
their parents about their lifestyles. In addition, eight of the interviewees
stated that they had disagreements with their families on political issues,
while six people stated that they had discussions about responsibilities.
The majority of the participants state that they try to resolve their disagreements
with their families by talking. It is also noteworthy that the majority
of the participants stated that disagreements did not turn into
1ights but resulted in 1inding a middle ground.
Z56, who is a linguistics student: We have disagreements on many issues;
this is very normal. However, we communicate, when there is a disagreement,
everyone expresses themselves freely, and I try to express myself
too. Therefore, disagreements often do not turn into arguments.
Although Generation Z generally tries to solve their problems through
non-hierarchical communication, on the one hand, they try to reconcile
with their families in their relations with their parents; on the other hand,
they do things that their families do not want. All the participants in the
in-depth interviews state that they do things that their family does not
consent from time to time. The majority of the participants stated that
they were at the stage where they said they would do something without
asking their families for permission 1irst.
Z7b, who is an English teaching student: I generally exhibit behaviors
that make sense to me, sometimes even things that my parents do not want
me to do. At Dirst, I was upset when I was doing things my family did not
want me to do, but I never regretted it anyway, after all, my family trusts
me, and they know that I will not do anything dangerous or unreasonable,
even if I do things they do not want me to.
The process of transitioning to adulthood has become longer and
more complex nowadays. (IPC,5657) Thus, there was an increase in the
time that young people spent with their families. Moreover, Generation Z
is the 1irst generation in the world to have less income than their parents.
(Kuran,5656) Added to this, under conditions speci1ic to Turkey, the dependency
of young people on their families increases. According to the
Youth study conducted by SODEV, seventy percent of young people say
that it is not possible to establish a life independent of their families with
their current income. (SODEV, 5656) In addition, according to the study
conducted by the Istanpol research company, most young people are suffering
from 1inancial dif1iculties, and they think that their family is their
only source of 1inancial security. (IstanPol, 5656)
§ R.L Education
In this section, Turkish Generation Z's perspectives on the education
system, their expectations, and problems with education will be examined.
It is valuable to examine their views on education since almost all of
this generation is in the period of their lives when they are part of education.
The education system in Turkey has always been one of the issues
that has been discussed and criticized most. Although the investments
made in education are increasing and there are quantitative developments
in education, the opinion that the quality of education is far from
a satisfactory level is expected. According to the Ministry of Education
data, while the enrollment rate in pre-school education was 5e.eb percent
in the 5675/567b academic year, this rate increased to _7.cu percent in the
567d-5656 academic year. (MEB,5656) Although the increase seen in Turkey
seems remarkable, considering that the OECD average is close to d6
percent in pre-school enrollment rate, inadequacy becomes apparent.
(Şirin, 5656) While the budget allocated to education in Turkey was 55.V
billion Turkish Liras in 566e, this 1igure increased to bc.c billion Turkish
Liras in 5676 and 7e5.5 billion Turkish Liras in 5656.
In 567d, the primary school enrollment rate in Turkey was d7.d percent,
the secondary school enrollment rate is db.b%, the high school enrollment
rate is u_.5 percent, and the higher education enrollment rate is
__.7 percent. Although the enrollment rates at sub-university levels are
relatively high, in terms of the quality of education, Turkey is consistently
below the OECD average between 566b and 567u, according to the results
of the PISA exam. According to the 567u PISA exam results, the OECD average
in the 1ield of reading was _uc, while the average score of Turkey
remained at _ee. In addition, while the OECD average is _ud in the 1ield
of mathematics, the average in Turkey is _V_. In science, the OECD average
is _ud, while the average in Turkey is _eu. (OECD,567u)
According to the Higher Education Institution statistics, there are 7dV
universities in Turkey as of 5656. In the 5656-5657 academic year, 7 cu6
__u students enrolled in higher education, and the total number of
university students was determined as u 5_6 ddc. (YOK, 5656)
While talking about the attitudes and perceptions of the students participating
in the study, one of the most critical issues that should be noted
is the position of educators in the perception of students. Teaching has
always been regarded as a respected profession in society since the foundation
of the Republic. Moreover, teachers have been given special duties
in raising the new generations envisioned by the regime. For these reasons,
teachers came to the fore as 1igures who played a vital role in shaping
students' way of thinking. However, with the developments in the
world and in Turkey, there are speci1ic changes in teachers' perceptions.
Twelve of the students who participated in the interview stated that they
do not see their teachers as an authority. Eight participants stated that
teachers are authority, but they are not as in1luential on themselves as
they were on previous generations.
The most important reason for the change in the perception towards
teachers has been the spread, democratization, and accessibility of information.
In the interviews, most participants stated that they accessed lessons
on the subject they wanted from different teachers through different
platforms. With the widespread availability of information on this subject,
it is possible to deduce that Generation Z members expect different
things from their teachers than they did in the past.
Z7_, who is a mechanical engineering student, said: I do not listen to
lectures that do not interest me. Because after all, if I want, I can listen to it
on Youtube. The way the teacher explains the subject is essential now, I
think, because you can Dind many alternatives on the same subject on the
Internet. You can access the mechanical engineering courses of universities
such as Harvard and MIT for free, and there is such an opportunity. When
you write the topic title on the Internet, thousands of resources appear, so
I do not think anyone learns from their teachers anymore.
One of the common responses received when participants were asked
about their ideal teacher image was, they mostly stated that the teacher
must strive to understand students.
Ze, a teacher candidate, said; The teacher should try to understand the
other person, and we are all different; everyone should not be treated as
one type. Distinctive features need to be accepted and planned according
to these differences.
Moreover, the participants, especially those studying technical sciences,
state that their teachers should combine theory with practice and
that they should closely follow current developments in their 1ields.
ZV, who is a computer engineering student, said: The teacher should
guide the student. I can learn theoretical education by reading a book or
watching a video; the teacher should guide me on how to transfer this
theoretical knowledge to daily life or functional areas.
Z7u, who is a civil engineering student: The teacher should deDinitely
follow the developments in the Dield and refresh himself. Recently, one of our
teachers opened a presentation in a class; under the presentation, it says
PLIb. Nothing has changed since PLIb. Have you ever not felt the need to
change some things in your course? I really do not understand. The teacher
should deDinitely have a command of current issues, and discussions should
be able to answer when I ask a question on current issues and be competent
to express his/her opinion.
Almost all of the participants think that digital tools should be added
to the course in order to increase the ef1iciency of education and the interest
in the courses.
Z55, a Management student: In my opinion, taking exams is an old-fashioned
thing; games can be played instead, projects can be given instead.
For example, I am talking about my own Dield, there are simulation applications,
you have a company, and you control every operation of the company,
from accounting to purchasing, marketing or there is a stock market
application, again simulation; You can follow the analysis of your investments.
In my opinion, it is both more instructive and more productive to
spend more time in such applications rather than taking an exam by writing
the Dinancial statements of a company.
The most important thing that Generation Z members pay attention
to in their communication with their teachers is whether they are valued
as individuals or not, as in all areas of their lives. In communication with
their teachers, the tremendous demand voiced by the participants is to
be respected by the teachers and to have open communication.
Z7b, who is an English teaching student, said: The relationship between
student and teacher should be based on respect. No matter how old the other
person is, the teacher should accept and respect him/her as an individual.
Unfortunately, in our society, respect is generally expected to be onesided,
and we are constantly accused of being disrespectful by teachers
from time to time. For example, I came and asked you a question; why
would I ask a question if I do not respect you? Nevertheless, some teachers
interpret respect in terms of nonsense; It has called me disrespectful because
of the email I wrote. It seems very unreasonable to me to consider the
concept of respect over such nonsense. As I said, I ask you questions, and I
listen to what you say; I do not listen to people I do not respect. In addition,
teachers should also respect students and take into account students' criticism
of them.
Z5_, who is a philosophy student: I think the student should feel valued
in communication between the student and the teacher. It has to be an intimate
relationship. For example, when a teacher was explaining the
midterm exam results, he called everyone to his room one by one and explained
the exam results to everyone one by one. This is excellent
communication for me, and I feel valued because it also affected my motivation
towards the course.
Z7V, who is an international trade student: The teacher should have a
library shelf, a shelf that the student can access at any time, but there should
be no coercion, there should be no restrictions or commands such as
‘read this book here’,or ‘read this many pages’.
This generation continues their education at a time when the role of
education is being questioned. Despite being the generation with the highest
level of education and the longest remaining in education, it seems
that education has failed to realize its promises. Eighty percent of the
youth state that the education system cannot provide enough education
to prepare them for life. (Ağırdır, 5656) Young people state that education
should carry them somewhere, but it does not. According to SODEV research,
_6 percent of young people think that universities in Turkey do not
provide them with the necessary equipment to 1ind a job. (SODEV, 5656)
While eleven of the participants stated that the social opportunities
provided by the universities were insuf1icient, nineteen participants
mentioned social opportunities as one of the most important things that
universities should provide to individuals.
Z5b, a political science student: Many people come to the university
from different places, so university is a decisive area for self-discovery and
development. Meeting and chatting with different people is also directly related
to the social opportunities provided by the university. Therefore, the
university should deDinitely provide a wide range of social opportunities,
there should be clubs in many different Dields from sports to art, from career
to social issues, and many activities should be organized.
In addition, another common issue that university students complain
about is the technical facilities of universities. Accommodation is one
such facility that students demand from universities. According to the
Higher Education Institution statistics, the number of state-af1iliated dormitories
in Turkey was 7d6 in 5667-5665, while this number reached cdb
in 567d-5656. Considering Istanbul, which is the sample of this study, 5_
state-af1iliated dormitories served in 567d-5656. (YOK,5656) Even if the
dormitories and private dormitories owned by the universities are included
in this number, the accommodation capacity is well below the total
number of students.
Technical areas that the participants complain about can be classi1ied
as the inadequacy of cafeteria services, the lack of laboratory services,
insuf1iciency of classrooms. It would be appropriate to conclude that students
generally complain about 1ield and space congestion in their universities.
Students stated that facilities that will help their academic and
social lives should be accesible in universities.
Considering the problems of the education system, twelve of the participants
stated that the biggest problem of the education system is that
it is based on memorization and examination.
Z57, who is a Molecular Biology and Genetics student, said: I think the
biggest problem is that the education system is based on memorization,
and a single exam determines everything. It aims to make students learn
some information by rote for the exam, not to teach them meaningful
knowledge. There is also much competition; people cannot discover themselves
in this competitive system. For example, I played basketball for about
ten years, but I had to quit in the year of the university entrance exam. Actually,
my family told me not to quit, but when everyone around you gets
into the exam psychology, you have to do so as well. The exam process is a
period that psychologically exhausts young people.
Zd, a Medicine Faculty student: The biggest problem of the education
system is that it is based on exams, and this exam is not very relevant to the
lessons we were taught so far. The fact that there is too much competition
causes one type of person to grow up. No one can focus on their own interest,
and everyone has to study for the exam. In addition, the university
exam creates many inequalities. My family had the means to send me to
private courses and spend money on my education, but there are many people
who do not have such opportunities. I ranked well in the university
exam, got a good score, but it does not make much sense. It is not possible
to have healthy competition in an environment where there is such an
inequality of opportunity.
Six of the interviewees stated that they think the biggest problem of
the education system is inequality of opportunity. Apart from this, the
majority of the participants expressed the inequality of opportunity as a
serious problem while talking about the problems of the education system.
According to the study conducted by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality,
seventy-nine percent of the youth stated that they think that
there is no equality of opportunity in Turkey. (IBB,5657) Moreover, according
to a study by the British Council, 1ifty-six percent of respondents
think that networks are more important than education in personal success.
(British Council, 567c)
Z56, who is a linguistic student: Inequality of opportunity is a problem
that needs to be solved urgently. There are many people who do not have
access to adequate education, and people disappear in the current system.
That is why adding people to education is a big problem; people cannot be
part of education.
According to the participants, one of the fundamental problems of the
education system is the lack of quali1ied people in positions of authority.
While the participants criticized the quality of teachers in the education
system, they also criticized the decision-makers.
Z7d who is an English teaching student: Education is under the control
of politicians, not those who are competent in education, and the system is
constantly changing. Every time the minister changes, something is built
anew. There is no continuity in education.
Z7, an economy student: There is no order in education; everything is
insufDicient. No matter what job you want to do in this country, everyone
has to receive an education; thus, the skills of the educators must be very
high. However, in our society, it is easy to become a teacher. They also have
problems; of course, many teachers cannot be appointed; I do not say anything
about them, and I get angry with the system. Being a teacher in a country
must be a tricky thing; after all, you have the potential to affect the
lives of many people, but in our country, it is not; The minimum entrance
scores of the teaching departments are low, and the education they offer is
insufDicient. These situations also affect the total quality of education.
In this section, the relationship between Generation Z members and
education has been examined. Remarkably, the expectations of this generation
from teachers have changed with the democratization of
knowledge. Contrary to what older generations see, the teacher is not a
source of information but a guide in the new generation's eyes. In addition,
this generation expects to be considered as individuals when forming
relationships with their teachers. All of the participants have opinions
about the problems of the education system.
§ R.P Society
This part will analyze how the generational unit, which participated
in this study, express themselves, their thoughts about other older generations,
and their attitudes and behaviors toward society.
Participants in the interviews stated that they believe in generations
and twenty-two of interviewees said that they feel belongs to a generation.
One of the noteworthy points is that although young people think
that they are part of a generation, they have reservations about naming
their generation. Some of the interviewers believed that generation
names are designed to 1it them into stereotypes.
Z7V, an international trade student: I feel that I belong to a generation,
so when I look at my own age group, I see that we are different from the
elderly. Generational differences indeed do exist, but giving a name to this
generation is not something I prefer. I am against adjectives, labels; Naming
generations is like labeling them; thus, I do not like them.
One of the essential characteristics of this generation is freedom. According
to a study by SODEV, sixty-eight percent of young people think it
is crucial to be able to express their thoughts independently. In addition,
1ifty-two percent of youth stated that it is a necessity for others to express
their thoughts freely. (SODEV, 5656) Interviewers who participated in this
research argue that freedom and liberty are essential for them. Moreover,
Generation Z is a generation that has a high desire to be de1ined as individuals
regardless of their age, and this desire can be considered as interacting
with the importance given to this freedom.
This generational unit de1ined itself as unbiased and open-minded.
While nineteen of the participants stated that they were open-minded
when talking about the characteristics of their own generation, at the
same time, 1ifteen participants expressed that they were open-minded
while expressing their differences from previous generations. Furthermore,
this generation states that rational thinking ability and awareness
are one of the prominent de1ining features of their generation.
Z75, who is a Western language student: We follow the developments
in the world more, we see different lives, which allows us to be open-minded.
We also research; we do not blindly believe what we see. We can approach
things without prejudice.
All of the participants in the study have a fear of not being able to 1ind
a job in the future. One of the biggest concerns of this generation unit
about the future is the concerns about living conditions. According to
Turkstat data, 7u.5 percent of young people between the ages of 7u-5_ in
5656 think that the most important problem of the country is
unemployment. (Turkstat, 5657) According to a study conducted by the
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, eighty-six percent of young people
think it is challenging to 1ind a job in Turkey without an acquaintance.
(IBB, 5657) In addition, according to another study, seventy-seven percent
of teens think that even if one person is more talented, the people who
have friends in the right places can beat him/her and get a job. (MAK &
Yeditepe, 5656)
The situation in the country and the future concerns of young people
make this generation a hopeless generation. Turkish Generation Z emerges
as a generation with a much higher level of hopelessness than its European
and US counterparts. One of the things that young people's despair
is caused by is the desire of young people to make much money in a
short time. Seventy-seven percent of the people who deposited money in
Theodex, which made its name known as the crypto money market fraud
in Turkey in 5657, consisted of individuals under the age of thirty-four,
while half of those depositing money were individuals between the ages
of eighteen and twenty-four. In addition, according to the data of the Istanbul
Stock Exchange, the number of individuals between the ages of
twenty and thirty-four who invested in the stock market between 5656
and 5657 has increased approximately four times.
The economic situation in the country has led to an increase in the
unhappiness of the youth. According to Turkstat data, the rate of young
people who say they are happy has decreased from 1ifty-six percent in
567d to forty-seven percent in 5656. (Türkiye Ihstatistik Kurumu (TUiIhK),
5657c) Due to the conditions speci1ic to Turkey, a large part of this generation
wants to live abroad. According to the Istanpol research, the majority
of young people stated that they would like to live in other countries
with better working conditions and living standards when they have the
opportunity. (IstanPol, 5656) In addition, according to the study conducted
by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, seventy-six percent of the
youth stated that they would like to work abroad if possible. (IhBB, 5657)
It should be noted here that while the secondary plan of the previous
generations is to go abroad, staying in Turkey seems to be the secondary
plan for Generation Z.
All of the interviewees stated that they wanted to go abroad. In addition,
six people stated that they were afraid of not being able to go abroad
in the future and that the only thing that motivated them to do something
is to work to go abroad.
Zb, who is an aircraft engineering student, said: If you ask me to tell
you anything about the future, I call you despair. I used to be a person who
would never consider migrating to another country, but now I could go without
a backward glance if I have the opportunity. I cannot even predict the
next Dive years in Turkey. I have anxiety attacks.
Zc, a veterinary medicine student: Although there are motivating factors
for a few days, it turns into unhappiness in the long run. Bad things
happen all the time in the country, and I have no hope that it will get any
better. There is not much that motivates me about the future; working to
leave this country motivates me.
One of the most de1ining characteristics of this generation is their anger
towards the generations before them. The anger felt towards previous
generations and society shows itself in every 1ield, as well as in going
Z55, a Management student: Sometimes, some politicians or elders say
that young people should not go, stay here and make their country better;
these kinds of phrases do not seem to be realistic. Besides, I have no debt for
this country which has given me nothing. I get angry with statements that
tell me to stay and Dix the country. Those who made this country this way
expect something from us. That is ridiculous, and they owe us.
Generation Z is often accused of not being interested in politics by
adults. However, studies show that this is not the case, and this generation
is interested in politics. In addition, Turkish Generation Z is much
more interested in political issues compared to their peers in Europe and
the United States. While they stay away from corporate political discussions,
they are highly conscious of the problems of the country and the
world. Seventy percent of the youth in the country think that the current
political parties cannot solve the country's problems. (Ağırdır, 5656) One
of the main reasons why they are not interested in corporate politics is
that this generation does not feel that they are cared for by political leaders.
In addition, the political debates are the area where the anger felt
by the Z generation against the previous generations is expressed most.
Generation Z thinks that older generations should be held responsible for
the country's situations and blames them.
Zu, a physical education teacher, said: We are aware of everything, we
follow the world, we see what is happening in the country. We have to follow
the economy, even if we do not want to. I think we follow politics and talk
to our friends. However, political parties only see us as votes, and they do
not try to understand us; they do not know what we want.
Z55, a management student: Sometimes I cannot stand older people giving
advice. Generations before us are entirely responsible for the country's
current plight. Despite this, they tell us fairy tales like we do not know, and
it was like this in our time. They think that we should have difDiculties just
because they had difDiculties.
One of the results of this study is that Generation Z has experienced a
break with traditional concepts. The meanings of certain traditional concepts
to this generation are different from what they meant to previous
generations. Eighteen of the participants in the study said that age and
experience were not suf1icient criteria to respect someone. Twenty-one
of the participants in the study stated that they would not respect someone
just because they were older than them. For this generation, the 1irst
thing that comes to mind when talking about respect is respect for human
rights and the environment.
Zd, who is a medicine student: My grandfather is a bigoted person, but
I love him so much, maybe it's because we spent a lot of time in my childhood.
One day he gave me a Difteen-minute lesson on respect. He said sentences
like ‘you should pay attention to your clothes, and pay attention to
the way you sit in front of the elders and your behavior’. Three minutes after
our conversation, he makes hate speeches to someone. Now, this seems absurd
to me, so in my grandfather's eyes, I am acting disrespectfully, but he
sees himself in the right to say something about someone else's life. Very
strange indeed.
One of the crucial points to be noted is that Generation Z stands out
as the most conscious generation on gender and environmental issues.
During the study, when talking about these issues with the participants,
the vast majority of them stated that these issues are not something to
talk about or discuss and that everyone should have a high environmental
and gender sensitivity. Unlike the previous generations, because they
grew up amid the climate crisis, this generation unit is very sensitive
about the environment, and taking steps to solve the climate crisis is
among their demands of top priority. In addition, the perspectives of previous
generations on environmental issues and gender issues are among
the subjects they 1ind very strange. Many Generation Z students in Turkey,
in1luenced by climate activist Greta Thunberg, initiated actions against
the climate crisis, and many Generation Z members participated in
the actions called Friday's for Future.
Z75, a student of Western languages and literature: There was a banner;
I can't believe I still have to protest this shit. In other words, the disasters
we have experienced are apparent, and steps must be taken immediately.
In addition, one of the most strange points is how come people have
done nothing about this issue until today? I really do not understand why
some people do not care about the environment. I think this is an internal
thing in our generation, and it is not something to be discussed. Everyone
cares about environmental issues, and this is a fact; there is nothing to think
As a remarkable point to be noted, when the participants were asked
about society's biggest problem in the interviews, some of the participants
stated that some features differentiated them from previous generations,
and also they considered the absence of these features as the biggest
problem of the society. For example, while describing her generation,
Zc stated that they are more understanding than previous generations,
and when asked about society's biggest problem, she also stated that the
biggest problem of society is lack of understanding. Similarly, while Z7b
said that one of the de1ining characteristics of the generation she belongs
to is that they listen to different ideas and have an open mind, she said
that the biggest problem of the society is that people do not listen to different
opinions and that everyone thinks what they know is right.
When the answers are evaluated given by the participants to the
question asking what the biggest problem of the society is, the answers
that stand out are ignorance, lack of research, and intolerance.
enerations have always been a useful concept in order to explain social
transformations in societies. The concept of generation is
widely used in daily life to explain the differences between the elder and
the youth or to explain the transformations in society. Generations are
affected by the social transformations and historical events they experienced,
and they also have the power to trigger social transformations.
This thesis attempts to analyze new patterns and behaviors embraced
by Turkish Generation Z members with the help of in-depth interviews
and a review of generation literature. This thesis tries to how Generation
Z members de1ine themselves and their attitudes and behaviors
on issues such as education, family, and socialization. In addition, with
the help of international literature, the attitudes and behaviors of Generation
Z members in the Western world are examined, and the common
and different attitudes and behaviors of Generation Z members in Turkey
with their Western peers were tried to be revealed. Thus, although there
are common features between generations, it has been revealed that the
locations of the generations in which they are born and live are one of the
determining factors in the formation of the characters and behaviors of
the generations.
This thesis has tried to explain the essential characteristics and behavior
patterns of the generations that emerged before Generation Z in Turkey.
The effects of Turkey's unique conditions and historical events on the formation
of generations and their character development have been examined.
Thus, the similarities and differences between Generation Z members
and previous generations are analyzed.
This case study is based on in-depth interviews with twenty-1ive
Generation Z members born in 5666 and later studying at a university in
Istanbul. First of all, the size of the thesis sample in this case study and
the relative homogeneity of the sample in terms of education level and
habitat make it dif1icult to draw 1irm conclusions and make large generalizations
about Generation Z. However, some analyzes that emerged as a
result of the interviews conducted in this thesis should be mentioned in
order to give an idea to the studies to be conducted with larger samples.
One of the essential points to be mentioned is that the members of
Generation Z want to be de1ined as individuals in all areas of social life,
regardless of their age and social status. This generation can be considered
as the 1irst digitally native generation of Turkey. The idea of being an
individual is an indispensable part of their character starting from their
childhood, thanks to the digital world. For this reason, Generation Z
members demand respect from their teachers and parents. Moreover,
they want to participate in decision-making processes in every 1ield. In
addition, they also want to be involved in the construction processes of
decision-making mechanisms. They demand to participate in more democratic
relations in education life as well as family life.
The second 1inding that is noteworthy is that freedom is essential
for Generation Z members. Generation Z members have been freely
expressing their opinions on social media since their childhood. While
the members of Generation Z describe themselves as open-minded, they
consider it very important for others to express their opinions freely. For
Generation Z members living in Turkey, previous generations’ restricting
their freedom, interfering with their lifestyles, and criticizing their lifestyles
are considered intolerable behaviors.
Another aspect of Generation Z members is that they are angry with the
generations before them. They blame previous generations for being responsible
for the economic, political, and social situation in Turkey.
Moreover, Generation Z members think that older people do not understand
youth, and they do not endeavor to learn youth perceptions. This
generational unit is more engaged in political life than its Western counterpart—
the Twitter usage rate of Turkish Generation Z members is considerably
higher than their Western Generation Z counterparts. They
describe themselves as hopeless and pessimistic as a result of Turkish
political and economic conditions. Members of Generation Y, which is the
generation preceding Generation Z, also describe themselves as hopeless;
however, the difference between Generation Z and Y is that Generation
Z members' sense of belonging towards a country is noteworthily
lower than previous generations' sense of belonging towards Turkey. Generation
Z members state that they would prefer a life abroad if they had
the opportunity. They have lost their hope that the country's problems
will be resolved.
Participants of this case study consider themselves as a member of a generation.
They primarily de1ined their generations as conscious, openminded,
and investigators. At the same time, the participants pointed out
that society's biggest problem is unconsciousness, not being open-minded,
and not researching. It can be said that parents and teachers, who
were strongly regarded as authority 1igures by previous generations,
were not obviously accepted as an authority by Generation Z. The reason
for this is the extreme expansion of the digital world, along with the universalization,
democratization, and accessibility of information.
Generation Z members are now starting to reach the life stage that will
affect the social life of Turkey. For this reason, it is aimed that this thesis
will be an introductory study in terms of trying to understand Generation
Z, which has the potential to shape Turkey's social, economic, and political
As a result, this thesis highlighted the attitudes of Turkish Generation Z
members and emphasized the importance of generational studies within
the scope of social sciences. In addition, with the help of this thesis, the
attitudes of the Turkish Generation Z towards family, education, and socialization
have been revealed. In light of these thesis points and the
literature review, I believe that it paves the way for further research on
social sciences about Generation Z.
Appendix A Participants
Participant Birth Year Sex University Departmant
Z7 8997 Male Istanbul
Z8 8997 Female Istanbul
ZD 8997 Female Istanbul
ZF 8998 Female Marmara
ZG 8997 Female Yıldız
ZL 8998 Male Marmara
Science Teacher
ZM 8998 Female Istanbul
ZO 8998 Male Marmara
Physical education
ZP 8997 Female Istanbul
Z79 8999 Male Istanbul
Z77 8999 Male Istanbul
Mining Engineering
Z78 8997 Female Boğaziçi
Western Languages
and Literature
Z7D 8998 Female Boğaziçi
English Teacher
Z7F 8997 Male Yıldız
Z7G 8999 Male Boğaziçi
International Trade
Z7L 8997 Female Istanbul
Z7M 8998 Female Galatasaray
Z7O 8997 Male Istanbul
Civil Engineering
Z7P 8999 Female Boğaziçi
English Teacher
Z89 8998 Male Boğaziçi
Z87 8998 Male Yıldız
Molecular biology and
Z88 8999 Female Galatasaray
Z8D 8998 Male Galatasaray
Political Science
Z8F 8997 Male Galatasaray
Z8G 8997 Female Istanbul
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